Thursday, 04 April 2019 11:17


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The Best Of Enemies 

Based on a true story about a civil rights case.  This stars Taraji P. Hinson, and Sam Rockwell.  Good cast, and the story on its surface seems strong enough. Both of them are really on a roll right now, and this may be the biggest step, especially for her, as her movie career is kicking into high gear.





This is an adult drama that because of the time of the year, Spring Break, may get lost in the movie hype of younger themed movies also released this week and in weeks past.



More superheros.  This seems to have a whole lot of parody and fun attached to it. This will be a major hit.



Pet Cemetary

Seems all the Stephen King books that were once movies are getting a second chance and this time around hoping to be taken a bit more seriously than the first time around.  It did very well, and so will this. And when this does, look for more King classics to get a second chance as well.



Read 1684 times Last modified on Monday, 08 April 2019 03:55
