Joe Headley

Joe Headley

Monday, 18 March 2024 03:31

A Wonderful Weekend

These past couple of days have been a whole lot of fun. Friday, I sold my brother's old junky car, and later on, my fiancée and I had a night in. We ordered some 'za, did a few things around the house, and settled down for the night with a movie. It was a great time! I love spending time with Mackenzie, and I was lucky enough to get to do so again through most of the day on Sunday. Before delving into our St. Patrick's day festivities, though, let me touch on Saturday. 

Saturday was AMAZING! It was a blast at our 4th Annual WQMX Red, White, and Bowl charity event in support of NEOPAT. Balls were bowled, money was raised, and fun was had all-around. The VIP acoustic performance from Ryan Larkins was so awesome. He's quite the musician; from his guitar playing to his vocals, he hit the mark. Ryan was easy to talk to and it was so cool for him to socialize with all of us and let me pick his brain about songwriting and such. His faith, family, and career are what drives him, and you can really tell he's got a genuine passion for making country music. If I wasn't a fan of his before, I sure am now! 

After all that fun Saturday afternoon, I stopped by my buddy's place to have him help me take a look at my 4x4 system in the Blazer. I could write a whole blog raging at General Motors for how terrible every part that goes into locking my front end is, but I'll spare you that one. I need some new parts....

Saturday night was for the boys. My friends and I socialized at my place for a couple hours, doing nothing in particular. We just hung out; you know? It's always fun catching up, but we didn't have much of a late night. 

Wrapping back around to Sunday, it was a fun day (literally). Mackenzie and I caught up with Sarah Kay at the Dusty Armadillo for their special St. Paddy's Sunday Fun Day. There were a lot of people there wearing green and smiles. It was popping! 

Afterwards, we met up with Mackenzie's friends at Quarter Up, that bar/arcade place in the Falls. It's never a bad time there, too. I annihilated a mac and cheese hot dog, enjoyed some suds, and fed those arcade machines a financially irresponsible number of quarters. 

A gnarly headache appeared and cut the rest of the day Sunday short for me, and it was homeward bound for a nap from there. That nap was ultimately harmful however, as I just couldn't get to sleep in the evening before my shift here. I'll be rubbing my eyes through the overnight, but we'll make it till dawn as always. 

I'll tell you what, I am drained! My social battery needs some recharge and I certainly need some Z's. With nothing worthwhile to do outside in this yucky cold, it's the perfect type of day to enjoy some TV shows and rest up. So, that's exactly what I'll do here for this Monday. 

I sure hope you had a fun and safe holiday weekend too! Be sure to check out our socials for pictures of all the great stuff that went down weekending with WQMX. 

Friday, 15 March 2024 02:59

That Place of Market...

Let's begin with some context. 

A week or two ago, my brother was driving his junky car. He was on his way back from helping me out with a ride when another vehicle pulled out in front of him and nearly caused an accident. Driving defensively, he slammed on the brakes! Well... the front wheels stopped before the rest of the car. By that, I mean that the subframe crunched itself out from how rusty it was, and the car had a Lightning McQueen "Ka-chow" moment. 

With front tires trying to go two different directions, he was able to fight the steering and bring the car back to home base. Thankfully, he wasn't far. That Cobalt's down bad and it is just something beyond what we care to fix. There is still a lot of good left to that car though, especially in the wheels and tires, the interior, the battery, and the motor. Because of that, I didn't immediately want to have it hauled off for scrap. Those tires aren't yet a year old, and it doesn't even have a check engine light, you know? Heck, it's got an almost full tank of gas! 

So, what to do with the old jalopy? We called some scrap yards for comparison, and one actually made a really fair offer. From there, the ball was in my court. The deal was made that I could keep whatever I could get out of it above scrap price if I took on the task of selling it myself. As much as I'd like to do some shenanigans with it in the woods, I thought this wasn't a bad gig, so I went ahead and posted it. 

I thought maybe there would be that one guy out there who (for no good reason) is super into Cobalts. That, or maybe there's some hustler who'd strip anything worthwhile off the vehicle before bringing it to be crushed. You do you! Never did I think I'd have upwards of fifty people pounding at my door with all sorts of offers. Instead of becoming irritated with all the Silly-Willys offering me half of what the salvage place did, I just laugh. You can't let them get to you. It really is a hot mess on the web though, with stupidity in all different flavors finding its way to me. 

Here's some notables- One person asked if I could bring the car to them in Toledo.... huh? Another fellow asked if it would make it up to Cleveland. Big Dog, I wouldn't have trusted it to make that trip before it broke and I wouldn't even bring it up the street if avoidable at this point. I said that straight up in the listing, too. Aside from those, there were a few offers so low I'd rather watch the vehicle rot away in the back yard than give it up to them. Whatever energy I pick up on, I'll reciprocate. You hit me with the automatic "Is this available" message and I'll come right back with a good ol' thumbs up emoji, for example. 

On the other hand, there's a select few people who just get it. The individual who I've made arrangements with was to the point and fair with his offer. He threw out a number that worked for me and asked when he could come pick it up with his car hauler. Perfect!

So, hopefully that all works out. For the little effort I've put in, if I make one hundred bucks or so, that's cool by me. It's definitely annoying, but I'm the guy to come to when it comes to these sort of interactions. From the powersports I've bought to the cars I've sold, this is far from my first rodeo. Regardless, at the very least, this provided the motivation for my brother to buy a new car and he seems to love it. I'm stoked for him, and we are so ready to get that old pile of rust out of the driveway. 

Sayonara, Loretta the Cobalt, and good riddance! 

Thursday, 14 March 2024 02:53

My Top Ten: Flowers

Welp, we have just about made it through another Ohio winter. Woohoo! 

Since spring is just a few days away, now is a good time to talk about flowers. If you don't like flowers, you're probably one of those people who hates dogs and ice cream and pizza too, right? 

Seriously, though, flowers bring us joy. Whether they're in a bouquet, a garden, a field, or even growing through cracks in concrete; we love to see them. And unless you suffer from seasonal allergies, we love to smell them too! If there's any sort of special occasion in life, flowers are usually there. Whether it's a school dance, Valentine's day, a congratulations, or a funeral; flowers are pretty much universally appropriate. 

Just this week, I've seen a few flowers popping up around my property. That, to me, is a strong indicator that this warmer weather is here to stay. Maybe it won't be seventy degrees, but I think we're just about done with the freezing. -Now that I've written this, feel free to blame the upcoming blizzard on yours truly! 

Let's get into the meat and potatoes here with this list of my top ten flowers. 

10. Iris

9. Marigold

8. Daisy

7. Daffodil

6. Lavendar

5. Rose

4. Tulip

3. Dandelion

2. Sunflower

1. Lilac

So, what do you think? How do my favorites compare to yours? I'd love for you to tell me about it on the WQMX Studio Line! If you're a night owl, you can call in to reach me live from midnight until 5 AM. Otherwise, drop a text on our line (sponsored by Toth Buick GMC) at 330-370-2000 any time, and I'll be sure to see it! 

P.S. Have you seen the new music video for Lainey Wilson's Wildflowers and Wild Horses? If not, you can check that out below. 

Wednesday, 13 March 2024 01:14

An Important Reminder

With summer around the corner, this is really important...

Please, look out for Motorcycles.

Put your phone down and keep alert as you drive. Please don't be the reason someone doesn't make it home to see their family.

Look twice, save a life.

These aren't just catchy mottos. They're a plead from those who know what happens otherwise. I don't keep a LOFM magnet on my car because it looks cool. I do it because I ride. My father rides. My friends ride. I'd bet someone you know and love does too.

So, please, look out for motorcycles.

Tuesday, 12 March 2024 01:09

The Return of The Blazer

It's back! After a long couple of weeks without the old thing, my Blazer has found its way back home. I'm elated. 

With that, here's some songs that remind me of my vehicle for various reasons. 






Monday, 11 March 2024 01:05

Back to Bass Again

It's been a good while since I've practiced playing any instrument, so over the weekend, I decided to pick up old faithful: my bass guitar. It's like riding a bicycle! 

I've started plucking strings again because my friends hit me up to learn some songs. We've got guitars, bass, drums, and vocals; so, the potential is there for something cool to come about. The main objective is to just have a good time and jam, but if we end up sounding alright, maybe some recording will find its way to the internet. We're by no means a band, just some dudes coming together to play music! 

Making music makes memories, and whenever I get the chance to come together with friends to do so, it's always a great time. I can't wait for it next. First, though, I need to keep practicing. Gotta get back to it- till next time, thanks for reading! 

Friday, 08 March 2024 04:20

The New Dodge Charger

Information on the all-new Dodge Charger keeps trickling in, especially within these past few days, and a blog from me on this hot new ride is long overdue. Where do I even begin? 

First, let's talk about just how different it looks from its predecessor. The biggest change has me jumping for joy: there is once again a two-door Charger! That makes me so happy, as myself and others felt the reintroduction of the Charger in the mid-2000's as a sedan was a betrayal to its legendary roots. (It was almost as sinful as calling that FWD L-Body from the 80's a Charger!) There will still be a four-door variant of the Charger come 2025, but the coupe came with the cost of the Challenger nameplate retiring after this year. 

Design on these new Chargers is a departure from the past and a stride towards the future for Dodge. The cars give off a sense of familiarity, yet they're unlike anything we've seen from Stellantis thus far. They're some sleek looking rides, with futuristic styling inside and out that doesn't disregard the company's heritage.  You can tell its Mopar, especially from the windows upward, but the changes aren't subtle. 

Beyond aesthetics, there's a whole lot I could fill you in on with regards as to why this new Charger platform is so exciting. What's probably the biggest thing is that there is no longer a V8 offering. As blasphemous as that may be for some, what's offered instead is in fact a replacement for displacement. With a battery instead of a gas tank, the Charger Daytona is what's being described as the first muscle EV. It's something else!

You can either go with that, or opt for an Inline-6 powerplant to continue making trips to the pump and to keep that rumble beneath the hood. The ICE will be dubbed the Charger Six Pack, and those aren't expected to hit dealerships until 2025. The Daytona coupe should be the first variant of these cars to arrive to consumers. Both drivetrain options put out some massive numbers, but the EV is unparalleled with up to 670hp available out the gate. 

All that power is put to the ground via AWD, and that's the only way they'll be making any Charger going forward. Pair that grip advantage with advanced launch control, and these muscle cars are going to be borderline impossible to beat off the line at the stoplight, or even at the dragstrip. The temporary top-of-the-line Daytona Scat Pack is reported to have a quarter mile time of 11.5 seconds with a 0-60 in 3.3. That's blazing fast for a production vehicle, and apparently it's only the beginning for Dodge's journey into electrification. 

On that note, Dodge has attached a symbol to this new era they're entering, and I couldn't neglect to bring it up here. To denote a new chapter in muscle, they've revived what is known as the Fratzog. The Fratzog could be found on various Dodges in the 60's, such as my all-time favorite car, the 1967 Charger. It's something like an equilateral triangle with inward-curving lines, and you'll often see it depicted in red. I don't believe it is much more than a cool logo with no deep meaning, but I dig the nod to the cars of yesteryear. 

That's really what it's all about for new Dodge; changing to keep up with the future while remaining true to themselves and maintaining their fanbase. I'm glad they had the courage to push forward into the uncertain instead of sticking with the past out of principle. There might be a little hesitation initially on the part of the consumer with just how different these cars are compared to their predecessors, but I think that will fade quick when they hit the streets. The proof is in the pudding, as we'll discover, and my expectations are huge. 

I hate to admit it, but when it comes to EV's; if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! I still consider driving one to be crossing over to the dark side, and I'd go with the Six Pack myself, but you can't argue with performance. 

Anyhow, as much as I'd like to tell you all about the Fratzonic "exhaust" the Daytona is set to have or give you specifics on the battery range or tire size, I think I'll finish off this blog here. If you would like to know more about the all-new Dodge Charger, check out these links below! 

Thursday, 07 March 2024 02:18

My Top Ten: Scents

It's now March, and we are closing in on springtime. The changing seasons bring us a variety of fresh, reinvigorating smells. 

That's the inspiration for this week's Top Ten blog; I've been enjoying these temperate days spending my time outdoors. Between the rain showers and warm atmosphere, my senses have been flooded with freshness and life. Soon enough, we'll add budding flowers, BBQ, smoky bonfires, fresh mulch, and mowed grass to the aromas we encounter. Those days can't come soon enough, and there's nothing quite like them. 

We do our best to encapsulate the feelings these natural aromas give us in things like wax candles and incense, and I enjoy burning both. I also enjoy artificial colognes and perfumes, I love hanging air-fresheners, and I don't even mind most of the sprays. In whatever form, heres my Top Ten Scents!

10. Fresh Brewed Coffee

9. Lavender

8. Vanilla

7. Leather

6. Cooked Meat

5. Classic Car Interior 

4. Orange

3. 2-Stroke

2. Lemon

1. Citronella

So, how about you? What's your favorite aroma?

Thanks for giving this a read, and for giving 94.9 WQMX a listen. Now, go stop and smell the roses! 


Wednesday, 06 March 2024 02:06

Dude, Where's My Car?

I'm getting close to a month without my Blazer, and I sure do miss the old thing. It's been in the shop for a broken clutch pedal, and apparently that's some obscure part specific only to the manual Blazers, of which there were far fewer than the automatics. Initially, they attempted to use the parts off an S-10 truck pedal to make the repair, and that didn't last me even a full day. Thankfully, I managed to float gears back to the place, and it's just been in limbo there since.

First, they told me last Wednesday, then it was Monday, and now it's apparently not going to be ready for pickup until the end of this week at the soonest. Ugh! Allegedly, we're waiting on the proper part to ship in from Ebay. I can understand. 

I'm doing my best to practice patience, but this is testing me. There's nothing I can do, however, aside from hoping. Really, I just hope that they're fair with me on the price. I already paid for the job once and I won't mind covering the cost for the right part, but I don't think I should have to pay labor twice. I don't even think I got ten miles out of it before it failed again.... We'll see how that all shakes out.

I'm so very grateful for my mother and her allowing me to use her Silverado. Without the truck I'd be forced to whip the El Camino around, and my Eleanor is not exactly daily driver material, ideally. I still stand behind my purchase of the Blazer and I genuinely think it's a good vehicle; some things just wear out over time and when they do, I'll fix them. The body and frame are in phenomenal shape, the motor runs good, and it's paid for; so it'll all be alright. I'm just ironing out some wrinkles right now! For what I have into it, I really can't lose.

Between my classic, the motorcycle, my mom's truck, and the fiancée's car; I'll always have alternativesfor transportation. With or without a backup, though, I'd stick with the Blazer. I believe in it, and I have zero intentions or desire to get something else. I just want it back!! 

Tuesday, 05 March 2024 02:18


Some of my favorite movies from back when I was a kid are Garfield The Movie and Garfield A Tale of Two Kitties. For what they are, they're genuinely decent flicks, and I've always felt they are way underrated. Bill Murray as the voice of a fat orange CGI cat could not be more perfect, and the humor and charm of those movies still hold up today. The silly misadventures of Garfield and Odie bring a smile to my face, and the movies appropriately maintain the spirit of the comics with fun twists and turns along the way. If you're looking for something family friendly to watch that both parents and children alike can enjoy, I'd certainly recommend either Garfield.

Now in 2024, we're apparently getting a new Garfield movie and I'm stoked for it. It's called The Garfield Movie and it's set to hit theatres exclusively come Memorial Day weekend. Chris Pratt is the new voice of Garfield, and that works for me. He fits the part, it seems. Also in the movie is the voice of Samuel L. Jackson, and even Snoop Dogg has a small part! I predict this film will either be wildly successful or it will fail miserably, but I'm hopeful it will be just as cool as the live-action films. That's the big difference here, though, as this new one is animated.

Check out the newly released trailer for The Garfield Movie here, below!

And, in case you've never seen them, here's these.
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