Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Thursday, 15 February 2024 18:06

Play Ball!

As I mentioned in the Sports Roundup recently, the Guardians had yet to decide what time opening day first pitch would be due to the total solar eclipse happening that day. We now have our answer.

First pitch for the Guardians 2024 home opener against the Chicago White Sox will be at 5:10. Gates at Progressive Field will open at 2:00 that afternoon. Not only that, tomorrow (Friday) is 216 day - so single game tickets for the season go on sale at 10AM!

Hopefully this will be an exciting year of Guards baseball!!

Wednesday, 14 February 2024 18:20

Happy Valentine's Day

First, Happy Valentine's Day. I know this is a day for couples, but if you are like me and single...don't worry. You have friends and family that love you. This can also be a great day for self care. Do what you enjoy! Treat yourself! Whether that is a nice dinner, a movie, a walk or run. Whatever you enjoy - spend time doing that activity. Just because you don't have a significant other doesn't mean you are "alone". 

Do what brings you joy today, and you will find that you are happy no matter what :)

Tuesday, 13 February 2024 18:06

Time to say goodbye

If you are a fan of American Idol and the lineup of the judges, enjoy this season. Katy Perry announced on Jimmy Kimmel Live that this will be her final season as a judge on the show.

Not only that, it sounds like she hadn't EXACTLY broken the news to Ryan Seacrest, Lionel Richie, or Luke Bryan yet. Her answer when asked by Kimmel how they took it was "I guess they'll find out tonight." So it sounds like they knew something was up and that she wanted to make some sort of plans for herself, just not that she would be leaving the show!

Again, if you enjoy watching American Idol, you have the rest of this season to savor the show as is and then we will see who becomes the next judge to sit alongside Lionel and Luke.

Monday, 12 February 2024 18:07

New At 9:00 New Song Spotlight

If you were listening on Friday, I told you not to miss the New Song Spotlight tonight at 9:00. That is because we are going to play Keep it Or Kick it with a brand new song from...Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani called "Purple Irises"!

Yes, the married couple is back with another single and we want your thoughts about it! Listen during the New At 9 and then be sure to vote at 330-370-2000 either by text or phone call before 9:45. I 'll give you the results at 9:50. Let's see what you think of the new Blake & Gwen song!

Friday, 09 February 2024 18:09

Another new watering hole in Nashville

Yet another musicial artist is getting ready to open a bar on Broadway in Nashville. This time though, it's not a Country artist and you might be surprised to hear who it is.

Jon Bon Jovi plans to open JBJ's Nashville this Spring. Acoording to sources, it is going to be the tallest establishment on the Lower Broadway strip as well as the second largest by square footage at 37,000 square feet!

There are so many places in downtown Nashville owned by musicians, and now add this one to the list of places to visit next time you're in Music City!

Thursday, 08 February 2024 18:25

Matt Stell live in studio!

In case you missed it, Matt Stell was live in studio with Scott & Sarah this morning. He is super talented and so I thought I would feature another song of his tonight during the New @ 9.

For tonight's feature song, I'm going to play "Breakin' In Boots". It's a Matt Stell song that I have featured before for Keep It or Kick It, but since he was nice enough to join us in studio this morning I thought I'll give him another spin. While I'm not going to do an OFFICIAL Keep It or Kick It tonight...feel free to call or text me to let me know what you think.

By the way...rumor has it I may have a brand new song to feature for Keep It or Kick It tomorrow night!!!

Tuesday, 06 February 2024 18:23

My extended weekend

As you may have heard, I was off on Friday and Monday. I had to take a road trip down to the vacation house in Tennessee. It was time to take down the Christmas decorations.

My mom and I got there Friday night for dinner and I had a delicious Bison Burger. On Saturday, we did some shopping for odds and ends for the house but nothing too exciting. We also played 36 holes of miniature golf! Was so much fun! On Sunday, I had another Bison Burger at a different restaurant for lunch to see how the two compared...both were awesome! Then we finished up getting things put away and bringing out the decorations that are not holiday themed.

On Monday, before we left town to come home, we stopped by the county courthouse to pay a exciting! lol. Then, we had the 8 hour drive back home. We pulled into my driveway about 8:45 Monday evening and here I am at work on Tuesday.

Hope your weekend was very nice!

Thursday, 01 February 2024 18:09

More new music tonight at 9:00

Tonight during the New @ 9, I have another brand new song to try out on you...the listeners. Tonight's New Song Spotlight will be from Zach Top titled "Sounds Like the Radio". I will have you listen to the track all the way through and then have at it!

We will play Keep It or Kick It. So this is your chance to tell me what you REALLY think of these new songs. Do you love it? I wanna know! Do you hate it? I wanna know that too! You will be able to vote as always until 9:45 by text or phone call at 330-370-2000. Then be sure to stay tuned because I will have the final results coming up around 9:50!

This really is another way for you to have a say in what you hear on WQMX!

Wednesday, 31 January 2024 18:23

Check out the music video!

Jon Pardi & Luke Bryan just released the music video for their song "Cowboys & Plowboys". There are several rodeo champions featured in the video which is very cool. Also in the video, you will catch sight of both wives - Summer Pardi and Caroline Bryan.

Not only that though, the best one on the list for most people is Jon and Summer's daughter Presley who is making her music video debut! Check out the video here.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024 18:01

Let me know what you think tonight at 9:00!

Tonight during the New @ 9, I will have a brand new song from Dylan Scott to feature as the New Song Spotlight. It's called "This Town's Been Too Good To Us".

After I play the song we will play Keep It or Kick It. This will be your chance to tell me exactly what you think about it...whether we should add the song to our library, or throw it out the window into traffic! You will have until 9:45 to get your votes to me via phone call or text and then stay tuned for results at about 9:50 at the end of the New @ 9.

Let's see what you think about brand new Dylan Scott!

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