Scott Wynn

staff tim homeScott Wynn is a Northeast Ohio native and a 42-year morning show host, coming to WQMX 19 years ago. Scott is a 3-time National Award Winning Radio Personality, including a CMA (Country Music Association) in 1997, and a CRB (Country Radio Broadcasters) in 2013. In addition, he is 18-time National Award Radio Nominee. Scott
has a long and consistent great ratings history, and a terrific track record of hosting very successful morning shows around the country.

Scott also has a great record of success for national and local on-air endorsements, fueled by a strong passion for radio, and a deep commitment to clients. Also embracing a deep connection to country music, and station listeners, and events understanding that is where all great shows and stations begin. Scott is a fixture at Blossom Music Center serving as a stage emcee at Major Country concerts. Scott is also an avid station blogger, writing extensively for the very successful WQMX Website (

Friday, 13 December 2019 01:21


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Jumanji: The Next Level Is this number 2 or number 3?  Well the answer is..both.  It is the third Jumanji movie, as they do reference the first one in the second one, but this is the second one with the new cast.  The sequel was simply great, and I am hoping they are not out of that magic for this one.     The sequel was adapted brilliantly and made you feel like you were…
Wednesday, 11 December 2019 01:47

DOGS - Gettin' A Groom

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I have owned two Huskies.  The late Kona, and the very much alive, Juneau.  As great as these dogs are, I have to ask one question.  Where the heck does all this hair come from? I mean, this is us on the way to get a haircut! You have to put the car in like a haz-mat suit to even get the dog to the people that will attempt to shed some of this shedding! …
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 01:18


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It's been a couple of days since we wrapped up the WQMX Tree Of Lights, and I took a couple of days to digest the enormity of it all.  Every year we raise money for local and worthwhile organizations, and this year we began with a new benefactor, NEOPAT, The Northeast Ohio Foundation for Patriotism.  These are good people.  Fun Pic of Ken, Me, Sarah and some GREAT Guardsmen Our area has been greatly impacted…
Monday, 09 December 2019 05:28

TODAY - Do We Need This?

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Today, for some reason is National Llama Day. Do we need this?  Do llamas really need a day? Asking for a friend.  I mean, who owns a real llama?   Stuffed llamas don't last long around our happy house.  All three dogs seem to love them, and well, you can see the carnage. The Beautiful Windy keeps making Target runs to get new ones, and MIddy, Luna, and Juneau keep tearing them up.   Long…
Thursday, 05 December 2019 01:23

LOCAL - Wild Lights - Akron Zoo!

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Wild Lights at the Akron Zoo!  Is another great gift idea this year for Christmas!  Or maybe a zoo membership!  If you have little kids especially An Akron Zoo membership is a GREAT idea. Click here for all the info you need for the Akron Zoo! We go every year!      
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 01:49

LOCAL - Christmas Present? - Perfect!

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Here's a very good idea if you are looking for a great Christmas gift for somene that's hard to buy for. Over the last few weeks, I have been lucky enough to go to Playhouse Square downtown Cleveland for a couple of different shows, in a couple of different theaters.  How lucky are we to have that amazing place.  Windy and I saw Trisha Yearwood and then over the weekend we saw the Cleveland Pops…
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 01:52

Browns - Walking Through Fire

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I took a day after that horrible Browns loss in Pittsburgh to fully digest what I had just seen. An insanely depleted Steelers team whipped up on a fairly healthy Browns team in a game the Browns, and Steelers had to have. The Steelers just wanted it more. (Duck Hodges!!!)  This Browns team is so incredibly disappointing, it's hard to know where to begin.  So I'll begin where you should - at the beginning. I…
Tuesday, 26 November 2019 01:44

Thanksgiving Week - 2 - Dinners With Don And Terri

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This week I'm sharing Thanksgiving memories with you, and at the same time wanting to give thanks to many during a week that is set up to do so.  I spent 21 Thanksgivings away from Northeast Ohio.  But when I came back home, I learned how much I missed holidays away from my hometown.  Spending some Thanksgivings with my friend Don,his wife Terri and his family reminded me of such.  I've been friends with Don…
Monday, 25 November 2019 01:12

Thanksgiving Week - 1 - Dinner At Moonglow

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This week I am sharing some Thanksgiving memories with you, and at the same time wanting to give thanks to so many during a week that is set up to do so.  I spent 21 Thanksgivings away from my home here in Northeast Ohio.  I was on a 21 year professionaI radio job road trip tour, and I spent it with various friends and people. Some I still see, and some I have not in…
Wednesday, 27 November 2019 01:59

Thanksgiving Week - 3 - Dinner At Ray's

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This week I am sharing some Thanksgiving memories with you, and at the same time wanting to give thanks to so many during a week that is set up to do so.  I spent 21 Thanksgivings away from my home here in Northeast Ohio.  I was on a 21 year professionaI radio job road trip tour, and I spent it with various friends and people. Some I still see, and some I have not in…
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