Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Thursday, 05 January 2023 23:42

There's only one left...

There's only one left anywhere! And it's here in our backyard on State Rd in Cuyahoga Falls...I'm talking about Arthur Treacher's of course!

Over the holidays, my mom wanted to stop in for lunch since it had been quite a long time for both of us. I think one of those where you live so close, you almost forget to go. Anyway, we stopped in for lunch and are they doing the business! Even at 3:30 on a Friday afternoon, there was a steady stream of people coming in. They come from all over now, and you'll see people outside taking pictures to just say they've eaten at Arthur Treacher's.

Of course it was delicious! We feel lucky to have it so close to home...Good luck to them!

Wednesday, 04 January 2023 23:20

Clear Your Credit with QMX!

Now that the holiday season is over, the bad news is coming soon...the bills! Wilson Plumbing & Heating along with WQMX want to help you out. We want to Clear Your Credit!

Enter now at our website, and then listen every Friday in January to Scott & Sarah. At 7:10, they will announce that week's winner. That person is then getting their credit card bill paid up to $200! Call it a late Christmas present from us :).

Good luck! You could be next getting your credit cleared by Wilson Plumbing & Heating and WQMX.

Tuesday, 03 January 2023 23:17

Mom's Birthday!

Wednesday is my mom's birthday. We'll just say she's retired and "mature" enough to collect social security ;). Including her, there are three people in my family who have birthdays within a couple weeks of Christmas/New Years. I AM NOT jealous of them for this...I would hate that! lol

Luckily for them we have always tried our best to distinguish between the holidays and their birthday.

We will be taking her out for dinner on Friday night - look for's gettin' lit!!!

In many ways, I would not be where I am without her. <3 

Monday, 02 January 2023 23:12

Welcome to 2023!

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! How long will it take you to correctly write that on your checks? ;)

Hope you had a fun New Years Eve. Mine was very pleasant and simple.  I ran a few errands and got my new snowblower all ready for any snow that comes our way. Then, I had Mexican for dinner with my mom and after that just went home.

I hung out with the cat on the couch watching TV. I was busy watching Netflix and didn't even see the ball drop. It's okay though, I had dinner with a friend of mine from high school on Friday, and dinner with my ex on Wednesday - so I wasn't bummed about being at home Saturday night. 

2022 was amazing for us here at WQMX, so let's TRY to make 2023 EVEN BETTER! - OK, GO!!!

Thursday, 29 December 2022 23:28

New Year's Traditions

Growing up in the 90's, I had my tradition for New Year's Eve. Starting in 1996 my parents would go to First Night Akron and I would spend the evening with my grandparents. The three of us would go to a movie, then run through a drive thru for dinner and take it back to their house.

We'd then turn on the TV and watch episodes of "Supermarket Sweep" and "Shop Til You Drop" they had taped. Then, maybe another short movie. In between we'd check in with the networks on their coverage in New York. I would float in and out on the couch...I couldn't make it awake all night back then (frankly I doubt my grandparents did either haha). I usually would wake up about 11:00 or 11:30 and watch the ball drop in New York with my grandparents.

After a little bit, my parents would stop by and pick me up and I'd go home. I enjoyed those evenings very much.

Now that I'm an adult, I have no traditions. I'll get dinner with my mom or some friends, and likely spend the evening falling asleep on the couch. Likely miss the ball drop, and continue napping. Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 23:28

Buttercup was a good boy in 2022!

My fur monster Buttercup was a very good boy in 2022, so Santa rewarded him quite handsomely!

Santa brought him another cat tree to put in the living room for when our back sunroom is closed off for the winter :). Grandma (my mom) got him a pack of yummy Salmon flavored snacks! She also got him three new toys!!!

Hopefully he will be on Santa's nice list again in 2023...who am I joking? he's a cat - I'll get him stuff no matter what! LOL

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 23:18

So...I had a mishap

I had a mishap with my fireplace over the weekend. During Friday's obscene cold, my mom showed up at my house unexpectedly. She suggested I turn on my gas fireplace to help keep my living room a little warmer (especially since my fireplace is quite drafty). So I went and got my long-stem lighter and this is where things got a little more exciting than I anticipated!

I turned on the gas, and went to light the fireplace. Well...I guess I turned the gas on WAY more than I thought I did and I think one of those huge 50 MPH wind gusts came down the chimney at the same time too. When I lit the fire, I had a HUGE rush of flames coming out of the fireplace and my entire left forearm was in the fire!!! Luckily, it went out immediately and I turned the gas down, and all was well.

Just as a tip - BE CAREFUL to know how far you have the gas turned on and try to stay away from flames as much as possible ;).

For me, I'm perfectly fine except that my left arm still smells a little like fire, and some of my arm hairs are a little shorter than they were Friday morning! ;D

Monday, 26 December 2022 23:22

Time to turn the page...

I hope you had a very happy Christmas weekend :). Now, it's time to turn the calendar over to 2023 this weekend. I was thinking earlier today that I remember at least one event from every month of 2022. My memory just works that way. Some good, some bad - but I'm glad I am able to do it either way.

There are a few things I didn't get accomplished in '22 or things didn't go as I thought they might. Now I guess, that means they go on my list of things to do starting next week lol. As we say in sports around here: "There's always next year!" LOL

Friday, 23 December 2022 00:42

Don't forget the fur babies

With this extreme winter storm coming, PLEASE take care of the animals too. It's animal cruelty to leave them out in the cold. The wind chills coud be as low as -20 to -30. 

PLEASE, PLEASE bring them inside! Remember, if it's too cold for you - it's too cold for them. Period.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 23:22

The shortest day of the year!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year! - the shortest day of the year. Now at first that may sound weird, but hear me out. I say that because from here out, the days get longer for the next six months!!! 

When you work 3rd shift like I do, this time of year is difficult. Almost my entire day is spent in the dark! If I do see what little sunshine we get this time of year, it may just be for a couple hours before it's dark again. So that is why I always say December 21st is one of my favorite days of the year.

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