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Tuesday, 11 July 2023 01:30

WYNN - #24 - On My Way To You - Cody Johnson - 2019

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Cody Johnson - On My Way To You - 2019

SW small Logo Again, one of the newer selections on my list.  I remember the first time I heard this song.  It's rare for me, but I knew at that exact moment this was a hit song.  This written song is country music gold. No matter what the eventual chart position would be, (it was top 15)  listeners were going to love this song and its message.  This is a love song in the fact that it's not sappy, silly, formula or "listy"  (You know listing all the comparables).  So many songs are "You're amazing....Why are you with me.... I don't deserve you.... You're too good for me.... You're prettier than.....blah blah blah..."  Man, that formula works -  but it gets old quickly. This is a love song that simply chronicles in his mind the wait he's had that is now over, and how it is worth it to have someone he loves so much.  This makes you happy for him, and her and you can relate to this, as do I, that many times it takes a long time to meet that one person who makes all the difference, and how good that feels. That one person  - that within you  - answers all the questions you've had. I know I feel that way about Windy, and it was well up the road that I met her, and this song speaks right to me, Windy, and millions more.  Cody Johnson sings this to perfection and this is arranged flawlessly, as it has a powerful musical backbone and doesn't play it safe by being soft, or light rock-ish.  This is an incredible song.

Last Week #25


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Read 717 times Last modified on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 04:36