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Tuesday, 30 December 2014 06:59

Why Drinking in Moderation Is Good For you

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NYE is here and it is a big night for drinking. and while we encourage moderation and are reminding you to never drink and drive...and while moderation is importantome of that partying might actually be good for you!


  • It keeps you thin– New research says that women who drink a glass of wine or two a day stay 30% thinner than women who don't.
  • It keeps you healthy – Studies show that the hops in beer can keep you from getting pneumonia.
  • It makes you glow – The flavanoids contained in red wine perk up your skin and help protect you from sun damage.
  • It gives you strong bones – Researchers found that drinking a glass of wine can increase production of estrogen and other hormones that are essential for healthy bones. Another study found that the silicon in beer boosts bone strength. 
  • It makes you live longer – A study from Harvard Medical School found that wine drinkers live longer than beer or liquor drinkers ... and even non-drinkers. (Cosmo)