Thursday, 04 September 2014 06:57


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Thursday is  Be Late For Something Day, Newspaper Carrier Day,  National Macadamia Nut Day / Grilled Cheese Day. It’s Also – Eat Chicken Month. On this day in 2002 American Idol Kelly Clarkson becomes the first winner. 

 Quote of the day: Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud ~ Maya Angelou The NFL Regular Season begins tonight (Thursday)  Seahawks and Packers! Browns – Open their season this Sunday AT Pittsburgh

Watching action movies at home make you eat more food!  In fact, they make you eat MUCH more, like football can.Facebook was down for a few hours yesterday

34-year-old Kelly John Lange was ordered to complete anger management following an assault conviction but never attended classes. So when he was in court earlier this week, he got angry and attacked his female public defender, causing minor injuries.

According to a new British survey, most of men think women wear too much make-up. 75% of men surveyed say they prefer the natural look and 45% said that too much makeup was a turn-off for them.

As of Yesterday – CVS stopped selling all tobacco products.

 New survey, adults employed full time are working an average of 47 hours per week - almost a full workday longer than 40 hours

Last year Brittany Spears reportedly spent over $31,000 on her dog in the last year, and virtually none of it on vet bills or care.

It turns out that surgeons have the worst driving record of any other doctors. In fact, they are the most accident prone drivers – Period!

Cheaters don't generally stop cheating. That means if you hooked up with your current partner while he/she was still in a relationship, the odds are exponentially higher that he will do the same thing to you.

Sophia Vagara from Family Matters is the highest paid actress on TV these days. About 37 million!

WQMX – Nominated for CMA Station Of The Year

Miranda leads all CMA nominees with 9 nominations! (First time 9 has been done since 1970 – Merle Haggard)  (The all-time record is 10, Alan Jackson in 2002)

The Show is November 5th on ABC – TV with Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood hosting

Gone Forever - Those nude pictures of all the celebrities, are never going to be recovered. And many are falling under copyright laws. Since someone else took them, they don’t legally belong to the celebs!

Garth - The time is now -- Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood officially kick off their world tour tonight – Chicago


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