Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Tuesday, 04 March 2014 15:08


Son Of God is the first in a new wave of Biblical movies that are coming this year.  Noah is next officially with Russell Crowe, with some more faith based movies also on the horizon.

Saturday, 01 March 2014 15:57


I am a Liam Neeson fan. He has successfully reinvented himself as this middle-aged, semi believable common man, action hero over the past few years.  And the Taken series (of which there will a another) has been a big success.

Every once in a while you have to watch a movie and just go with it, and not really worry about what you are seeing. And that is the new Kevin Costner action flick 3 Days To Kill.

This this will come as a shock to many of you, but Kevin Hart has yet another movie out this week.  He is the hottest comedian on the planet, and this stretch has him dominating the box office as well and a few movies you can see him in right now.

It was a big book, and now it's a movie. The new mythical, Winters Tale is out just in time for Valentine's Day.

Friday, 07 February 2014 17:25

MOVIE REVIEW - The Monuments Men

When I say that the new star-studded WWII movie The Monuments Men is disappointing, that doesn't actually mean bad.  But this should have been a whole lot better.

Saturday, 25 January 2014 17:56

MOVIE REVIEW - I, Frankenstein

Holy cow, what was anyone anywhere near Hollywood thinking when this idea came up in some board meeting?   I, Frankenstein is simply ghastly.

Friday, 24 January 2014 15:54

Have You Ever Been The ONE Guy?

Almost every Friday, I am at the movies seeing the biggest release of the week and preparing the written movie review seen here weekly.  But not today. The dryer is not working and I am waiting on the repair man. 

Saturday, 18 January 2014 09:58

MOVIE REVIEW - Jack Ryan:Shadow Recruit

The cinematic icon over the past 20 years, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan has been completely rebooted in this weeks, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit.   

Monday, 13 January 2014 17:54

MOVIE REVIEW - August:Osage County

You'll go a long way to find a bigger cast than you will find in the new flick, August:Osage County.

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