Joe Headley

Joe Headley

Monday, 04 December 2023 04:11

Rest Easy, Spikey

This past Friday morning, I got the gut-wrenching news that the good-est boy ever, my childhood pup at my dad's house, Spike, had passed away. He died peacefully around midnight on Thursday, accompanied by my father and his "sister," Moosey.

Spikey, also known as Ralph or whatever other random name we wanted to call him in the moment, was born half Miniature Pinscher and half Chihuahua. His little stature contradicted so perfectly with his big dog mentally, as he would bark at everything and act like he was a real tough guy despite his ability to fit in a medium-sized purse. Spike was brought up around my all-time favorite canine, Molly, our white German Shepard. When she went to go live on that farm up in the sky, Spike needed another companion; and that's where the Moose came in.

Spikey was always a momma's boy to our dearly departed Sandy, my father's long-term spouse, and he had such a zest for life even in his elder years! I could go on and on about the memories made with that little pup by our side, but my favorite times were whenever we would all go fishing together. He loved going on car rides to anywhere, and I hope one day to have my own dog like him in that and so many other ways. He was a buddy to everybody once he got to know them, and every person who met Spike surely felt the same.

Ralph lived to the old age of 18 or 19, depending on who you ask, and had a good life showered in affection. I would always joke with my dad that I was coming down to his place not to visit with him, but with the dogs. The day prior to Spike's last, my father told me he was nearing the end, and I can't help but feel guilty for not having gone to say my goodbyes. I thought that maybe if I didn't acknowledge it maybe he'd just bounce back like he has before. Truth be told, he's been on his deathbed for years now, or at least that's what the vet has told us before. With this on my mind, I've long been appreciative of every moment I have gotten to spend with him.

I was only five years old when Spike entered into my life and my heart, and I really can't remember a time without him. As silly as it sounds, I thought he would be around forever and always. Spikey's up there with Molly and Sandy now trotting around in the fields of glory and enjoying as many soft tacos and plates of spaghetti as his little heart desires. Although I'm relieved to know he can finally rest and reuinte with his dog-mom, he will be missed dearly. I'm all torn up....

Rest in Paradise, Spike.

Friday, 01 December 2023 02:12

Netflix Adds GTA?

You read that right! The streaming giant just announced that it will be offering the Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition Trilogy of games to subscribers via its mobile app. This would include Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. These games were originally released for the PlayStation 2 in the years 2001, 2002, and 2004, respectively. You could also play them on PC or Xbox, but nothing beats a PS2 in my opinion. 

Certain subtle differences can be found between the original games and the Definitive Edition ones, but even as a lifelong player of these specific titles, I hardly notice. I don't know if they added anything at all, but they removed or changed some little things such as content that may not sit as well in 2023 as it did in 2003. 

Last year for Christmas, my brother gifted me a copy of the GTA Definitive Edition trilogy for the Nintendo Switch. I've played it lightly, mostly taking it with me on road trips or wherever I need something to kill a little time. I can only assume the Netflix version will be nearly identical, but I'm curious how playable it will actually be without a controller. I know they offer other games on their app, but most every mobile adaptation of a traditionally controlled video game that I have played is garbage. I guess we'll just have to see, come December 14th when the trilogy will be available on Netflix Games. 

If you're considering playing them all but wondering which one to begin with, I'd have to recommend GTA III since it came out first. As you go newer with the games, the maps get bigger, the gameplay and graphics improve, and the stories become more intricate, offering a progressively immersive experience. Starting with GTA III allows you to appreciate the evolution of the series and witness the advancements in early open-world gaming.

If you're thinking about cracking into just one of the three games, I urge you to go with San Andreas. I consider it an absolute masterpiece; it's one of my all-time favorite videogames, without a doubt! I probably could have mastered an instrument or learned a foreign language in less time than what I've dumped into this specific game through my years, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

When I first saw the headline that Netflix was adding Grand Theft Auto, my mind instantly jumped to the conclusion that they must be making film adaptations of the games. Wouldn't that be so cool? I think so, but unfortunately, it isn't much more than a new platform picking up a few old titles. Still, I appreciate the continued revival of these legendary GTA's and the opportunity Netflix is giving its subscribers to feel like they're in the early 2000's again. Whether it's an original player rekindling their love for the games, flooding themselves with the nostalgia, or a new player experiencing the joy of Rockstar Games' finest for the first time, I love to see it! 

Thursday, 30 November 2023 01:39

My Top Ten: Beers!

It's what some call thirsty Thursday, so what better time than the present to rank my top ten beers! 

When people ask me what type of beer I like, "cheap" is the best word I can answer with. I'm a simple guy who prefers longnecks over cans, and drafts best of all. I'm not into IPA's, stouts, porters, or any of that fancier or more mature stuff. I generally like an easy-drinking, lower percentage beer over a bolder one with a strong flavor; if you get what I'm saying here. 

So, let's get into this list! I'd really love to hear how you feel about my choices and how they compare to yours. 

10. Coors Light

9. Michelob Ultra

8. Dortmunder Gold

7. Miller Lite

6. Shock Top

5. Busch 

4. Busch Light

3. Coors Banquet 

2. Miller High Life

1. Corona Extra

As always, thank you so much for reading this and for listening to 94.9 WQMX! 

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 02:32

My Go-To

Working the overnights, it's all but necessary for me to have some form of caffeine each shift, and there's hardly anything I prefer more than Monster's Khaotic blend. It's a full flavor "Juice" variant of the drink characterized as Tropical Orange in flavor. For me, it's like a sweet nectar that I must force myself not to slurp down too quickly! It tastes so good, but the flavor it quietly replaced, Khaos, was even better. I miss that and the old Monster Mad Dogs with all my heart. I can't emphasize enough how badly I want those Mad Dogs to come back....

Once or twice a week, I will stop by my local gas station to restock on the Khaotics. I can only carry about four of them at a time to the counter, so that's generally how many I will scoop up while taking advantage of that 2-for-$5 deal you'll commonly find. Unfortunately, I don't think they make multipacks for this variety like they do for other Monsters. Most places I've bought this specific drink from run out of them relatively quickly and are slow to replenish, but somehow this new Marathon I discovered has been reliable. When a store is out of the cans I like best, I gravitate towards Grape NOS if they have them. Otherwise, it's the O.G. black and green cans of Monster. 

I loathe artificial sweeteners and in turn any low calorie, sugar free, low carb, etc. types of energy drinks. It seems as though I'm way in the minority on this however, as there are oodles of options in those categories as opposed to what I call "full-flavor" drinks. As much as I love sweet stuff, I'd rather have water than a diet pop any day of the week. 

Ultimately, I just wanted to give a shoutout to my go-to drink, my nightly friend, Monster Khaotic. If you've never had it but enjoy the original blend of Monster, I'd highly recommend giving it a try! I think it's particularly appealing as a morning time drink with it's orange juice sort-of base flavor. It's a bit more mellow tasting than the original Monsters too and feels less like a battery on your tongue! Whether you drink coffee, energy drinks, or both; let's give a hand for caffeine on this hump day! 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 01:11

Now that's cool! 

I check Facebook Marketplace daily, primarily looking at vehicles and powersports stuff. It's sort of like a game. If there's something worth buying, odds are it has been posted within the past 24hrs, so I like to stay current on what's out there in the area. I've been loosely looking for a new daily driver and a few other items, but it's unlikely that I will actually try to buy anything, typically. I'm in a group chat with my close friends and we really enjoy simply sending each other our cool finds. I don't know why, but It's so entertaining and fun to do! 

I look at a ton of trucks, and there are some really sweet ones out there at any given moment. I was revisiting my photos for inspiration for this blog when I found a screenshot I had taken of one that stood out to me especially. The truck itself is rad, but what really makes me love it is the mural of itself on the side! It's a silly little thing, but also a reminder of when vehicles were more than just a way of commuting, but a piece of our personalities. I can only imagine the individual who commissioned this artwork, but let me tell you; that's someone I feel like I could have a fun time with! 

So, let me throw this towards you. Have you customized your car in any way, big or small? Maybe it's as simple as a couple stickers on your back window, or maybe you have a full camo paint job. Maybe you have custom wheels and a lift kit or an aftermarket glasspack muffler and a sporty spoiler. Some places are quite strict on what modifications you can do, but Ohio is certainly not one of them. Take advantage of this freedom and don't be afraid to express your personality through your car! I love to see it. 

Thank you for reading, and take care now. Don't forget to catch me on-air from Midnight-5am, right here on Your Country 94.9 WQMX!

Monday, 27 November 2023 00:34

Back in the Saddle!

This past holiday weekend has been my longest break from work since beginning the overnight position on WQMX a few months back, and I sure made the most of it. Most everything I sought to do, I did. 

Some highlights included spending time with my fiancée, visiting family and munching some delicious Thanksgiving food, watching my Dolphins add to their lead in the AFC East, watching the Buckeyes game, and getting my Christmas Tree! We went to Galehouse Tree Farm and got a beautiful Canaan fir. If you haven't gotten your live tree yet this year, I must recommend hitting this place up as their selection of good-looking trees is extensive and it's a fun holiday atmosphere. The spiced cider they sell is top notch too! 

Anyhow, it was really great to step away from the mic for a few days and reset myself. I'm feeling great going into this week after having some fun throughout the extended weekend and I hope you enjoyed yourself as well! Thank you for reading this and listening in to the station, and have a good one!

Wednesday, 22 November 2023 01:12

Oh, how I missed you!

Prior to today, it's been about a month since I have had the joy of riding my old quad. I took the Honda to a friend who knows his stuff for some miscellaneous repairs and maintenance. We got a new axle, put some work into the motor, and fixed my brakes among other things. The bike is a lot happier now, and also a ton less sketchy. All that was holding my rear hubs on were cotter pins, for example. So yeah, she needed some TLC and that's what she got! 

After taking the ATV home, it was ripping time. I tore it up out there running the quad hard. Nothing broke and it all felt so good! It's an absolute thrill drifting around on some leaves in the woods right now, but I'm still getting used to how it rides. 

All in all, I am so happy with the work that was done and want to give a shoutout to Bill for making it happen. Now that my quad is together, I can put up signs for snow plowing and hopefully make some money this winter. Also, I'm now able to redirect my focus to this big buggy go kart project I've been tinkering with. I'll have to see where I'm sitting at financially after the holidays to know how much I can pour into it, but as it stands, I'm thoroughly stoked with my powersports status! It's all coming together. 

It's a long weekend for us here at the station, so I'll be back with more blogs for you come next week. Thanks for tuning in to WQMX and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, 21 November 2023 02:50

Why Dodge it when you can Ram it! 

It's no secret I love trucks. I'll stop and stare and throw a thumbs up towards a sweet one out on the road any time, and I'm committed to finding a decent little 4x4 for my next daily. I was born and raised on Chevrolet; my love for them runs deep. I don't have any tattoos, but the bowtie is at the top of my list if I ever did. 

Anyways, with as much as I love Chevy trucks, I recently learned about Chris Stapleton's factory custom Ram 2500 HD, and I just love it. I claimed in a recent blog, "I could count on my fingers how many four-door vehicles I would be enthused about driving, and nowhere on that list is a truck." Welp, I was dead wrong and likely a little dramatic. This one right here is certainly an exception. 

The truck is dubbed the "Traveler" and has retro-inspired design elements especially influenced by the 1979 Dodge Ram Palomino. From the iconic Ram's Head hood ornament to the chromed-out front end to the pinstripes to the wheels and tires, this truck screams late 70's/early 80's vibes. That's definitely my favorite era of Dodge trucks, though I like most of them prior to Ram Trucks becoming its own brand in 2009. Ram went from the name of the model to the name of the make, essentially. They are now under the Stellantis brand's umbrella alongside the rest of the Chrystler family, Fiat, and many other automakers. 

As much as I'd love to, I couldn't afford the gas it takes to drive a truck like this; let alone the monthly payments! Even if you could, you can't get this particular one. It's a special one-of-kind pickup, custom made to Stapleton's wishes inside and out. The headrests, for example, feature a plaid that is the same as he wore on the cover of his first album. The truck was built back in 2022 to promote his new exhibit at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville. Like Toby Ketih and Ford, Chris Stapleton and Ram have developed a strong relationship through the years to their mutual benefit. 

Now that we're on the topic, I'm very much interested in discovering which brands our favorite country music stars have in their driveways. I'll have to do some extensive research beforehand, but keep a lookout for a future blog on the topic. As always, thank you for reading! 


Monday, 20 November 2023 01:47

A Winter Window Tip!

Someone I worked with a while back introduced me to a helpful trick for clearing frosted windows that has stuck with me ever since. It's equally effective as it is uncomplicated. 

No one I know enjoys having to use a scraper, or worse a credit card, to get that icy opacity off their car's glass. It's particularly annoying right now as there is no snowfall. Instead of just brushing in order to safely drive, we need to scrape... or do we? 

While scraping is totally viable, I'm here to inform you that there is an easier way! It's all in a little thing known as alcohol. I'm not talking about that can of Twisted Tea that's been rolling around in your trunk since summertime, but rather, rubbing alcohol! The 91% is the good stuff, but any isopropyl type will do just fine. From there, you simply put the rubbing alcohol on the glass. 

The best way to do this is via a spray bottle. Whether you safely reuse one from another mixture or pick one up at the dollar store on the cheap, they're easy to come by. Just fill it up and keep it with your scraper. A couple spritzes on the windows and maybe a quick wipe, and you're on your way! It's also great for unfreezing doors or door locks, especially if your car is like mine without a remote fob. 

Alcohol and glass generally get along well, but especially if you have any type of stickers or tint, do be careful. Hopefully this helps you out this winter, and thanks for reading! 

Friday, 17 November 2023 01:15


I'm going to my very first Ohio State Buckeyes game tomorrow in Columbus and I am stoked! Our undefeated home team is taking on the Minnesota Golden Gophers at 4pm, and alongside my brother and my dad, I will be there seeing it go down live!

My dad has been a lifelong OSU fan, and this year for his birthday my brother and I splurged a bit and decided to pick up some tickets. It will be our first time at Ohio Stadium all around, and seats sure were pricey but I think it will be worth it. As much as I'd like to see them duke it out in some crazy game versus a top-ten team, I want a win and I'm sure that's what we'll get. (It's all but guaranteed with a 93% win probability for Ohio State.)

I've been hoping all year that they would at least make it to this game undefeated, and here we are 10-0! With all of the disappointments we face up in Cleveland, the Buckeyes are a much-needed rock for us to lean upon and trust in.

We plan to get to Columbus early in the morning and tailgate for several hours before the game. I've never actually tailgated before so I'm really excited to see what the energy is like around the stadium on a game day.

For me, tomorrow will be about much more than just watching football. It's the men in my family coming together to bond over an experience and have fun. Its taking a road trip together to a faraway place unlike we have done since I was a kid. It's experiencing an iconic Ohioan sports rite of passage. Really, it's about showing our appreciation for our father and doing something extra-special for him! It's going to be a once-in-a-lifetime trip that I won't soon forget. So, let's go Buckeyes! OH-IO! 

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