Friday, 14 February 2014 16:42

MOVIE REVIEW - Winters Tale (and all reviews)

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It was a big book, and now it's a movie. The new mythical, Winters Tale is out just in time for Valentine's Day.

Right up front, this is a very dramatic, artsy, and a bit schmaltzy love story that certainly will not be appeal to everyone.   This is though a very good romantic date movie, and one that actually does make you feel good for the most part.   And yes, there are some silly holes in this story, but so what? Sometimes you just have to watch a movie and move on.

This is a classic  "Good Vs.Evil" movie.   It takes place in the early 20th century for the most part, as Peter (Colin Farrell) meets Beverly (Jessica Brown Findlay). She is a 21 year old beautiful woman who is dying from consumption, common in those days.  Peter is a common thief and meets Beverly by accident and falls in love with her. She is from extreme wealth, he is not.

All the while at play is the supernatural part of our story. While Beverly appears to be "chosen" and blessed by the light, there is evil on earth, and they are out to get Beverly because of her amazing capacity for love and good.  The Demon (Russell Crowe) dressed as a common man wants her dead. The demons hold the belief that all humans have the gift of one miracle in them. And hers is very valuable. 

Eventually Beverly does give in to her illness, and passes over.  Heartbroken, Peter suddenly finds himself in 2014, in modern day New York City. He has no idea how he got there, and has no idea why he is there.   He meets and befriends Virginia (Jennifer Connelly) who has a young daughter dying of cancer.  As Peter tries to figure out his destiny, and how all of this has happened, he finds that the demons are still, 100 years later after him, to prevent his miracle from taking place.  That is it in a nutshell.  Of course, there are far more nuances than we have time for here.

There are a bunch of holes in this movie.  And there are moments that it is a bit much on the "awwww" meter.  But I say that's OK.  This movie looks real nice, and overall is a very uplifting piece that makes you happy.   It's a bit predictable, and a whole lot idealistic, but it's Valentine's Day.  Many critics are going to hammer away at this thing with a sledge, and I think that's a shame.   We need a bit of chivalrous movie making from time to time.


This movie at times is quite sensuous, and overall very romantic. It also holds on very nicely to it's very apt PG-13 rating.  Findlay is wonderfully alluring and captivating as the enigmatic, and blessed Beverly. She was incredibly well cast, and is the movies bread and butter. The character written for her is splendid and she breathes wonderful life into a character losing her own.  Crowe, seems a bit out of water here, but I think some of that was the silly character invented for him.  Connelly is over casted, her role is very small, but she's fine. Farrell, was born to be in this movie and holds his own well in this large role.  Also kudos to those in support including William Hurt and even Will Smith.

Winters Tale.  In the long run - forgettable. But for today, fun date movie. Enjoy and have some fun.

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Read 3028 times Last modified on Friday, 14 February 2014 16:46
