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Monday, 25 August 2014 06:34

Daily Scoop for week of August 25th

Friday is National Buffalo Chicken Wings Day, National Whiskey Sour Day and the kick-off to Labor Day weekend.  Micheal Jackson would have been 54. The Beatles performed their last concert on this day in 1966

Final Preseason game last night...Browns won 33-13. NFL –Revamped it's policy about domestic violence yesterday and admitted wrong doing. Now it's a 6 game minimum suspension, and a lifetime ban for a second offense…although that is still less than the punishment for smoking pot.

Johnny Manziel – Is in a new Snickers TV commercial that is sweeping the internet and country

Lebron has benched his blossoming Hollywood career for the time being so he can concentrate on his upcoming return to the Cav's.

Halle Berry It's beginning to look like the third time wasn't the charm for Halle Berry -- getting divorced from Olivier Martinez.

Joan Rivers Is in critical condition after problems during a routine surgery yesterday. She is in a medically induced coma today. She is 81.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014 07:07

Daily Scoop For Week of August 18

Friday: Friday Is - National Tooth Fairy Day.  Today is Be an Angel Day Today. National “Eat a Peach” Day.  1902 Happy Birthday to the Cadillac..started by Henry Ford

Dog People…Are more reliable than cat people new study shows. This Saturday night. Indians are home at Progressive Field. Browns are home against the Rams. The Gladiators play for the Arena football championship[! 100,000 people downtown

Northern Illinois University has just put some rules in place regarding Internet usage. They are blocking students from accessing all social networks, Wikipedia, and porn. The new policy applies to the school’s Internet connection only Love the pants...hate the yoga. More women are wearing the pants as opposed to actally doing yoga. The trend even has a name ... "athleisure."

A 28 year old woman who was on the show Dating Naked is suing VH1..for showing her ..naked! They didn't blur out her completely and it cost her a bidding relationship!

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, their marriage is in deep trouble...he says so. Taylor Swift New CD, 1989 out for you October 2

Thursday, 30 October 2014 07:02

SEAMLESS Method For Health

According to motivational speaker and life coach Allen Vaysberg, meditation could reduce pain intensity by 40 percent andpain unpleasantness by 57 percent, up to twice as much as morphine.  He says there are 8 simple things that most of us have heard about that  will lower their risk of getting every one of the Top 10 Health risks in the US (Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Respiratory Disease, Injuries, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Pneumonia, Kidney Disease and Septicemia)

He calls it his "SEAMLESS" method which seamlessly integrates into their everyday life regardless of age, income or current health. It is:


S - quality Sleep

E - Eat properly for you and drink enough water

A - be Active for 30 minutes per day

M - Meditate

L - insert something you Love into every day and Love yourself

E - Expand and grow

S - get plenty of Sunshine and fresh air

S - reduce Stress

Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:07

Relationships Rebound: A Good Thing?

The first piece of advice everyone loves to spew right after you break up with your boyfriend is ... Don't jump right into a new relationship. But it's time to stop listening to all that unsolicited advice, because it turns out that rebound relationship might be the best thing you can do for yourself!

A recent study found that people who start a new relationship within seven months of a breakup are much happier than people who stay single. Yep, moving on is the best medicine. The study, surveyed 200 people about their current relationships and future relationships and none of the people who moved on quickly were suffering any ill effects from their decision. As a matter of fact, they had overall better well being than the participants who chose to follow that old school advice and stay single for a while.

So, why does rebounding work so well to heal that broken heart? Researchers claim a new flame will boost your confidence and make you feel desirable and wanted again. Not only that, but it is a great way to distract yourself from the hurt feelings and mourning of a lost love. So, next time you get your heart broken, the best medicine isn't a pint of Ben & Jerry's  – the real way to heal is by getting your flirt on

Read article here! (Shine)

Monday, 10 March 2014 08:03

8 Phrases that will Get His Attention

Say one (or all of these) now and again...and see what happens :-)

  1. "I'm really proud of you."
  2. "I'm having a flashback to (insert a special day and time) example: 10 p.m. last Saturday."
  3. “Thank You”
  4. "Wine bar, 8 o' clock, meet me there."
  5. "I think that woman was checking you out!"
  6. "My coworker couldn't stop admiring those earrings you gave me."
  7. "You need to go to bed."
  8. “Let's turn it into a bet."
Friday, 07 February 2014 07:02

Pets Can Make You A Better Person

You didn't just get a puppy because it was painfully adorable (though that probably didn't hurt.) Turns out, pets actually make us better people. We've known for a while that pets lower blood pressure and anxiety but now we know they also help increase empathy, leadership, and social engagement.  Wanna be more charismatic? Try caring for something with paws!

While more than 20 years of science has looked at the health benefits humans reap from having a pet, including lowering blood pressure and anxiety and preventing allergies in kids, until now, not much research has been done on the impact animals have on their owners' character. This recent work found that caring for a pet increased empathy, leadership, and social engagement. "As the field of how human and animal health interact becomes more rigorous, people are starting to discover how important pets are in our lives," author Megan K. Mueller, who is a developmental psychologist and a professor at the Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine, tells Yahoo Shine.

Full article (Yahoo)




Thursday, 26 December 2013 07:34

How to Find True Love (from the movies!)

Admit it ... you secretly love watching those made-for-TV holiday movies! Between Lifetime, Hallmark and ABC Family you can successfully watch Holiday  movies 24 hours a day. The most popular movies always center on the perfect holiday romance, and if you're looking for love this winter why not take a few tips from these sentimental sappy tales?! Here are the guaranteed ways to find love during the holidays, as told by made-for-TV Holiday movies:

  • If you already have a boyfriend but he isn't really into the holidays – DUMP HIM! He's definitely too busy for you on account of the fact that he is CEO of Unspecified Company in Generic Industry and Very Important – too important for silly holiday cheer. You need to take a chance on the super hot single hunk who will take you out skating and buy you hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. He is most likely a widower with young children desperate for a family Christmas or a skilled wood worker/clock-maker/foreign prince of a fake country with amnesia, or your now super successful high school hometown crush.
  • Track Down Your Now-Famous High School Ex: This guy is not only single, but he still loves you after years and years apart!
  • Move Back to the Small Town You're From: If you moved to the big city and either lost your high paying job or need to sell out your hometown in some way to secure a big deal and or secure the oh so important Christmas Eve deal, be prepared to not only have a change of heart about the holidays and the small town you came from, but you will definitely reconnect with your friend from youth who is now super hunky!
  • Tell Santa that all you want for Christmas is a boyfriend: Chances are he will deliver the perfect guy to you that you will coyly turn down until finally realizing the Christmas spirit and your undying love for him!
  • Spend an inordinate amount of time with your hot boss who is outwardly mean: Chances are he is a real sweetie at heart ... He just had something horrible happen to him during a past holiday that you will clearly be able to help him get over so that you two can realize how perfect you are for each other and fall madly in love!
  • (Source: HuffingtonPost)


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