Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

I've seen a few things in my time...but not this! A llama serving as a groomsman! This couple in New York hired a company that has llamas and uses them to provide a fun and comforting atmosphere at events. I think it's a great idea.

Not only is it a great idea, but the pictures are hilarious! I really do think the llama looks better than I do in a tux! Maybe I need to get their number???

Check the story here.

Tuesday, 11 July 2023 15:13

If I fits, I sits!

This is a picture I took of Buttercup over the weekend. He is sitting in the box that his automatic feeder came in. He usually just plays with his toys, but every now and then he'll take an interest in a box. Doesn't last too long, but for a little bit cardboard is the best thing since a catnip-infused toy mouse!

I think this proves that just like kids, animals can be less interested in the item and more interested in the box it came in! LOL

Monday, 10 July 2023 15:13

I can say I finally saw it

Sunday night I was at home and looking for something to watch. I have been seeing a few shorts on my YouTube feed about the movie Deep Impact, so I decided to rent it. I never saw it when it was out in theaters - we went to see Armageddon instead. 

My thoughts on Deep Impact: It wasn't terrible, but I didn't think it was great either. It seemed to me the story could've been developed a little more, the characters could've had more to them, etc. The only character I really felt any real kind of connection to was the President played by Morgan Freeman. I felt I was left looking for a reason to be invested in the outcome for the characters and the world as a whole.

Now to make it fair, I haven't seen Armageddon in about 25 years. Although I do remember being invested in the characters and story a little more. If I had a choice, I would probably choose to watch Armageddon again, but if someone wanted Deep Impact, I wouldn't totally object.

Thursday, 06 July 2023 23:07

Raccoons, and Skunks, and Deer, oh my!

Years ago, I remember seeing a story on the news about people who had skunks as pets. In watching that story, I learned that skunks can be found in different color patterns other than the classic black and white we're used to. Recently, there was the story of a woman hiking in the Metroparks in Berea who spotted an Albino raccoon! Now that was interesting to learn about and see the pictures!

Now in Chesterland, there is a family that says a rare deer frequents their yard. Apparently the animal is called a piebald deer - and has a genetic mutation that causes lack of pigmentation in parts of the body. This is causing the deer to almost resemble a cow in coloration, I'd say. Get the details and see the pretty animal for yourself in the article here.

Thursday, 06 July 2023 00:37

Happy birthday, Robin!

Thursday is the 78th birthday for Burt Ward. He played Robin on the 60's TV series Batman. What a show. I remember being young and Batman was my favorite super hero. I especially enjoyed the animated series from the early 90's, although I did watch the 60's live action show too. When you're 4 or 5 it didn't seem like too bad of a show, although once you get older you see how low budget - even for then - it was! 

My ex's dad has told me that he watched it with his brother when it was on, and even then they sometimes would joke about how silly it could be. Even if we consider it silly, it is still a piece of Americana that Adam West, Burt Ward, and the many other actors who contributed to it will always be remembered for.

Tuesday, 04 July 2023 23:14

Happy 4th!

I hope you had a happy 4th and enjoyed some food and fireworks with family and/or friends. I did absolutely NOTHING all day and it was quite nice. Growing up, we would always go to see the fireworks in Hudson.  Although I think we stopped going many years ago. Also, one year I was in the Stow 4th of July parade - but that was a one time deal. I no longer have a "tradition" for fireworks on the 4th. 

There was one year where my mom and I were going to Albuquerque to visit her sister and a couple of my cousins right around the 4th of July. Driving out to New Mexico that year was very cool! Once we got into the Texas panhandle and into New Mexico, you could just see fireworks being shot off from who knows how far away!! It was very pretty to be driving across the desert at night surrounded by occasional flickers of light.

Once we were in town, my aunt took us to a local fireworks display for that year. As far as I remember that was the last time I actually tried to make it to a scheduled fireworks show. Hopefully you made it to one this year and enjoyed it for me.

Sunday, 02 July 2023 23:18

Holiday weekend road trip!

Friday night I went out to Toledo with my mom and spent the night. Then, on Saturday we went to the Toledo Zoo. It is one of my favorite zoos in the country. I have been going there with family my entire life. It's the right size too - bigger than the Akron Zoo, but smaller and more compact than the Cleveland Zoo or other major city zoos. 

There were several baby animals including baby birds, a baby Gibbon, a younger Gorilla and a younger Orangutan. THEN, they have a set of 8 month old Polar Bear brothers!!! These guys were CUTE!!!! They were so playful. They had a toy they both loved and would get in the pool and start wrestling with each other. Luckily they could entertain themselves while mom stayed out out the way taking her all important nap!

Below are a couple pictures I snagged of them playing <3




bears 2bears 1

Friday, 30 June 2023 01:13

We're going X-TREME this weekend!

This Saturday (July 1st) Cherise has a ticket stop. But it's not just ANY ticket stop. It's a WQMX-TREME ticket stop!!! 

One lucky person will win tickets to THREE upcoming Blossom shows:

Jason Aldean on July 20th

Nickelback and Brantley Gilbert on August 9th

JellyRoll on September 30th!!!!'

All you have to do is show up at American Freight in Wadsworth from 12-1:30 and they can let you in on all the details! You can also get your t-shirts as well! Stop and see Cherise Saturday and GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, 28 June 2023 23:31

One of my favorite desserts

One of my friends from high school texted me late last week saying that the two of us needed to meet up for dinner. Well, we both love Flan...the Mexican custard dessert, so we wanted to get Mexican for dinner of course! So we met up for dinner Wednesday evening for dinner. Honestly, I don't remember what he had lol (I'm such a great friend aren't I?! haha). I had a taco and an enchilada. I also made sure to get some Guacamole for our chips - then it was dessert time. The WHOLE REASON we were there!

The flan was delicious and garnished with whipped cream! YUM!!! If it was better for you, I would have stolen his too and made him order another forr himself!

Wednesday, 28 June 2023 00:11

I think he'll like it...I know I will!

My cat Buttercup and I have a routine. He gets breakfast when I get home from work. Then lunch comes around noon. Yes, I get up out of bed to feed him and then go back to bed!!! Proves who runs the house right?! haha

Tuesday afternoon, I had an a-ha (you dummy why didn't you think of this sooner) moment. Get him an automated timed feeder! That way it'll feed him at the same time everyday and I don't have to wake up to give him his yum yums! My mom got one for her cat she had several years ago and they both loved it! I hope this will make my life a lot easier!

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