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Tuesday, 05 September 2023 18:57

"Ben" There Done That

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This Weekend, was a blast.  Sure hope you had all the Labor Day Fun.  Before the White Pants were put away Monday (kidding I don't have white pants.)   Here's "Ben" There Done That!

Friday was a pool party... my son and his friends celebrated the un-official end of summer and back-to-school.  Great seeing Parents and Friends.

Saturday... I went to OktoberFest in Berea.  Good food, Good beer and maybe my favorite the weiner dog races or more the costume contest.


Weiner PlaneWeiner Costume

Then on Sunday, I saw a lot of you at Sunday Funday at The Dusty Armadillo...

Monday was Labor Day and I hope all of you had the day off.  I know that is not the case.  A huge Thank You to those that worked and kept things moving and grinding on the holiday.  We thank you and appreciate you.  


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