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Tuesday, 16 June 2020 01:30

FATHERS DAY - Dear Ole Dad!

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Fathers Day is Sunday and I hope you're ready for dad this week.  Lots of Fathers Day talk this time of the year. How much we spend on dad compared to mom on Mothers Day.  What dad wants for his day.  You know the drill.

Fathers Day has really changed over the years I feel.  The running joke has always been, dad doesn't want anything. "I have everything I need, don't spend your money..."  You know the lines.  And being honest, all dads used to say that.  My dad did, and he meant it.  Older dads, who are now granddads, or older, still feel that way.  They grew up in the depression, or WWII, The Korean War, or Vietnam. They arrived in adulthood earlier, and fatherhood later, and simply could not understand the fuss over themselves.  Or at least wouldn't admit it.  And we bought into it.

But those dads are now 75 plus and dad is far different now.  Oh yeah, he'll still embarrass you to no end with his ..well...many things, but he came from a different time.  A time where I feel dad DOES want something now for Fathers Day.  He DOES want to be remembered and thought of as special. He just grew up in a different era where things were very different in the world, and in our daily lives. 

My Dad -Way Back -  I Think This is the Roadway Trucking Copley Road Terminal Site - Before Built.

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Dad is still portrayed as a nincompoop on TV shows, and commercials and that's fine. Dad doesn't mind when the joke is on him, and he'll take it for the team.  But in reality, dad is NOT a nincompoop.  He's a good guy and important.  Whether you are a dad, or a step of sorts, you are valued probably more than TV would lead you to believe, and that is a relief to us all.

I am not a biological dad, but I am the son of one that passed on way too soon when I was very young. And I remember just enough to know that it was good to have him in my world.  I don't wish for much, and being honest I don't sit around wishing he was around for Fathers Day, that would be a waste of time, and he would think so too.  Things work out the way they do for a reason.  Two of the best things that ever happened to me were my dad living  - and my dad dying.  I had to take early the important things he tought me, and grow up to use them.  It wasn't always easy, but in the long run, it was what I knew and the way it was.  You may not completely get what I just said, and I'm glad for that.  It's better to have your dad.

But I do wish for this. That you can see your dad on his day and that you are happy to do it.  And that you'll see him next year on his day, and so on and so forth.  He may still not ask for much this year, and that's OK, you'll know better. 


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Read 1445 times Last modified on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 05:29