Thursday, 21 May 2020 01:12

SOME GOOD NEWS - Live Where You Want? Maybe!

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Needless to say there has not been much good news when it comes to C-19, as our lives have been temporarily altered and put on hold.  But, after careful review and some time spent listening, I have learned when this thing is over - and it will be over, there is some potentially very good and interesting news for some.

Much of this depends on how much we actually learn from all this, and how willing we are to remember the lessons. C-19 has sent many people home from work, and have them working at home these days, and in a whole lot of cases, it has worked out very well.  What many workers may learn, and employers too, is that GOOD people can work from anywhere, and in turn the GOOD employee can potentially live ANYWHERE.  Pretty interesting.

Think about it, in certain jobs you may be able to "work" at a company in Akron, and maybe live in Charlotte. This could solve many problems for many.  Family issues, kids, divorce, or just the desire to see the world out of a different window.  This could also solve child care issues with many young families if someone could work from home always. That's a sure game-changer, as many may be reluctant to send kids back to daycare.  Think of the money that a family could save.  It would change their life.

We have learned and are learning that some people even though we are not seeing them in the office are invaluable to some companies.  This is a good thing.  Bosses in many cases would not have to lose great people if they didn't want to. Especially if the circumstances were avoidable.  If checks and balances where agreed on, this could be one of the best learning experiences of this whole thing.  You could live and work where you wanted - have your cake and eat it too.  And bosses maybe could actually have smaller office space with less room required. Saving $$.

C-19 is also making some people rethink where they are living for health reasons, and they may want to relocate to a less populous area, say leaving New York City, and move to Cleveland to avoid this type of thing again. It is all very interesting to see where this goes.  For those with computer heavy jobs, or sales this could be realistic.  I love when there is something to look forward to.

Clearly though not every job has this ability, and of course life is not one size fits all. And some businesses and jobs don't lend itself to this.  But the lessons that are being learned may be put to use in a lot of new and innovative ways in the long run. 

Who knows, maybe in the days ahead you really can live where and the way you really want.

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Read 1237 times Last modified on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 15:18
