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Wednesday, 05 February 2020 01:45

LOCAL - An ACM Thank You!

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Everyone loves awards, and our business is no exception.  This week WQMX was nominated again for the ACM Medium Market Station Of The Year, and it's a proud time around here. We've been nominated before, and won the station award in 2015.  It was a great honor for all of us.  But the thanks goes to you.

You support everything we do here are WQMX, and we are so appreciative.  Charity events, ticket stops, you flood concerts big and small, and are always there.  You are why we do this. You are why any station is here, and for those stations or personalities that choose not to believe that, they are wrong.  Radio is a team sport. It's an honor to work for such a great radio station, with the best listeners!

The morning show has also been nominated six times by the ACM's but has not won the top prize yet, but it is an honor to be included in the top five shows in the country. The show has also been nominated a couple times by the CMA's but has not topped that one yet either.  I did win a CMA during my time in Florida in 1997, and it was a tremendous honor, that is forever humbling.

Fact is, no matter what body is nominating, what year, what category, the thanks still goes to you, the listener. We are thankful to you. We know you get up every morning, and listen all day, and we are so grateful.  Yes, the entire staff works tirelessly as this is a demanding field, but you make it worthwhile.

Let's hope this is our second win, for the station, and for you.

Thank you for always being there!


When WQMX won the ACM Station Award in 2015 - felt good to hold it!

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Read 1326 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 February 2020 04:34