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Tuesday, 02 April 2024 06:16

Daily Scoop, 4/2/24

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Today is Tuesday, April 2nd- It IS- Autism Awareness Day, Ride Your Horse to a Bar Day, Love your Produce Manager Day, Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

More than 50% of American adults say they would rather have more money than sex

Bath tub toys are among the germiest and dirtiest domestic things on earth

20% of women admit that when they meet other women that have the same name as their kids it annoys them.

Divorce Rings as the new thing apparently – wear it on your pinkie

31% of all Americas never watch TV reruns - once they've seen it - they've seen it

The average teenage girl slams the door 135 times a year!

IHOP the reintroduction of the Pepsi Maple Syrup Cola, exclusively in IHOP's

Velveeta now has new hair dye - the golden Velveeta color $7.50 on Amazon

KFC now has new Saucy Nuggets and Apple Pie Poppers.

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