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Thursday, 30 October 2014 06:22

What Are We Most Afraid Of:

With Halloween just days away, here are the results of a survey that asked Americans what they are most afraid 

1.     Walking alone at night

2.     Becoming the victim of identity theft

3.     Safety on the Internet

4.     Being the victim of a mass shooting or random shooting

5.     Public speaking

Other things that made the list include:

·  Running out of money in the future

·  Government surveillance of Internet activity

·  Becoming sick

·  Natural disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes

Monday, 27 October 2014 07:32

We all suffer from "Face-ism"

Apparently. we all make snap judgments when the meet someone for the first time.These judgments are based on a lot of things … race, the way someone is dressed, the way they smell, their voice. Well, researchers have discovered that people also create strong first impressions on faces. That’s right. Everybody suffers from “face-ism.” It seems that people are most often drawn to faces with feminine features and wide eyes – or eyes that naturally seem cheerful.  On the other hand, faces with small eyes and tight-lipped mouths seem “introverted” and unfriendly. This is really weird because we think our judgments and choices are rational and based on important information, but the truth is that our judgments are actually based on superficial and irrelevant factors. How else can you explain trusting someone with large eyes instead of a person who squints. It just doesn’t make sense. (Metro)

Monday, 27 October 2014 07:20

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

While life expectancy in the U.S. is at an all-time high, women still live longer than men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a girl born in 2012 can expect to live to 81.2 years – which is almost five years longer than a boy baby born the same year, who’s likely live to age 76.4.

Here are some reasons why women live longer than men:

  • Girls are tougher in the womb – For some reason, boys are slower to develop physically than girls while in the womb, which means they’re more likely to die if they are preemies due to underdeveloped lung or brain development.
  • Women are less likely to be daredevils – There are a lot more YouTube videos of boys skateboarding off their roofs into swimming pools than girls trying it.
  • Women have stronger social networks – Most men tend to hold their stress and worries in, while women tend to reach out and talk to others. So, guys stress out and die young.
  • Women take better care of their health – Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22 percent more likely to skip out on cholesterol testing. Guys don’t like doctors … and this takes its toll on their health. (FoxNews)
Wednesday, 01 October 2014 07:19

Simple Changes To Avoid a Heart Attack

According to researchers, most heart attacks in men can be avoided by making some simple lifestyle changes, which include:

·  quit smoking

·  walk or bike at least 40 minutes each day

·  keep your waist smaller than 37 inches

·  drink moderate amounts of alcohol and…

·  eat a diet packed with fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains

Friday, 26 September 2014 06:23

You Know You Are A Fall Person If....

Autumn is your favorite time of year...and you can tell because: 

  • ~You love costume parties and haunted houses & Halloween .
  • ~Freshly picked apples taste better than store-bought ones
  • ~You love everything pumpkin-flavored.
  • ~You know a cool breeze at your back and a fire in front of you is one of the best feelings in the world.
  • ~Thanksgiving is your dark horse for "Best Holiday."
  • ~The pleasure of getting a bit buzzed off spiced apple cider.

Your early 20s are the years to go out, tequila shots, make mistakes, and wake up the next day with go-get-em attitude, ready to do it all again tonight.

Yeah, well, that's all over now, Here’s a list of things that just aren’t fun anymore after you turn 25.

 1. Shots. What’s that thing where you make the poor decision to do something that you used to be able to handle fine just to prove you can still handle it, and then next thing you know you’re puking in a cab? Oh right, shots. 

2. Talking on the phone. When you and your high school best friend went to college, it was fun having the weekly two-hour phone call to share each other's #NewExperiences. Now it’s just like, fuck you, text me, why must I use my voice. 

3. Staying out late. I’m still young! I’m still young! I’m still y— And I’m asleep at the bar.Yeah, having got up early for that job of mine sure is a pain!

4. Eating hedonistically. Because pizza every day is and a greasy diet did not feel like death. But now you have an old(er) person’s digestive system and metabolism. Some late-twentysomethings still have iron stomachs, and power to them, Mac and cheese boxed dinners and Gatorade dinners don’t feel like they used to.

5. Complaining about your parents. Your parents, or at least one of your parents, is awesome. You did not know this until you realized recently that you are turning into your mom or dad,  and it’s actually kind of great.

Thursday, 25 September 2014 06:51

10 Phrases That Made NO sense 20 years ago

  1. She likes me because she re-tweeted my joke
  2. I have angry birds on my phone.
  3. I store all my stuff in the cloud.
  4. My Internet is down so I can't watch TV
  5. My phone died so my alarm didn't go off
  6. I'm gonna Instagram this  pic hashtag amazing!
  7. I can't wait to FaceTime with my dog.
  8. You can go to jail for downloading that song.
  9. Make sure you delete your cookies.
  10. I'm just going to re-charge my cigarette.
Thursday, 25 September 2014 06:35

6 Signs He Might Be A Keeper

Maybe you hit it off right away and you think after the first date “he’s the one”. But sometimes, even when there isn’t instant chemistry after the first few dates, if you give it some time, you may  realize you’re attracted to someone down the road.  Here, six signs—that experts agree—could prove you’re with a man who deserves a second (or third!) date.

1. Your Initial Greeting Is a Little Awkward 
Maybe he stumbles up the steps or gives you the world’s worst handshake. While it’s not exactly leading man material, being nervous a good sign: He wants to impress you. Overlook the awkwardness, laugh it off, and chances are he’ll act a lot more confident as the night continues, says Patti Feinstein, a Chicago-based dating coach.  

2. He Did His Pre-Date Homework
Maybe he asks about the dog you’ve posed with in your profile photo or wonders how you feel about the latest True Detective casting news if you mentioned you were a fan. “When men really like you, they’ll pay attention to details,” says Strickland. Not only that, but being genuinely interested bodes well for communication down the road.

3. You Don’t Check Your Watch
If it seems like the insta-chemistry is lacking, but you don’t even realize the restaurant is shutting down until the server taps your shoulder, it’s a good sign you have a lot in common, says Strickland. “Eventually, you’ll be able to suss out whether he could be a future boyfriend, but for now, just focus on getting to know him. If you like the way he makes you feel and you have fun, keep going out.”

4. He Talks Up His Family 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014 07:09

Cats are Not Dogs

Cats aren't dogs, and they'd like us to remember that, an animal behavior expert tells the Telegraph. We stress them out by expecting them to be as sociable as our canine friends, happy to be petted and hang out in the same space as other cats. But that just doesn't fit with how cats think, says Dr. John Bradshaw. "
Dogs were sociable before they were domesticated," he says. "Unlike dogs, the cat is still halfway between a domestic and a wild animal, and it’s not enjoying 21st-century living."
And when a cat is stressed, it can develop dermatitis and cystitis, he notes.
In the past, "with cats, all we wanted was for them to keep our houses and farms and food stores free of rats and mice, and they got on with that," Bradshaw says. “It’s only in the last few decades that we have wanted them to be something else."
That's not to say your cat doesn't love you, he adds. It's just that they "have their own lives" and interests.
(And, as he told the Huffington Post earlier this year, your cat probably also thinks you are a very large cat; that's why, he theorizes, they communicate affection with humans the same way they do with other cats.)
Some tips: Cats are likely to spend more time with you if they approach you, rather than if you approach them first, according to research, he notes. And if you're planning to get a second cat, you might want to bring its smell home first on a handkerchief: "It’s the cat equivalent of exchanging photos before a blind date
Souce: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/pets/11097503/Cats-are-stressed-because-we-treat-them-like-dogs.html
Wednesday, 17 September 2014 06:56

The 10 Worst Things to Say to a Newlywed

Whether it's because they're feeling awkward or just plain old at a loss for words, people say some crazy things tonewlyweds! It's almost as if, faced with a couple who has just vowed to spend the rest of their lives together, they can't stop themselves from delivering cliches about marriage up the wazoo! Many of them downright offensive, by the way.

Granted, many times, people are speaking from their own (often negative) experience when spouting their kookiest gems, so maaaybe we need to give them a break.

But if you're that loved one without a filter, maybe you could also use a tip! And if you're that newlywed barraged by inappropriate platitudes, you could probably use a laugh. Here are 10 things never to say to a newlywed. Take note, Aunt Edna!

1. "So, does life feel different now you’re married?"

2. "Welcome to the club! Now you get to be miserable like the rest of us!"

3. "So how does it feel to have kissed your sex life goodbye?"

4. "Oh, don't worry, the first year is the WORST!"

5. "Are you still going to work?"

6. "You're not taking his last name, right?" or (assuming you have) "I can't believe you're now Mrs. So-and-So!"

7. "Guess the honeymoon phase is officially over now!"

8. "Are you pregnant yet???"

9. "You do know you have a 50 percent chance of getting divorced, right?"

10. "Enjoy it now before you have kids! That's when everything changes!"

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