Tuesday, 19 December 2023 02:22

What a time...

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I had an interesting journey on my way into work today. It seemed like everything that could have gone wrong did.

First and foremost, what the heck is all of this snow about? Multiple resources claimed throughout the day Monday that this stint of winter weather would lead us to about 2" of snow. I made the decision not to ready my four-wheeler for plowing and I'm pretty upset about that now. The thing is, I ride it all the time. With the chains on, I'm restricted in where I can go without snow on the ground. It's a process and a commitment when I go ahead and ready the bike, taking hours to do and then undo when I want to rip again. I could get my plow immediately after my shift here, but, that leads me to the second part of this...

...my poor tire. I awoke to find my right rear tire on the Blazer entirely deflated. A little investigation revealed there's a giant nail in it. Splendid! 

No big deal though, I thought. I would just take my fiancée's car and have it back in the morning before she has to head out to school. (She's a teacher.) I scrape off the little Nissan, let it warm up for a minute, and attempt to make my way on over to the station. There's a massive, steep hill which leads out from our dead-end street, and despite all of my efforts and slick-driving skills, I simply could not make it up it. I threw it in reverse and tried again at least five times to no success, and it became apparent that I needed a new plan. 

Plan C was to fill the tire in the Blazer with this portable compressor I have, and for some reason I couldn't get it to work out. I think I was a little hasty in ditching that plan, but I figured I could run by the gas station and use their pump real quick. I'm not sure if theirs was frozen or if my tire was just that low, but after five minutes of trying that, I gave up. Oh and yeah, also, I forgot to mention that I just bought a can of Fix-a-Flat in case of emergency and of course it's gone off the face of the earth. I wasted some time I already didn't have looking up and down for that. Things were going really well. 

With plans A,B,C, D, and E down the drain, what else was there left to do aside from just sending it? It wasn't my front tire, so I hopped on the highway and got it done. It was already spooky with all the snow and then with the three tires and my sense of urgency, I was white knuckling it all the way. 

Somehow, some way, I made the trip. Not only that, but I was not late for my show! Woo hoo! But now I've got a new can of worms opened up with how I'm going to get home. I'm going to look for the Fix-a-Flat again and see if I can't get the compressor to work. No, I do not have a spare for the vehicle, but you bet that's going to change after this series of unfortunate events. I accidentally took the fiancée's keys too, so I need to be back quickly. What a time! 

I hope you have a better Tuesday than I have thus far! I'll get it all figured out and won't let it get me down. Thanks for reading and letting me vent here!

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