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Thursday, 02 May 2024 02:39

My Top Ten: Trees!

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Spring is in full bloom, and the trees are no exception. Bright new buds are blossoming, and the treetops are filling out again. I'm really enjoying all the different seasonal colors, from light pink to neon yellow and more. 

Whether we climb them, build with them, eat from them, burn them, use them for shade, or simply just breathe the fresh air they provide; trees are a huge part of all our lives. So, let's take a moment to appreciate them here with my top ten trees! 

10. Blue Spruce

9. Apple

8. Weeping Willow

7. Dogwood

6. Buckeye

5. Japanese Maple

4. Ironwood

3. Cherry

2. Giant Sequoia

1. Birch

Side note: Aren't Bonsai trees the coolest? I think so. Apparently you can use the technique on most any type of tree or shrub with the proper methods, but I've heard it's not easy. I'd like to have one, but and I'm worried it wouldn't survive under my care and they're typically not cheap to come by. To get one established myself from a seedling- that's even tougher, I'm sure. 

Every Thursday, you'll find a new top ten list here as my blog for the WQMX website. They're usually my favorite to do, and the best part is when I get your feedback! I love hearing how my favorites compare to yours when it comes to these various topics, and if you've ever got an idea for a future list, I'm always open to suggestions. 

Till next time! 

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