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Sunday, 14 May 2023 01:12

WYNN - Happy Mothers Day, Mom

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SW small Logo This is my second Mothers Day without my mom and as time goes on, I find myself confirming more and more what I thought the day she passed, that things worked out the way they were supposed to.  My mom was 94, and had numerous physical problems at the end not the least of were dementia, and Alzheimer disease.  As sad as it was to see this once brilliant women reduced to that was very tough, but luckily in the grand scheme of things, all that didn't last all that long.  I'm very thankful for that.  She also had cancer she knew nothing about, and kidney disease she forgot about.  But, that's the kind of thing that happens to most of us at 94.  

The last conversation we had with her was her asking, "Who was under Windy's chair?"   We smiled and knew the end was near, and it was.  Today, we look back and smile about it and Windy and I are glad for that particular visit on that day.

Your mom passing can be a tough thing, but when you add up a life very well lived and think about the amazing times she grew up in and what she saw near the end, you gain some perspective that she was here a long time and was blessed in that regard.  It's hard to really be sad about it when you add up the life lived and the amazing quality of it for 92 of 94 years, we should all be so lucky.  She was really never sick a day in her life.

My dad passing when I was 16 and he was 53 prepares you in a way that I hope you never have to know.  At that age when that happens, 53 seems very old and that's what you get here in this world.  But my mom taught me differently, by living well into her 90's and restoring some faith that life is indeed a long journey and is worth living the best way you can.  My mom didn't live the most glamorous life, but she led the life she wanted and that's the key.  She worked in upper education for 40 years, she starred as an actor in many plays over many years as she loved everything about live theater.  She taught people how to sing, and to speak in front of large groups.  She had great friends, and painted incredible works of art for the majority of her adult life that brought her and others great joy.

Even though my mom isn't here to celebrate with today, she and my dad set a good pace for us to follow.  My dad had a great zest for having fun and just life in general and his ended way too soon.  And my mom lived long enough to live out most every dream I think she had. 

And both of those things are worth remembering today - or any day.

Happy Mothers Day to you if you are one, or if you're celebrating with yours!

Wynn small pic

Read 552 times Last modified on Monday, 08 May 2023 04:44