Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Monday, 17 April 2023 23:25

They'll try again tomorrow...

The Guardians/Tigers game in Detroit on Monday was rained/snowed out. The two teams will try a double header on Tuesday starting at 1:10. This can be a relatively usual occurence this time of year as the seasons are still in transition. Let's just hope that this doesn't end up being like last season!

The Guardians had to cancel 8 games in just Apil and May! Mostly fo rain, but at least one due to sickness. It just seemed like every other game was getting cancelled last year! It really almost became comical how often it was happening. Fingers crossed we don't see the same thing this year and we will actually see some baseball out on the field.

Sunday, 16 April 2023 23:31

And so it begins...

It all began Sunday afternoon. I cut the grass for the first time this season. I'll tell you...BOY DID IT NEED IT! My yard was starting to look like the Matthews family jungle!! I was trying to put it off as long as possible (as were my neighbors) but we couldn't wait any longer. 

Even though I have a small Cuyahoga Falls-sized yard and can cut everything in 20-30 mintes, I still don't really enjoy it. I think it's because it feels like it's hard to fit in with my schedule. I will say though, after I was done, it looks NICE! We put down some new grass in my backyard last year, and then fertilized. Now, the grass is really green and thick! Hopefully it'll stay that way as long as possible before things turn brown :(.

Friday, 14 April 2023 00:21

It REALLY IS the end of an era!

This phrase may get overused, but in this case it's true! This Sunday, April 16th will mark the final performance for "Phantom of The Opera" on Broadway in New York! It opened January 26, 1988...that's a little over 35 years!!!! I was still in diapers when it opened! That is an amazingly long run.

This is by far my favorite musical production of all time. My family went to see it in Toronto in the early 90s, but I was too young to sit through it so I stayed behind :(. I have seen it several times at Playhouse Square, I've seen it in Pittsburgh, I've seen the sequel stage play (and loved that too). Everytime it comes to town, I make sure to get tickets to go see it. I remember going to see the 2004 movie with Gerard Butler and Patrick Wilson in theaters, and I own that movie on DVD. I have the Royal Albert Hall stage performance from PBS on VHS.

It is among the longest running plays in history in the world. That is a huge accomplishment! All good things must come to an end...

I guess I will cover two birds with one stone here. Happy belated National Pet Day 2023, and I hope you are enjoying this weather as much as Buttercup is! I snapped this picture of him enjoying the open windows and doors on my back sunroom Wednesday evening. The tree in my front yard has opened up, I've got some flowers popping up in my yard, and Buttercup (and me honestly) can finally enjoy some fresh air in the house again!!

Where he is sitting in this picture is one of his favorite places in the house. This sunroom doesn't have heat, so it's closed off in the winter months. It's a huge deal in our house when it gets opened up for the season! He loves to sit and look out into the backyard watching squirrels and birds play. He'll sometimes try to practice his hunting skills too. It's so adorable! 

I hope you and your pets had a wonderful National Pet Day and find time to enjoy the warm sunny weather :)

Tuesday, 11 April 2023 23:39

Sleep is very important

So yesterday I told you about being in Tennessee over the weekend and the long drive home. Well, having that drive and then coming into work certainly caught up with me! By the time it was time for me to go home on Monday, I couldn't stop yawning and could barely keep my eyes open. It wasn't a surprise considering that once I got to bed after work yesterday, I had basically been up for close to 22 straight hours! 

That is totally NOT normal for me at all, and I did not enjoy it! I'll tell you though, when I did lay down I was probably asleep in 5-10 minutes...that was glorious!!! I woke up feeling so much better and rested, ready to start a new day!

Monday, 10 April 2023 23:22

I took a weekend road trip!

Here at WQMX, we had this past Friday off for Easter weekend. I decided that my mom and I needed to take a trip to my vacation house in the Tennessee Smokies to get a look at a few things that had been brought to our attention. Thankfully they were pretty minor things - replacing shower heads, a little touch up painting, some cleaning in the kitchen and game room, etc. Luckily I took Monday off as well! We had to make a couple trips to the hardware store to get a second color of paint after we realized one room was a different color from others we were painting.

With the extra day we wern't as rushed to get everything done, and it gave us time to play a round of mini golf and get dinner at my favorite BBQ place there on Sunday (which was my birthday)! The thing now is, we left Tennessee at 10am Monday and I'm at work Monday night, lol! Am I crazy? haha. Hopefully tonight won't be a complete trainwreck for me...fingers crossed!

Wednesday, 05 April 2023 23:20

Happy Home Opener!!!

Since I have Friday off, I figured I'd write this as close as possible to the actual game. Friday is the Guards' home opener for 2023. First pitch is set for 4:10 against Seattle with Aaron Civale starting for Cleveland and Logan Gilbert getting the start for Seattle. As of NOW, the weather looks like partly to mostly cloudy and a high near 50 on Friday. So as far as weather goes we've had better and we've had worse.

Something intersting this year, is that it's the 30th opening day at Progressive Field. The first one for the stadium known then as Jacobs Field was on April 4, 1994, against...SEATTLE! That is kinda cool that we are opening the 30th season in the stadium against the same team we played our first game there. We beat Seattle 4-3 in 11 innings in front of a sold out crowd of 41,459. Let's hope our fortunes repeat this Friday. 

Something personal about that day back in 1994 -  My dad was at that game with people from work. He got a cool memonto of a framed ticket with a picture of a filled stadium taken from the air.

Go Guards!

Tuesday, 04 April 2023 23:25

Pet parents beware!

Attention if you have cats that go/are outside or small dogs (and small kids too)! I was on my way home from work Monday morning around 5:45 or 6:00. I was getting close to home and off to the right in the grass, I saw an animal. I took a better was a Coyote!!!! Keep in mind, I live in Cuyahoga Falls. Not out near Blossom or the valley, but near Route 8! This was right in the middle of a neighborhood (near Oakwood Dr. & 6th St.).

That said, if you have pets that go outside or young kids, be watching them! I know we have Coyotes around here but I had yet to actually see one in a neighborhood. Please please be mindful of your furry friends, especially if they happen to be of the smaller stature. I would hate to hear of something happening. :( <3

Monday, 03 April 2023 23:14

My issue with the NCAA tournament

San Diego State and Connecticut are playing Monday night for the men's NCAA basketball championship of 2023. The semifinals and the championship game are being played at NRG Stadium in Houston - home of the Houston Texans. My issue with the NCAA tournament is that since 1997, they play these 3 games in an NFL stadium. In my opinion, that's just way too big of a facility.

The seats are so far from the court itself. That's especially true if you're in the "nose bleed seats"! My other major complaint being since they only play in NFL stadiums with a roof, that immediately removes most NFL markets from the list of ever hosting the semis and final and therefore receiving the economic impact. Those markets are:

1. San Francisco

2. Denver

3. Kansas City

4. Green Bay (Milwaukee)

5. Chicago

6. Nashville

7. Jacksonville 

8. Tampa

9. Miami

10. Charlotte

11. Cincinnati

12. Cleveland

13. Pittsburgh

14. Washington

15. Baltimore

16. Philadelphia

17. Buffalo

18. New York

19. Boston

Now, some of these NFL markets likely may never be chosen anyway (especially somwhere like Green Bay) simply for logistics. But look at some of these others! Nashville, Chicago, Miami, NEW YORK! I totally understand why they do it this way (economic benefit for the NCAA), but it's just something that gets me.

Sunday, 02 April 2023 23:16

What a show, smh ;)

Again this Saturday night, I was looking for something to do. I was flipping through the channels on Pluto TV and remembered they have a channel dedicated to my mom's favorite show from high school...DARK SHADOWS!!!

So as you can probably tell, Butercup got all settled in my lap and we watched a good 3 hours of the show. If you're familiar with the show, they were in their 1897 storyline. And as always with the soap operas, virtually nothing happens in those 30 minute episodes. The show is so cheesy and low budget it's funny. Yet, you do kinda get sucked in...and I am not one who gets sucked into soap operas at all.

I remember going to see the movie with Johnny Depp in 2012 and thought that was not too bad. My mom and I enjoy watching the show looking for mistakes by the camera crew, actors, or both since it was such a low budget show. Either way, I can always sit and see what the Collins family is up to.

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