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Tuesday, 09 December 2014 17:02

Does Kim Kardashian Play Football?

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Well, here we are the Browns making another QB change. Sadly, the Browns are in a position where there is no choice. What's been happening on the field is brutal and tough to watch.
So here comes Johnny Manziel, the immensely popular hero to many. But can he play in the NFL? We are finally going to find out.

This whole Manziel thing kind of reminds me of the Kim Kardashian phenomenon. She was born into affluence and been raised to heights unimaginable a few years ago. Why? Her TV show, memorable selfies and videos, plus marrying controversial singers. Kim though is very beautiful and insanely curvaceous in popular areas. She’s entitled, loves the high lifestyle, and fame. But what is she actually good at? That's a fair question. What she is good at, is living outside of her fans lives, all the while making them desperately wanting to live hers. Wish I thought of it.
I don't know if Kimmy K can play football or not. But Johnny Manziel at this stage seems to be the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian. Well, there are a few differences... clearly. Manziel can play college football.  But being more than honest, he played very well in a small handful of very exciting college football games in the nation's best college football conference. He spent two short years at Texas A&M. But he seems to be an exciting player. And now he's the Browns starting QB.
He as well was born into affluence. He breaks all the rules, is entitled, and does his own thing just like Kimbo. He is hugely rich before taking one step onto an NFL field. He also lives outside of his fans lives and makes them desperately want to live his. Sound familiar? He's brash, arrogant, confident, and seems eager for prime time. For some reason fans love everything about him. But they do not know if he can play in the NFL. No one can honestly say he can.

The proof will eventually be in the pudding. Manziel will either win football games for the Browns or not - period. While Manziel is either tossing touchdowns, or getting his brains beat out by full grown men who can't wait to take their shot, Kimster will still be on top tweeting away. If Johnny bombs out, dudes will endlessly make excuses for their hero until it becomes painfully obvious that they have hitched their wagon to the wrong horse. And if that's the case, they will pick up and move on to the next flavor of the month. Then Manziel will go the way of Cleveland sports lore as so many have from all of our teams.

But if Manziel cuts through and somehow becomes the Browns real future on the field, we could be in for a real treat. Unlike Kardashian, Manziel will have an absolute barometer of success that she never will.  Wins and losses. If he really wants to win and be a Brown, he could be big time exciting to watch. If that scenario plays out, this area could be on its ear for the next decade as the legend takes hold. Especially if Manziel would totally embrace his role here as a player and a citizen in a working man’s town. And win.
But he has a decision to make. Simply, “Do I want to be Kimmy K, Johnny Football, or do I want to be more than a a pop culture icon and be a real winner? Like it or not, truth is he's a rock star to his fans - for reasons TODAY, no one can honestly explain logically to anyone. So, is this the future that we have been waiting for?

Or does Kim Kardashian play football?
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