Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Sunday, 26 February 2023 23:23

Happy Birthday season

We're getting into the time of year that has A LOT of birthdays (including mine). Saturday night, I along with Rachel Evans and weekender Tristan Sanchez attended a surprise birthday party for our co-worker and weekender Nick Hershey. It was held at The Rollhouse bowling alley in Solon. There were a ton of family and friends there! He was extremely surprised to see all of us there to celebrate his birthday. Then, we got to bowling! Tristan and I bowled a couple games together in which we didn't do so bad! It was a lot of fun, and we want to thank Nick's friends who organized it and invited us. Happy birthday, Hersh!

That's not it though...Our very own Sarah Kay's birthday is Monday (as you may have heard by now). She will be celebrating at the Elle King show at Temple Live - so say "hey" to her if you are going as well. Lastly, one of my great friends (and ex) has his birthday on Tuesday. It is that busy birthday time of year for sure!


Friday, 24 February 2023 01:53

Is it Spring yet?

We almost hit 70 degrees on Thursday! That was awesome, it was gorgeous! I opened up my back porch and the front door and had just the screen open for Buttercup. I'm ready for the weather to be like that every single day, rather than this roller coaster we're on.

Now, Spring does UNOFFICIALLY start this coming Wednesday (March 1st). I personally choose to go by this rather than the Equinox - I find it to easier and more optimistic too. LOL.

I'm beyond ready to open up the windows during the day in the house and drive around town with the windows down and music blaring! Let's do this!

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 23:32

Time to plan vacation

So it's that time of year to plan my vacations for the year. I'm having a little difficulty deciding where to go. I'm not big on the beach or a cruise. Maybe use my mom's condo in Orlando this Fall? Haven't been there since 2014. It might be nice to stop in and say hi to the mouse and friends a day or two and take part in other activities around Central Florida.

Plus, there is always my family's vacation house in Tennessee. I LOVE going there. That is likely a given. Now, the question is when. I have to sit down and look at the calendar and figure soime things out. All while trying to manage the finances of said house - it can be frustrating and overwhelming at the same time. 

I'd also like to make another venture out to visit family in New Mexico in the coming years. The last time I was there was 2017. Or maybe head to Southern California to visit my brother and his family. I have a lot to decide on. Getting a headache thinking about it! LOL

Wednesday, 22 February 2023 00:38

You KNOW I'll be there

One of my favorite movie franchises is the Scream movies. I've seen all of them, love Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, & David Arquette in the movies as well. They're great movies for a good jump here and there (which I do ALL.THE.TIME. HAHAHA).

Sadly Neve Campbell won't be back for this one, and I doubt David Arquette will, (spoiler alert here from #5) since he has been killed off. However, Courteney Cox is back which kind of ties things to the original. Plus a few other characters are back from #4 which isn't terrible either.

The movie is out March 10th - I'll let you know what I thought of it once I see it!

Tuesday, 21 February 2023 01:38

It's tax season!

It's everyone's favorite time of year! Some of us will owe more money, and some of us will get some back. What I find stressful is getting every document to my mom so she can hand them off to the person who does our taxes.

Now my dad was a CPA and my mom worked as an accountant but the knowledge of numbers is NOT a strength I picked up...hence why I work in radio...LOL. Anything that looks important I just hand off saying this will probably be needed for tax purposes.

Good luck to you this tax season and may you not be audited :)

Monday, 20 February 2023 00:33

Red White & Bowl was so much fun!

As you know, Saturday was the 3rd annual Red White & Bowl. We had so much fun! Neon Union was great, and then after their set the guys did some bowling and didn't do so bad :). 

Speaking of that...on the WQMX lane, Cherise & I lit things up!!! We bowled two games - the first game I bowled a 172, and in the second game Cherise bowled a 174!!! I won't speak for Cherise, but I believe that is the best game I have ever bowled in my life! We each won those respective games :). The sales staff we were bowling with now want us as subs for their team in the bowling league! HAHA.

If you went, THANK YOU and I hope you had as much fun as the WQMX staff did. See you next year!

Thursday, 16 February 2023 23:22

Happy Paczki Day

Thursday was Paczki Day! YUM!!! Of course, I had to do my part in celebrating. A box of Paczki were in the lounge at the station when I got to work Thursday night with only two left! They were both Custard filled, so I took one to do my part marking the day. It was SO GOOD! 

I just love an excuse to take part in an occasion that has such wonderful food. I'm surprised I was able to have the self control not to grab the other one too! You know, for quality control research purposes ;). LOL

If you enjoy Paczki I hope you had at least one and thoroughly enjoyed them!

Thursday, 16 February 2023 01:23

My wheels finally got a bath!

Once I saw the weather forecast for Wednesday this week, I knew I wanted to get my car washed. I'm not exactly sure of when the last one was and I knew it could use one.

I was out and about Wednesday afternoon and thought I'd at least drive by to see how bad the line was. I figured if it was horrendous, I'd get it washed on my way into work later in the evening.

To my very pleasant surprise there was only one other car at the wash! I was able to drive right up to the other lane and go right in. For a day at 65 degrees I was quite surprised! I feel so much better knowing my car is least for now. ;)

Wednesday, 15 February 2023 00:22

New season. Adjusted rules.

The 2023 baseball season starts at the end of next month bringing with it some new rules. Here's a quick rundown:

1. End of the shift as we knew it - Now, all infielders will have to be in the dirt or infield grass until the ball leaves the pitcher's hand. Then they can move as they wish.

2. Pitch Clock - Pitchers will now have 15 seconds to throw when bases are empty, and 20 seconds when there is a runner. Batters must be in the box with 8 seconds on the clock.

3. Pickoffs/Disengagements - Pitchers will be allowed 2/plate appearance without penalty. This includes defense calling time.

4. Bigger bases - Yes, the bases on the field are getting larger...from 15 to 18 inches. Simply trying to reduce injury. Red Sox Manager Alex Cora joked they kinda look like pizza boxes now! LOL. I kinda agree.

That's the jist of it. I'm looking forward to another fun season of baseball. GO GUARDS!

We now have a location (and other details) about the show's stop in Akron! They will be in town Tuesday June 6th to tape three episodes that will air in 2024. They have now revealed they will be taping at Stan Hywet Hall!

You can enter to win tickets on the PBS website and if you're lucky enough to win tickets, you can bring two items to be appraised. You have until March 14th at 3AM to enter for tickets. Good luck, and happy antique hunting in the attic!


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