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Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:07

Relationships Rebound: A Good Thing?

The first piece of advice everyone loves to spew right after you break up with your boyfriend is ... Don't jump right into a new relationship. But it's time to stop listening to all that unsolicited advice, because it turns out that rebound relationship might be the best thing you can do for yourself!

A recent study found that people who start a new relationship within seven months of a breakup are much happier than people who stay single. Yep, moving on is the best medicine. The study, surveyed 200 people about their current relationships and future relationships and none of the people who moved on quickly were suffering any ill effects from their decision. As a matter of fact, they had overall better well being than the participants who chose to follow that old school advice and stay single for a while.

So, why does rebounding work so well to heal that broken heart? Researchers claim a new flame will boost your confidence and make you feel desirable and wanted again. Not only that, but it is a great way to distract yourself from the hurt feelings and mourning of a lost love. So, next time you get your heart broken, the best medicine isn't a pint of Ben & Jerry's  – the real way to heal is by getting your flirt on

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