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Tuesday, 07 May 2019 08:30

Thank you, TEACHERS!

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Today is Teacher Appreciation Day and this week is also Teacher Appreciation Week.

It got me to thinking about some of my favorite teachers, and there are many. One sticks out. Mrs. Mathues, my 3rd grade teacher from Hartville Elementary. She got me to like going to school. Up to that point, I was not so sure about it. Ha! She made learning cursive and multiplication so fun. We did so many crafts, made landfills out of 2 liters, made recycled paper, did spelling test on our desks with shaving cream, learned about endangered animals, made a class weaving- that I won to keep and still have to this day, and we made a book of memories throughout the year that I also still have. I also remember she would drink pickle juice. Odd, but so cool to a 9-year-old!

My memories are so vivid of this school, partly because of this memory book and mainly because Mrs. Mathues was an incredible teacher who made this girl excited to go to school everyday. Thank you and thank you to all the teachers out there for the great job you do!

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