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Wednesday, 27 December 2023 02:19

New Headphones!

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For Christmas this year, one thing on my list was a nice pair of studio-quality headphones, and I'm happy to report I got just that! I've been in the radio industry for a good while now and have neglected to upgrade from the budget ones given as standard issue from my college radio station. They did the job, but until tonight, I had no idea how much audio depth I was missing out on. 

With these fancy new headphones, I can hear the layers of instruments and vocals in the songs much more clearly and the full range from low bass notes to crisp trebles. It's even better than sitting in my car with the nice head unit and speakers. I feel like I'm hearing songs for the very first time again now. I'm thrilled!

How clearly I could hear myself actually caught me off guard for my first talk break of the night, and I still can't get over how much better these bad boys are compared to what I had. I feel like I can hear myself think with them on! Seriously though, the clarity in the sound of my own voice is the most noticeable improvement this new pair has over the old. I think this upgrade will help me to continue better my vocal delivery and overall sound on-air. No matter what you do or how long you've done it, I believe there's always room for improvement! 

As a takeaway from this, I suppose I'm suggesting you treat yourself right when it comes to the things you use every day. Maybe you're a line-cook shopping for a new pair of shoes to wear to work, a mechanic purchasing a new tool, or a package handler browsing for some new work gloves. Little things can make all the difference, so if you're able to, go for quality. When I worked in retail, I would use the box cutters provided by the store and would question why people would bring in their own nicer ones from home, but now I get it. 

I want to thank my fiancée for this sweet gift. I was given so many cool things from her and others for which I'm deeply appreciative, including Megan Moroney's Lucky CD, a gnarly R/C car, some nice clothes, a welder, an air-compressor, gift cards, cash, candy, a cordless drill set, and more! I'm blessed for having such great family that bestowed upon me many awesome things. I'm truly grateful. 

I hope you had a good Christmas as well and that Santa brought you everything you wished for. Have a happy New Year and thank you so much for listening to Your Country, 94.9 WQMX!

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