Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 23:18

So...I had a mishap

I had a mishap with my fireplace over the weekend. During Friday's obscene cold, my mom showed up at my house unexpectedly. She suggested I turn on my gas fireplace to help keep my living room a little warmer (especially since my fireplace is quite drafty). So I went and got my long-stem lighter and this is where things got a little more exciting than I anticipated!

I turned on the gas, and went to light the fireplace. Well...I guess I turned the gas on WAY more than I thought I did and I think one of those huge 50 MPH wind gusts came down the chimney at the same time too. When I lit the fire, I had a HUGE rush of flames coming out of the fireplace and my entire left forearm was in the fire!!! Luckily, it went out immediately and I turned the gas down, and all was well.

Just as a tip - BE CAREFUL to know how far you have the gas turned on and try to stay away from flames as much as possible ;).

For me, I'm perfectly fine except that my left arm still smells a little like fire, and some of my arm hairs are a little shorter than they were Friday morning! ;D

Monday, 26 December 2022 23:22

Time to turn the page...

I hope you had a very happy Christmas weekend :). Now, it's time to turn the calendar over to 2023 this weekend. I was thinking earlier today that I remember at least one event from every month of 2022. My memory just works that way. Some good, some bad - but I'm glad I am able to do it either way.

There are a few things I didn't get accomplished in '22 or things didn't go as I thought they might. Now I guess, that means they go on my list of things to do starting next week lol. As we say in sports around here: "There's always next year!" LOL

Friday, 23 December 2022 00:42

Don't forget the fur babies

With this extreme winter storm coming, PLEASE take care of the animals too. It's animal cruelty to leave them out in the cold. The wind chills coud be as low as -20 to -30. 

PLEASE, PLEASE bring them inside! Remember, if it's too cold for you - it's too cold for them. Period.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 23:22

The shortest day of the year!

Today is one of my favorite days of the year! - the shortest day of the year. Now at first that may sound weird, but hear me out. I say that because from here out, the days get longer for the next six months!!! 

When you work 3rd shift like I do, this time of year is difficult. Almost my entire day is spent in the dark! If I do see what little sunshine we get this time of year, it may just be for a couple hours before it's dark again. So that is why I always say December 21st is one of my favorite days of the year.

Wednesday, 21 December 2022 01:00


So it's the middle of college football bowl season. As I have said before, I prefer the college game over the pros. There are so many games to choose from to watch! Now, many of those don't really interest me, but others I'll watch just because.

When I was in high school and college, my dad and I would spend a decent amount of time just game surfing over the weekends. Trying to watch maybe two at the same time, or going one to another. It was fun. Even if we really had no interest in who won the bowl game. It was just enjoyable to watch for some decent games and some will surprise you as to how good they turn out to be!

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 00:24

Win tix to the party of the summer!

It's your FINAL WEEK to win an awesome prize for concert fans on your gift list just in time for Christmas! Christmas in The Country...Fest!

You could win a pair of commuter passes to The Country Fest in August at Clay's Resort Jellystone Park when you hear the sounder each day this week. Kane Brown, Sam Hunt, Jon Pardi, Dustin Lynch & more will be there...and you know you want to be there too!

Listen the rest of the week for your chance to win - GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, 18 December 2022 23:27

RIP, Dad

If you were wondering where I was Wednesday-Friday last week...I was on Bereavement Leave. My dad passed away late Tuesday afternoon from cancer and other conditions at the age of 70. As of now, I am doing pretty good actually. Services with family and friends are this week. We haven't passed a day where I would normally see him yet, so I don't know if it's fully sunk in.

Myself and one of my brothers were in the hospital room with him when he actually passed. He was a great travel companion and loved spending a day at Cedar Point or Dollywood together. We spent many evenings at baseball games - both major and minor league.

He was an only child, so my siblings and I are joking that he's now back with his parents (who were HUGE Indians fans) debating what to do for the upcoming season, etc. Also, he's trying to finally help them get their VHS collection sorted. His parent's front coat closet had an entire upper shelf with tapes of movies, TV shows and Indians games on them. NOT JOKING - the ENTIRE 1995 World Series, the 1997 All Star Game, the ENTIRE 1997 World Series and more! They'd tape EVERY game, then watch the news to see if the Indians won. If they did, they'd watch the game. If the Indians lost, they'd just tape over it the next day! LOL

So we're thinking my dad is with them trying to get them to sort out and part with SOME of those VHS tapes! RIP Dad. <3

Tuesday, 13 December 2022 01:01

Why is breakfast out so good?!

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to do something I usually don't with my schedule...go out for breakfast! On Sunday I was craving some waffles, so I went to Wally Waffle in Tallmadge. I love the food there!!! OMG! 

I get The Patriot. It's a waffle with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas (see the red, white and blue?). I also get it a la mode ;). Can it get any better than that?! Everything was so delicious and it was great to get a brunch out and about.

Sunday, 11 December 2022 23:29

What a great weekend I had :)

I have not been sleeping well lately. Over the weekend, that all changed! Man, did I catch up on sleep!

Friday night I was out by 8:30 and slept until 11:00 Saturday felt GREAT! Saturday was quite similar.

Even catching up on all that sleep I was still able to get things done that needed to be done. So, it was a great weekend and I hope it was for you too.

Friday, 09 December 2022 01:06

A delicious dinner

I had a few errands to run on Thursday evening (ugh), and also went to dinner with my mom.

She chose to go to a staple on our list of dining establishments - Hartville Kitchen. It was SO GOOD (as usual)! Also, it's not a trip to the Hartville Kitchen without getting pie for dessert is it? My favorites are either their Chocholate Cream or Chocholate Peanut Butter Cream...they're awesomely delicious!

We had to wait in line for a table for about 15 minutes but it was SO worth it! 

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