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Friday, 21 October 2022 10:40

Happy Back To The Future Day!

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Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Back To The Future is my favorite movie trilogy of all time. For me, it's the concept of time travel, the space/time continuum, and how cool 1955 was. Sounds like the original is my favorite out of all three? It is, but I have all three movies and will watch them back to back at any given time. I will obviously watching them later on today to celebrate Back To The Future Day!

Why this date for Back To The Future Day? Because it was October 21, 2015 that Doc, Marty McFly, and Jennifer Parker traveled to the future in a DeLorean time machine at the begining of Back To The Future II (I won't expand on why, in case of a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen the movies!). Of course it was a big celebration back in 2015, but celebrated every year leading up to and after that year by fans of the movie.

In researching why screenwriter, Bob Gale, chose October 21, 2015 as the date to time travel in the second installment of the series, he chose it as the date the Chicago Cubs would theoretically win the World Series. As it turns out, he was only one year off, the Cubs would win in 2016. Great Scott!

Also, announced today, Back To The Future: The Musical


Read 583 times Last modified on Friday, 21 October 2022 12:38