Wednesday, 28 March 2018 16:18

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now!

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Spring Break is winding down, but there are still tons of Spring Break type movies out to see.

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The Miracle Season

There are some movies that have a nice story to tell, but lack the budget and commitment to make it great.  And that is the case here.  This is not a terrible movie by any stretch, but could have been a whole lot better.

This is the true story of the 2011 Iowa City, Iowa West High School women's volleyball team, and their struggles on and off the court after the death of their star player and inspiration, Caroline Found.  This is also a story worth telling, but this could have used a rewrite two.  Much of this is cliche', and looks rushed, and pushed through.  Also, Oscar winners Helen Hunt and William Hurt, seem to be taking this to simply find work and that's hard to watch too.

But, this even though this isn't near perfect at all, families will like this and that is generally fine with me.  We need all kinds of movies for all kind of fans.  Found's legacy does shine through and that is great, even if the movie writing and making is not.

The Miracle Season.  Problems, yes.  But fine for family day.


Pacific Rim: Uprising

There is the obvious question here.  Why?  Do we really need more of this series?  Well the answer is probably yes, for some.  Here we go again, gigantic robots defending the world against alien forces and this time - even ourselves.  Put a ton of great effects together with a bunch of noise and a large screen and you seemingly have the right formula. 

The big problem with this is, Transformers.  I'm not going to sit here and say those are way better movies, but they were here first and that means PR looks like a poor mans rip off.  And if it is.  This is about 2 hours of animated robots fighting with a touch of a story mixed in.  Honestly, if you are about 12, this is really cool.  Good for your kids, grand kids and the dudes in general.  This is not recommended for a first date  (kidding).

Pacific Rim:Uprising.  Can we just stop...Please? And somone please tell Charlie Day to quit acting!


Midnight Sun

Here comes a little movie that on the surface looks like a silly Nicolas Sparks story, and in some aspects, it is.  And it is another movie that chronicles a young woman housebound by a terrible illness, and yearning for love, and it is. But after seeing this, I liked it far more than the above mentioned. Even though the national critics are hammering it.  Is this perfect? Heck no, but please quit showing your pompousness.

This is the story of Katy, who has a disease called XP.  She cannot go in the sun at all, as it would be life ending.  So, she goes out at night, and lives a life in reverse, which is no life at all.  She falls in love with Charlie and risks it all to live a life of love, as best she can.  Yes, this is predictable, and melodramatic, and a bit far fetched at times. But so what?  Can't we make a movie that is easy to digest, and have a good cry, or a few awww moments without critics being too far above it?  

This flick shows a few new faces, and does its best to be an escape from the rest of the nonsense that can be out there this time of year.  Granted, it's not fighting robots, or superheros saving the world, but there is room for this.  This is for young people who want a love story for spring break. Period.  And that's fine with me.

Midnight Sun.  It's fine. They can't all win Oscars, and this won't. But at 90 minutes, this is a fair rainy afternoon flick.

I Can Only Imagine

This movie for some reason is wearing the "Christian" movie label, and I can't really understand that. Granted there are elements that are, but they are very subtle.  This is the true and brave story told of the origins of the biggest Christian hit song ever, I Can Only Imagine and its writer Bart Millard, and band, Mercy Me. 

This is a powerful flick with a great performance from J. Micheal Finley as Millard.  This is the first time I can remember a movie being made about a song as well.  Finley is terrific as Millard and is a fresh face on screen that was central to its success. The music is done very well and some of the filming of this is great, especially in pivotal scenes when it really matters.  There is an underlying Christian element throughout, but it's not preachy, or judgmental.  The writing here was a challenge, and they pulled it off walking a fine line.

In short, this is a nice little movie that is destined for some big success. This will attract people to the theaters that seldom go, and that's a good thing.  Its good for anyone, including the whole family.  Is this perfect?  Well, no.  But it's a great example that Hollywood can make movies for everyone can can make it work.

I Can Only Imagine.  Good, solid movie.


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Read 2224 times Last modified on Thursday, 05 April 2018 15:03
