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Saturday, 27 December 2014 20:54

The Five Most Disappointing Movies of 2014

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Time for the list of underachievers, the most disappointing movies of the year.  And this year there were some doozies!

I saw about 150 movies this year, and some of the movies on this list still have me scratching my head. There were, I thought a couple of "can't misses" on this list, but such was not to be.  To be on this list, movies had to be released to local theaters during the calender year.  I will also link you back to my original review from the theater run if you're considering renting or pay per view.  So let's get going.

The Five Most Disappointing Movies of 2014

1/  The Judge  -  What a cast! Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall and others. A seemingly great
                            story about a son and father who don't see eye to eye.  Downey a lawyer, Duvall
                            a judge on trial for murder. What this turns out to be is an unpleasant drive down
                            family dysfunction lane. Harsh and cold and not entertaining. Big let down.

2/  The Gambler  - Mark Wahlberg in an amazingly boring story about an elitist college professor
                              and his self destructive ways as a gambler.  It's just not any fun watching a guy
                              born into affluence, with a great job and car thinking his life with worth throwing
                              away gambling.  Not good. Might be the worst ending too of the year.

3/  This Is Where I Leave You -  Comedy from the summer with a big cast as well. This has moments
                            that are funny, but not near enough.  Again, major family dysfunction at 10 dollars
                            a ticket. With the troops assembled, this should have been much better, original and
                            far more funny.

4/  When The Game Stands Tall - True high school football story featuring a simply amazing coach
                           that leaves young men far better off then when they came to him. The actual man is
                           great!  The movie is not. As wonderful a man as he is, he deserved a better movie
                           than this Remember The Titans wannabe.

5/  Lucy - This was also on the Worst List as well with an (dis) honorable mention.  This could have
                 been really something with a human able to unlock 100% of the brains potential. Instead,
                 this.  She should have used that big brain to make a better movie. Scarlett Johansson
                 and this summer flop.

There they are. Also look up my Five Worst List, and the Five Most Surprising List.  And coming next week The Five Best Movies of  2104

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