Tuesday, 16 January 2024 04:00

What's on the Tube?

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It is just so cold outside. Despite my constant desire to be out participating in one of the many outdoor activities I enjoy, like riding my four-wheeler or playing disc golf, I've sought refuge from the bitter temperatures and cutting winds inside the house. I was out riding when it was in the 30's and can surely tolerate colder, but this is just a little too extreme for me. Normal winter weather hardly puts a stop to my recreation, but this is the type of week that us Midwesterners pull out the big coat for. 

Since I'm stuck indoors, all I really want to do is cozy up on the couch with some snacks, a blanket, a kitty cat, and a TV show to binge. Luckily, I've got all those things! For munching-on, we've got Pringles, string-cheese, meat sticks, popcorn, donuts, Cheez-It crackers, fruit snacks, snow cones, and more. I'm not picky about my blanket, but the bigger the better. Either Freddy or Fiona works just the same for me when it comes to the cats, too. As for what's on the TV, I've got plenty of options. 

Whether or not we pay for them all, my fiancée and I have access to most of the major streaming services alongside a light collection of physical media. There's always something to watch, it's just a matter of deciding. My favorite app is Hulu, followed by Pluto, then Paramount. I've exhausted my go-to comfort shows enough and have been looking for something new to get into, and lo and behold, an old sit-com I used to keep up with on Fox caught my attention. 

I've yet to make a Top Ten: TV Shows list, but if I did, the show My Name is Earl would absolutely claim a spot. Now I've seen that series time and time again, and sadly, it was suddenly cancelled on a cliffhanger after a few short seasons. The show I've rediscovered was the creator of My Name is Earl, Greg Garcia's, follow-up project called Raising Hope. Just like Earl, it also ran for four seasons with mild success, and the shows share some other similarities between them such as multiple mutual actors. They're both a lot of fun to watch. 

I've binged probably seven or eight episodes in about two days now, and I'm locked in! I fondly remember watching Raising Hope as a youngster when the new episodes were airing from 2010-2014, and it's really bringing me back. I remember the show but not any of the specific episodes, so it's familiar but also new, which is really cool. I'll skip the synopsis here for this blog, but if you're a fan of shows like New Girl, The Middle, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and/or Scrubs; I'd recommend checking it out! 

So, what's been on your television? Are there any new shows you keep up on or are you staying in your comfort zone with the reruns like me? Also, do you and your partner watch the same things, or are there certain shows you only watch by yourself? For example, I can't seem to get Mackenzie to come around on South Park, and she knows I'd rather stare at a blank wall than watch The Kardashians. We do share some common series and ultimately, it is to each their own when it comes to what's on the tube. 

When it comes to what's on the radio, thank you for choosing 94.9 WQMX! 

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