Wednesday, 09 March 2016 10:51

MOVIE REVIEW - Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot

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Seems to be the season for true stories to come to the movies, and that is the case with this new Tina Fey flick.


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Fey stars in the true story of Kim.  She is a 42 year-old single, never married news reporter for an unnamed TV network in New York City.  She has a boring job and is at a crossroads in her life from top to bottom.  So she volunteers to be an in bed reporter deep inside Afghanistan in the early days of the war in Middle East. The gig is for three months.  But it turns out to be over three years.

This is a story worth telling as she leads an interesting life there.  It shows the difficulties that women face in this part of the world.  And it does open our eyes to what these people go through to bring us the stories on the news every night. Problem is, WTF simply goes through the motions and fails to be the compelling story it should have been.  In short, it should have been as interesting as the stories it claims to have covered in real life.

This movie kind of just lays there and it doesn't grab you and pull you in like it should.  Fey is fine, but this role required far more than fine.  It's a big role, and for some reason Fey just can't break away from being "Tina Fey" from SNL at times.  This attempted legit flick dips into sophomoric dialogue and antics from Fey at times that don't make this better, just more average.

This is a movie that is supposed to show incredible personal growth of this brave, but flawed woman. But instead it shows her in this movie as another average character on film, when I'm sure she is far more in person.

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot.  Should have been far better.


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