Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Garth of course makes the list, and more than likely returns as we near the top.  This song is so incredibly loved still for about a thousand reasons.  It was near the beginning for him and this timeless classic is a song that will be played on the radio for 25 more years.  And what makes this song so important is that it solidified a new artist (I know sounds funny)  as a legit hit maker.  It was his second single and his first #1 song, and put the album, Garth Brooks on a path to sell 10 million copies, and of course on the trail to becoming the biggest selling artist on the planet.  This song speaks to everyone, is simply a vulnerable work of art that everyone can relate too.  Garth co-wrote this gem, and for some reason we don't think of him a great songwriter, but he was.  After his debut single, Much Too Young, a rodeo story song, this was the perfect follow-up, and is about a perfect country song.  Will hje be be back on this list?  We're getting to the heavyweights now, so stand by.

Last Week #13

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Thursday, 26 September 2024 01:24

WYNN - The Mega Star Series - Ricky Skaggs

A couple months ago, I wrote a Mega Star piece on Ricky Skaggs.  And I have had a few ask that I re-post it as they missed it the first time around.  Yes.

Thanks for reading and listening everyday!

Mega Star Ricky Skaggs

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Wednesday, 25 September 2024 01:22

WYNN - Forgotten Jukebox C - 10

Undo It  - Carrie Underwood  - 2010  - (Album - Play On)

It's hard to imagine Carrie Underwood has been around as long as she has.  But her run was a long one, and though it seems to be slowing these days considerably, she has done some great songs.  This song is one that she did from the "angry, bitter side"  that was for the most part believable, as she doesn't kill anyone within this song.  What makes this song good is that it's a well written song to begin with.  It's quick and tidy, and doesn't belabor itself, or wear out its welcome.  In fact, it does what lots of good songs do, it leaves you wanting more.  I feel this is one of her very best songs of any kind, as it fit her well for that time in her career and life.  It's sung as it should be, it's not overdone, and has sharp tooth or two. Yes, a bit juvenile, but that was the target at that time, and for them it was right on time.  A song worth remembering that has made it's way to the Forgotten Jukebox

Last Weeks Selection

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Monday, 23 September 2024 01:19

WYNN - Eat Of The Week

Key Lime MOUSSE???  I love anything key lime flavored.  If you've never had it, give it a go!  This looks simply sensational. Thanks for reading and listening everyday!

I Love Key Lime Stuff!!!!

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Saturday, 21 September 2024 01:18

WYNN - My Weekly Recap

Just in case you missed any of my articles this week from, grab a coffee and let's get you caught up!  Thanks for reading and listening everyday !!

BROWNS - Winning Would Be A Good Idea

Eat Of The Week

50 Most important Country Songs 1980-Today #13

Forgotten Jukebox - MW-00

CMML - The Keyboardists (Revisited)

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Sunday, 22 September 2024 01:17

WYNN - BROWNS - A Stunning Development

The Browns got a big win last week, albeit not a pretty one but they all count.  A sloppy day in Florida weather wise, and on the field to a degree, but the Browns find themselves 1-1 and I'll call that a winning start.  This week the Giants come to town, and they stink.

But it's the NFL and any team can beat any team, as we saw last week around the league.  Truth be told, the Browns have no business losing this game today.  The Giants are bad, and their fan base likes their QB about as much as many fans like ours.  But at home the Browns should have little problem today.

With that said, I found it very interesting that last week at Jacksonville, Kevin Stefanski became a different kind of coach.  I feel he really took charge a very bad situation on offense from the Dallas game and made it his game.  He completely took the offense under his wing and called plays and developed a game plan that was his and his alone, and not the QB's or thier new offensive coordinators.  And it worked.  He all but blew by the new offensive coodinator and left him in the dust.

In the off season the Browns fired a lot of coaches to appease the wishes of the QB to run some kind of wide open, empty backfield, throw the ball all over the yard ball the QB wants to play. They brought in coaches to precipitate this move that pretty much abandons the running game, and puts the entire game in the hands of the QB who wants to play Hero Ball.  And last week it failed so miserably something had to be done, and Stefanski to his credit got that, and knew this game had to be won.  He shelved ego's and got it done with a great mix of what we and he used to do on offense prior to Watson showing up back to when Baker and Flacco were here.

In short, he took the game on his shoulders and out of Watson's hands and it worked.  He asked Watson to simply manage the game and not blow it.  It was the first time in two years this team openly showed they have no real confidence in Watson.  They finally got it through their heads, he is not elite at this point of his development with the Browns with his recovery from his shoulder injury and his endless off field fiascos.  And truth be told, lots of QB's could do that what Stefanski asked, like last year.

They can win games with this philosophy, so let's hope Stefanski sticks with it.  This organization is so fixed on proving they are "right" it was stunning to seen them seemingly admit, that may not be true. 

Many times, it's more important to do right...than to be right.


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Friday, 20 September 2024 01:15

WYNN - Wynn At The Movies And More

Box Office Results -

#1 – Beetlejuice - 58 Million

#2 - Speak No Evil - 12 Million

#3 - Deadpool And Woverine - 5 Million

New This Week - Whiplash  (10th Anniversary Edition)


Inside Out 2 - Will be streaming on Disney+ on Wednesday


A NO GO! - Seems the original cast members have denied rumors that The Goonies 2 is in the works


My - Country Music Memory Lane (link)


Also - 50 Most Important Country Songs 1980 – Today #13   (Link)

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Thursday, 19 September 2024 01:42

WYNN - CMML - The Keyboardists (Revisited)

Not many country stars are piano players, but there are some.  I wrote this a while ago, thought it might be fun to look back at some of the greats!   There are others of course, but we only go back so far.

Thanks for reading and listening everyday!

The Keyboardists

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Wednesday, 18 September 2024 01:41

WYNN - Forgotten Jukebox - MW - 00

Mark Wills  - Back At One  - 2000 - (Album - Permanently)

This was a pretty darn good remake of a hit song.  Haven't heard this one is a while, Mark Wills version of the Brian McKnight classic.  Enjoy!

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Last Weeks Selection

FGL had a great run for a number of years with a huge following.  But truth be told, they were also very polarizing for many fans. They had many detractors that didn't feel they were country.  But I think we have to think back and remember how we felt about this song by itself.   What this song unofficially did was start the Bro-Country Movement.  And no matter how you feel about that, you have to give it that credit, it was a big deal.  That's what makes this song so important.  Bro-Country swept the charts for the next few of years with many other artists jumping on, giving us a popularity that was new, young and refreshing for many.  This debut single was gigantic from that first album that was recorded and performed with an uncanny confidence generally not seen in a new act. (And it sold zillions) .  It was an international hit all across the world, and was remixed and remastered in various forms.  In short, hit songs are not generally this huge.  Bro-Country was a very fun and appropriately short phase for us.  It was universally loved by men and women, and took country in a far more "party' or "fun" mode.  I think we miss that sometimes as we can take ourselves way too serious.  This smash of a song was fun, easy to remember, and was one of the most influential songs of the last 30 years.  This sold an unheard of millions, and has the lucky distinction of being a generational song, bringing us millions of new fans, and reminding long time fans just how fun we can be.

Last Week #14

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