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Thursday, 14 September 2023 08:33

Daily Scoop, 9/14/23

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Today is Thursday, September 14th, It IS- Eat a Hoagie Day, Parents Day Off, School Pictures Day, Cream-Filled Donut Day, Gobstopper Day

Arby's is now being sued for what the plaintiffs call about half the meat as advertised on TV

You will go to McDonald's over 1,800 times in their lifetime

Want to make a good impression at the office? Bake treats for your boss and co-workers

They asked and the found that 25% of Gen Zers don't use periods, commas, and quotation marks in their texting and posting. They say it takes too long.

If a man adjusts his sock while talking to a woman, there is a 77% chance he is interested. 

Seems being friends with benefits more times than not ends up in heartbreak

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