Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Tuesday, 16 January 2024 18:18

Be careful with the cold

As I sit here at my desk and type this, the temperature outside is 11 with a wind chill of -1! That's freakin' cold!!! Be careful there rest of the week and into the weekend. Daytime temps will be in the teens and twentys for the next few days, with nighttime temps either side of 10. 

Once we get into next week, it looks as though we will get above freezing and maybe even toward 45 by next Wednesday!!! Until we get there...take care of yourself, family, friends and neighbors. Keep everyone warm! Be safe with space heaters, etc. And one more thing - don't forget the "4 foots" as Dick Goddard called them. If it's too cold for you, it's too cold for them. Please take them inside!

Monday, 15 January 2024 18:02

Let's all celebrate today!

Let me be (maybe) the first to wish you a happy Strawberry Ice Cream day! There are many flavors that I enjoy, although I would say I might put Strawberry in the top 5. I love the chunks of strawberries that are usually found in several bites of the cone. If you love Strawberry Ice Cream like I do, let's all get a scoop or two before the day is done!!!! :)

Friday, 12 January 2024 18:04

I went furniture shopping again

For Christmas I got a nice small TV to put in my bedroom. I enjoy having a little background noise while I fall asleep. The TV on with the volume down low is the perfect thing for me. So, I needed a table or stand to put the TV on.

That's where Abbey Ann's on Cuyahoga Falls Ave in Akron came in. I stopped there yesterday afternoon and found the perfect little table for it!!! It's just the right size for my bedroom corner, the TV, and to top it all off...very lightweight! The wood is in great shape too - no scratches or anything! Other than being just a TAD bit wobbly (which isn't enough to deter me), I'd say I found the perfect piece!

Thursday, 11 January 2024 17:58

I love to laugh

As the title of this blog says...I really enjoy laughing at funny things. One that really gets me to smile is a funny bumper sticker.

I was out driving around today around the Chapel Hill area and saw a car pass me with a bumper sticker that read "My Driving Scares Me Too". I'm sorry, I found that to be hilarious!!! Now I hope it's just a joke and not something that is meant in seriousness. If you are the person with that on your back bumper...well played ;)

Wednesday, 10 January 2024 18:08

Tell us what you think

Tonight on the New @ 9, I will have another new song to play for you as our new song spotlight. Tonight it will be Bryan Martin's "We Ride". Cherise played it today during the Country Cafe and now it needs to get a listen at night. We are going to play Keep it or Kick it, so once you hear it completely all the way through...let me know if you like the song or not.

If you don't like the song, PLEASE don't be afraid or shy to let me know that. I am trying to get an honest gauge of whether or not you the listeners like the songs or not. This is just another way you can help us decide what we will play for you on WQMX!

Tuesday, 09 January 2024 18:00

Congratulations guys!

Big congrats to Dan + Shay for topping the charts this week with "Save Me The Trouble"! The first single off of their album "Bigger Houses" makes their 10th #1 single. Oh, by the way...I'm going to have their next single on Keep it or Kick it very soon!

Monday, 08 January 2024 18:07

Help choose the music on WQMX!

It's that time of year again. I know, we all hated taking tests in school...but this one can be fun! It's the WQMX music test! It is time for us to ask YOU the listener what songs you are enjoying on the station and which ones you are a little tired of hearing.

Since you're on our website right now, click on over and start the music test now. You could even score an Amazon gift card for helping us out! Trust us when we say it DOES help us out. This is how we know what songs YOU want to hear more and less of. You DO have a voice with WQMX. That's why we are YOUR COUNTRY!

Friday, 05 January 2024 18:02

People are saying this is a little sus...

Parker McCollum is making people wonder what might be up. He has just announced he is cancelling a show in College Station,TX this August for "unforseeable circumstances". At the same time, he is also saying he has some exciting news to share soon.

Many loyal fans are wondering: Does this mean that he and his wife Hallie of almost 2 years are expecting baby #1? Do the math...that is about 8 months from now. We will have to see what Parker has to announce. Check it out on his Instagram.

Thursday, 04 January 2024 17:51

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is my mom's birthday. I know it sucks having your birthday right around the holiday season - I have three blood relatives (including mom) and my ex's father who all have their birthdays between December 20th and January 5th. The individuality of the celebration of your birth gets lost because of the rest of the calendar at the time.

I have already taken my mom to dinner this week at the establishment of her choosing - and will likely do it again this weekend. I know I don't say it enough, but I do love you Mom <3!!!

Wednesday, 03 January 2024 18:03

Santa came late for Buttercup

I told Buttercup that he was a good boy, it's that Santa was a forgetful man and left his gifts at the North Pole and had to run back home to get them. Hahaha ;)

I (I mean Santa) got Buttercup three toys that should help his curiosity and keep him from getting bored so easily. The first that is pictured is where I can put treats in the cheese and he has to use his feet to get them out of the different holes. OR I can put the treats under the ping pong balls and he has to realize he needs to move the balls to get the treats.

So far it's a big hit! He is loving the ping pong balls! He loves how fast he is able to knock them around the house...especially when they get into the kitchen and off the carpet! The only issue is how often they get lost under furniture and I am the one who has to get down on my knees and retrieve them. He refuses to help me! Some lame excuse about "Oh, I have no thumbs".

I am waiting to break out the other toys for a future time. I'll update as we go!

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