Thursday, 25 April 2024 06:13

Daily Scoop, 4/25/24

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Today is Thursday, April 25th- It IS - Hairstylists Appreciation Day, Mani-Pedi Day, Penguin Day, Hug a Plumber Day, Zucchini Bread Day

On average, women spent more for haircuts ($228 per year versus $168 per year for men).

It's been found that kids who set big goals for their future tend to achieve those goals when they get older.

“Sleepcation” is a real thing. Taking time off for the sole reason of getting a lot more sleep

According to a new study, loud cars are mostly preferred by young guys and these guys are sadistic psychopaths 

Trending- The 12/12/12 method to spring cleaning - Find 12 things to throw away, 12 things to donate, and 12 things to be put away -  Repeat as needed.

30% of women say air pods make a man look uncool.

Half of the world will need glasses by the year 2050 - Nearsightedness is the problem

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