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Think boys are smarter? Think again. 

A Canadian study, which examined data from 1914 to 2011, found that girls do better in school than boys – and have been for nearly a century.

The research found that girls perform better than boys in every grade ...  in all subjects ... all over the world.

"The fact that females generally perform better than their male counterparts throughout what is essentially mandatory schooling in most countries seems to be a well-kept secret, considering how little attention it has received as a global phenomenon," said co-author Susan Voyer of the University of New Brunswick. (Daily Mail)

You've all heard the saying, "Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, in the the clear." Well, according to research analyzed by the BBC, this adult nursery rhyme – meant to save you from spending a day in bed with a hangover – is totally untrue!

Nope, what you drink and in what order makes no difference when it comes to a next day hangover. It's how much you drink that makes a difference. The more alcohol you consume, the higher the chances of becoming dehydrated – which is the true cause of a hangover.

So, if you feel like having a glass of wine before a beer, or a vodka-cranberry before a glass of Merlot – the most important thing to remember is you can have them in any order you want, but you'd better have a glass of water in between each drink or you might wake up with a raging headache, queasy stomach and a tongue that feels too big for your dry mouth! (Today)


1.        Spending too little time with the right people

2.        Not saying what you need to say.

3.        Ignoring your intuition for too long.

4.        Not taking action on meaningful goals.

5.        Letting others talk you out of your dreams.

6.        Collecting more excuses than you can count.

7.        Waiting, and waiting, and waiting until you’re ready.

8.        Not putting in enough effort. .

9.        Not taking on enough

10.    Putting your own needs on the back burner.

11.    Giving up too soon.

Monday, 28 April 2014 06:26

Secrets to Happiness

Japan’s Jiroemon Kimura was the oldest person in the world when he died in June 2013 … at the age of 116. If anyone knew the secret to longevity, it was Kimura. Here are some of his tips for a long and happy life.

  1. Exercise every day
  2. Eat small portions
  3. Let adversity make you strong
  4. Read the news every day
  5. Stay close to nature
  6. Have gratitude
  7. Laugh often
  8. Break life up into small parts – instead of trying to handle everything at once, break it into small steps.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 08:34

Ladies: What Your Pet Says About You

What the pet she owns says about her

·         If she owns a cat. Cats are independent and self-sufficient, which means she is too.

·         Girls who own dogs are usually sporty and low-maintenance.

·         If she owns a reptile, like a snake or lizard, expect her to be a little freaky or self-absorbed

·         Bird-owners are very bubbly, talkative and optimistic.

·         Girls with rabbits probably don't care much about cleanliness. Same thing with girls who keep rodents as pets.

·         The girl who owns a horse is wealthy and very high-maintenance.

·         There are some girls who have insects as pets, like butterflies or ant farms, they're very into science and probably really weird. (Coed.com)

Chocolate Bunny: You are stalwart and trustworthy. Everyone knows what they're getting with you. If someone bites your head off, you just roll with it.

Malted Robin's Eggs: You're creative and like surprising people, but you're also just a little bit nostalgic.

Peeps: You're loud and will not be ignored. You're also extremely flexible. You're super sweet inside and out, and soft in the middle. But you can be a bit clingy, too.

Cadbury Eggs: You are not what you appear to be. There's a kind of mystery to you. And yet you're in high demand.

Jelly Beans:  You're just here for a good time, always happy to be invited to the party.

Peanut Butter Eggs:You're a regular person. You prefer stability, for things to stay the same all the time.

Edible Easter Grass: You're half punk rock, half emo. You scare people. No one quite understands you.



Friday, 11 April 2014 10:11

Spoon Beauty Tips


·         Beauty Tips You Could Do With The Incredible Spoon! 

·         Press the back of two cold spoons against the area under your eyes to get rid of bags.

·         Keep the back of that cold spoon handy to press against the back of a hickey to make it less noticeable. 

·         Place a tablespoon up against the bottom of your eyebrow to get a better arch when applying your eyebrow makeup.

·         Dip the spoon in hot water and place the back against a zit to help it heal faster

Source: (Cosmo)

Wednesday, 02 April 2014 07:15

Eat Your Veggies for a Longer Life!

You know the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Turns out eating one apple isn't enough. A new study suggests people who eat up to seven servings of fruit and

vegetables a day can cut their risk of death by 42% - and that vegetables may be more important than fruit to your overall health. During the study, researchers also found

that vegetables are king – and end up being more important than fruit to your overall health.

It seems diets rich in fruits and vegetables protect people against cancer, heart disease, and all other causes of death.

So, hit the farmer’s market – or plant a garden. Your life might depend on it. (CNN)

Friday, 28 March 2014 08:20

Spring Break Factoids

Going on Spring Break? Any of your young adult children going on Spring Break. Here are a few facts you may NOT want to hear.

Here’s a by-the-numbers look at Spring Break.

  1. More than 1.5 million students will party during Spring Break, spending more than a billion dollars in Texas and Florida alone.
  2. Spring breakers spend an average of $1,100 a week, which is about what a family of four spends on food for an entire month.
  3. 40 percent of the guys plan on being drunk throughout the entire day – while only 33 percent of women are making this a priority. 
Wednesday, 19 March 2014 07:04

Stress Affects Men's IQs

Everyone gets stressed out, but new research suggests that men and women cope with these situations in different ways.

Men’s IQs drop when they’re under stress – and they become more selfish. Researchers found that intelligence drops when men are freaking out – and they are less able to distinguish their own emotions and intentions from those of other people. Women, as you can guess, are the exact opposite. When they’re stressed, their IQ increases and they become more empathetic.  According to the study, men become more egocentric and self-centered when stressed. They have trouble separating their own intentions and emotions from those of the people around them. On the other hand, women who are under a lot of stress may become “prosocial.”

Details and the full article here  (NYDailyNews)

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