Wednesday, 07 February 2024 02:24

Such Kindness!

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It's always an adventure in my twenty-five-year-old vehicle. With its high mileage and mysterious history, who knows what is bound to break and when. I know my way around a garage and wouldn't have bought the car otherwise, as it wasn't perfect, but some things do come rather unexpectedly. 

Tuesday morning, I was headed to the bank to withdraw a little cash when all the sudden my clutch pedal went limp. Aside from the middle of the interstate, I can't think of much worse a spot for it to have happened. I was at the south entrance to the Tallmadge Circle with hundreds of cars behind me. You'd think it was rush-hour with how busy it was, and with an inability to put my Blazer into gear, I got to pushing. Almost immediately, some kind gentlemen came up and offered to help me out. 

With car after car zipping by, we were able to maneuver my incapacitated vehicle back into the nearest parking lot. I'm so thankful for their help as I couldn't have done it by myself, and I made sure to let them know it. They both took off and I dug into what the issue was. I determined it was something bigger than I alone could deal with and knew it needed to go to a shop. Luckily, there was one willing to check it out, about fifty yards away. I already had it out of the road and the last thing I wanted to do was pay for a tow, so I went back to pushing- this time towards the mechanic. 

A couple in a Mustang saw me struggling and offered to help as well. With her mostly steering and him pushing, we made it across the street to the McDonalds, and at that point some high school athletes saw us huffing. With their additional assistance we made it up a small incline, across another street, and to the shop! Everyone's selflessness was unbelievable and I'm so incredibly grateful to have been given a hand just when I needed it from total strangers. I'm humbled, still. 

Now it's my turn to go out and do something good for somebody else! I have a Karma sticker on the rear window of the Blazer, and I really believe in it. You never know how huge of an impact even five minutes of your time could have on someone's situation. I still can't thank those kind people enough. 

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