Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Monday, 01 January 2024 12:00

WYNN - New Feature Starts This Week!

SW small Logo We will start a new year-long series TOMORROW about the 50 Most Important Songs In Country Music since 1980, when I basically came into the format.

Last year I featured My 50 Favorites, which is very different than this. Those were just personal favorites I have played over the decades on the radio. These are songs that all have a place and story in country. This list will look very different than last years.

There will also be more artist repeating on this list. I will feature one song a week, and tell you why this song is important and what role it played in our history. Plus the contribution that song and or artist made with it. This list is not a popularity contest, but I will list them 50 to 1 based on their effect they had on country music.  Many of these songs are certainly NOT my favorites, but their importance cannot be denied.

These are the songs that shaped country for decades to come, and still do today. To be on this list songs had to be released from 1980 to today. Starts Tuesday January 2, 2024

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Sunday, 24 December 2023 01:48

WYNN - BROWNS - The Blessing

SW small Logo Our Browns pulled out another one, coming back to beat the Bears keeping dreams alive. This week it's on to Houston with the upstart Texans.  This game features the NFL's youngest QB, CJ Stroud and the NFL's Oldest, Joe Flacco.  Should be a great game that both teams need to win.

I have been watching Browns football a long time and for my money, Joe Flacco is the best thing that has happened to the Browns in ages.  He's the right man, in the right place at the right time.  No, I'm not caught up in the moment.  Flacco is a legit leader, good guy and has the perfect mind set and demeanor to guide the Browns through whatever football rapids lay ahead.  These guys want to play for him, they want to protect him, and they are feeling they can win  - with him!  I haven't seen this in orange and brown since Bernie Kosar was wearing those colors with that slingin' hash sidearm motion serving darts to Webster Slaughter.   The Browns needed Joe Flacco far more than they ever dreamed for every reason there is.  His presence here is remarkable and quite frankly has restored everything to the franchise temporarily.

Now the stage is set and the niceties have been thrown about, there is one thing that has to happen if the Browns are going to move forward, especially with all the injuries and setbacks.  Kevin Stefanski, and Andrew Barry have never stepped on an NFL field and the time has come to learn their role.  Being fair to them, they have never been here before like this.  Sure, the 2020 season with a very young Baker was fun, but Mayfield needed guiding as he was a green as they were, and it worked to a degree. But now, it's different.

Flacco is a Superbowl Winner and MVP.  He's an adult, with a high IQ for big games having played in a ton of them.  They need to stay out of Flacco's way, and let him do what he has done before.  Flacco is a character guy, he makes younger players better, and he makes veteran players feel like pros again.  He instills confidence, quiet and calm. And I have NEVER seen Kevin Stafanski look as happy, or smile as much, or be as engaged as he has been since Flacco has been here. That to me is very loud. Now it's time to leave Joe alone and let him be the champion he is, because you are never an ex-Superbowl champ.

Think about it, when was the last time the Browns had a champion professional QB at the controls during a big season with so much on the line? Otto Graham?  Frank Ryan?  Probably yes.  It's been that long -  or so.  So here's the plan.  Coach up that defense, school the special teams, and get those guys to block like crazy and let Flacco do the rest.  No more stupid play calls, or backyard trickery.  And yes, please stop with the special DTR package plays, because if he turns it over in a crucial situation you'll look like fools. The Wildcat to Hunt too, please stop.  It's adult swim time of the season. 

Recognize right this minute you HAVE the best guy guiding your team you could possibly have and that includes Watson.  And if this season ends with a Superbowl win or a sad yet unwritten ending for the Browns, I'm with Joe Flacco.  And no matter which one of those things happen, the Browns are done with him in a few more weeks, as they will be discard him and the wheel will be handed back to the injured Watson as we start over.  And Flacco knows that.  Again -  Total character guy.

Please Browns, understand under these circumstances that Joe Flacco is a blessing.  Stand clear, watch and learn.

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Monday, 18 December 2023 01:19

WYNN - Juneau The Husky

My incredible companion of 12 years, Juneau passed away last week, and I will miss her deeply.  I know everyone brags about their dog, and I'm thankful for that, as that means that there's a lot of doggies that are in loving homes. She was a very special animal.   A lot of people who never met Juneau posted it felt like they did, and that moved me.  My friend Katy from Chicago texted me saying, "Juneau was a legend"  which made me smile -  So I'm writing this.

I adopted her Christmas of 2011.  She was a scared, skinny 1 year old that was dumped by the train tracks of Berea / Olmsted Falls where 130 trains a day run on those 8 tracks. She was on her own for a month when workers at an industrial park caught her in a tool shed with a McDonald's burger.  They took her to a local non-kill shelter.  I adopted her, renamed her Juneau and I instantly loved that dog.  I had no idea, just how special she was and what she would mean to me, and I to her.  She had a rough start as a youngster with her split left ear, a missing canine tooth, and a real fear of having her sides or front paws touched. I had a rough start too, so we were instantly connected.

Skinny And Scared - Shelter

scared ju neau

Juneau was more than a dog to me, she was the only other living, breathing thing in my old house with me for a good long while. Great company, that "talked" to me regular as huskies do.  She seldom barked, but "muttered and talked" a lot.  She was always near me and it was comforting when I was living alone.  I'm going to share some absolute truths about Juneau. These are not as I remember them, they are truths so you can see what she meant to me, and why it was so sad to see her go.

After Six Months At Home

Juneau bold

Truths -

She never tore up the garbage in her entire life - not once.

She had no interest in getting up on any furniture, except an old bench that was in her room.

She NEVER chewed one thing  -  EVER.

She counter surfed one time about two months after I got her - (20 oz tuna draining sink surfed)

In the 12 years I owned her, she had about 6 accidents in the house, all my fault, by being gone too long.

She never hurt anyone  -  ever.

Juneau In Her Prime

Juneau in her prime

She wanted to be friends with everyone, with her two different colored eyes, wet nose and vocal greeting every time someone walked in the door.  She was a very kind, and emotional soul, you knew exactly how she felt about things.  She made people laugh, she taught me patience, unconditional love, and trust. She had lots of dog friends, Luna, Midnight, and Nova here.  She had friends at Pay It Forward For Pets where I would board her   -   both dogs and people.  Her first friend was Kona (she was much older), my other dog I had for the first few years I had Juneau. She had friends here at the radio station as she came in with me a few times.  Sarah loved Juneau, as did Ryan, Jeff Kinzbach, Sandra Miller and Roy Horner too.

One of my best learning experiences with Juneau was this.  One night not long after I adopted her, I fell asleep watching a ball game. I had ordered a pizza, and ate some of it.  As I slept, Juneau got the pizza off the stove, and ate the rest, (It was pepperoni - her favorite)  I woke up and saw the empty box and I really chewed her out and she slinked off into a corner.  An hour later, she came into the TV room walking slowly.  She came up to me, put her paw on my knee with her head down.  She was asking me if I still liked her.  At that moment, I loved her way more. I was stunned.  Lesson learned by me, it mattered to her what I thought of her.

Friends At Boarding - LOL

pay it feinds

But the hands of time keep turning.  About three years ago, she started having some neurological issues, but she always bounced back, and Windy and I were always amazed on her strength of body.  But lately, it's been different, some seizures, worsening dementia and being 92 in dog years.  Late Thursday, it was clear it was time.  Her brain would give her body no peace and it broke my heart, Windy's too.  I know in the deepest part of my heart, we didn't wait too long.  Her life was great till her last minutes and she was never in any pain.

With Her Friends At Home

Junea with friends

With her dignity in tact, she entered a new world with Kona, and all the wonderful companions of all of my friends who have lost dog friends too.  I could tell you many more stories about her, and I will when I see you. I just hope right now, she's eating a whole lot of pepperoni and napping many hours a day.

Sleeping With Kona - Years Ago

sleepong wth kona

How did I get so lucky?  All this for a dog some might say.  To me she was far more than a dog. 

She was Juneau!

me and junea porch


Saturday, 23 December 2023 01:41

WYNN - My Weekly Recap

In case you missed some of my articles this week from, grab a coffee and let's get you caught up!  Thanks for reading and listening every day!

BROWNS - Adults In The Room

Juneau The Husky

50 Favorites From 40+ Years #1

Forgotten Jukebox (X-mas)

Country Music Memory Lane - Barbara Mandrell (Birthday) Revisit

Wynn At The Movies And More

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Friday, 22 December 2023 01:26

WYNN - Wynn At The Movies And More!

Box Office Results - Wonka   -   39 Million


#2 – Hunger Games


#3 - The Boy And The Heron


New This Week - Aquaman / Anyone But You / Migration / The Iron Claw

Wonka's Budget - Was 150 Million

Why We Watch Christmas Movies - They lower stress, and reinforces feelings of hope and renewal and all of those things that Christmas is supposed to bring.

Showtime – Is over 40 years old, but as of January 8th will be renamed - Paramount+ With Showtime.

This Weekend – Check out my Country Music Memory Lane (link)

Also - My 50 Favorites Over 40+ Years This Week #1  (Link)

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SW small Logo Since this is the final Thursday before Christmas this year, I thought we would revisit a country Country Mega Star born on Christmas Day.  And that is the incredible, Barbara Mandrell.

Let's revisit one of our most talented artists ever.

My Full Profile On Barbara Mandrell

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Wednesday, 20 December 2023 01:18

WYNN - Forgotten Jukebox - ST-25

Jingle All The Way  -  St. Nick  -  Year  - Who Knows? 

This song was once played by many morning shows, including a couple of mine decades ago.  It's in the same vain as Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.  This is just two minutes of total silliness, but after you hear it, you are a few things. First, you're glad it's over.  Second, your laughing (smiling at least).  And third, wanting to share this with someone you know will love it more than you.

If you've never heard it, take listen.  It comes out of the Jukebox on December 26  - Merry Christmas!!

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 Let Your Love Flow  - The Bellamy Brothers 

SW small Logo I proudly played this song for 20 years on country radio and it always sounded good.  I know songs #2, #3 and #4 were powerful and very deep on my favorites list, so this is the perfect finish.  A different kind of powerful.

I've loved this song my whole life, as it's one of the most positive and feel good songs ever. It launched Howard and David Bellamy to incredible heights.  The Bellamy Brothers were shot into stardom by this one recording and went on to have a lot of big country songs over the next 20 years, with 52 singles and 20 #1 hits.  This is one of the most loved and most played songs of the 20th Century (fact).  It had a very long life as it was a big hit in dozens of countries around the world over the course of many years.  It even climbed back onto the charts in the UK in 2010. It's been in movies, TV programs, advertising campaigns and has been recorded by dozens since.

The Bellamy's are from rural Pasco County Florida and moved to Los Angeles to start a musical career.  This song was written by an unknown roadie for superstar Neil Diamond named Larry E. Williams.  He offered it to Diamond but he said "no."   Hit maker Johnny Rivers also said "no."  Then Dennis St John, Diamonds drummer called the Bellamy's who were unknown studio session players and said basically, "This song is perfect for you guys."  The legend says they went over, used Diamonds band and recorded it in "2 or 3 takes."  Done!   This went on to be spun on about every country, pop, adult contemporary radio station there was, and even some Christian stations played it.

This is the perfect 3 minute mix of artist, musicians, arrangement, and production. This also possesses a very rare attribute most songs don't.  The second this starts, somehow you know it's a special song, you almost have to listen as its positive vibe is undeniable.  It makes you happy and glad you're alive.  It's also the kind of song we don't record much anymore, as positive isn't as prevalent as it once was in music.  But read the comments as you play this video.  This song is high on many all time favorites lists.  Every artist, regardless of stature, from Luke Combs to the artist that just got off the bus in Nashville today, hopes and prays one day they have a song this big and this remembered.  

I asked them once in an interview if they had any clue they just recorded a song that would be that big, and they said essentially, "We just hoped someone would play it on the radio."   -  We did.

Let Your Love Flow was in international hit and one of the best, most successful country, pop, hit songs ever recorded. But don't just ask me, ask the world.

Last Week #2

My Full Profile On The Bellamy Brothers

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Monday, 08 January 2024 01:39

WYNN - Eat Of The Week

Big meal season is still here and maybe you are getting ready to host a big holiday gathering. Mashed taters are always a favorite and here are the keys to making the best ones imaginable. 


The Best Mashed Potatoes

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Sunday, 17 December 2023 01:37

WYNN - BROWNS - Adults In The Room

SW small Logo Last Sunday may have been the Browns best win all year.  They beat the Jags in a game they had to have.  It was not their cleanest game by any means, but they got it done and in December, that's all that matters.  Well done!

It was good to see the Browns play like a veteran team.  There were no stupid behind the back double reverse calls on offense that kill drives and games.  They made the plays that had to be made on both sides of the ball and on special teams, while facing a team that wanted this game just as badly.

Remember a few years ago when the owner was quoted, "We need an adult in the room." ?  The reference was to the on and off the field maturity level they perceived from Baker Mayfield and traded him a short time later. Of course that stuff is subjective, and honestly it was uncalled for in a professional setting.  Sure Baker had his moments that were not his best, but I suspect a lot of that was due to the immense generation gap between Baker, the owner, and the coaching staff.  The next move was to sign a guy with a highly checkered past and guaranteed him a kings treasure.  A move that has yet to pay dividends.

Enter Joe Flacco.  38 years old, Superbowl Champion and MVP.  The Browns got him off his couch after no one else wanted him, and honestly I don't think the Browns did either.  But under these extraordinarily tough circumstances, they had no choice.  They worked him out, agreed to sign, and then tried hard not to play him in favor of a rookie draft pick.  Then, at the end of their very short rope, they decided to give him a go.  And guess what?  After running Baker out of town, dumping a few QB's for nothing, and the rest of their newly drafted and freshly chosen cast of QB characters one by one got hurt, failed with some doing both, Old Man Flacco has been by far the best.  Finally, a football adult!

Flacco is a grown man that's done all there is to do in the NFL over many years.  He's the oldest QB playing right now, and has been a starter, a backup, a clip board holder, cut, released, uninvited, mocked  -  and a champion.  He makes the Browns offense look calmer and more cohesive than any one player has in years.  He's smart, has a cannon arm and is a leader.  It's impossible for these players not to look at him as such, as many played "him" in Madden, or watched him growing up. He's brought a sense of order to a tough situation.

There's no drama, no lawyers, no social media nonsense and there are no excuses.  He has a job to do, and by his own words, there is still more to do and to learn.  He's come here humble, professional and prepared.  If Stefanski and the front office is smart, they should get out of Flacco's way and let him do what guys with champion pedigree do - WIN!  Joe Flacco is a leader, and I don't think the organization knew that they just wanted a healthy body.  Plus, he's pretty much the only champion on this roster.  He's been where no one running this team has ever been.

It's the irony of Browns ironies.  Sign and draft a bunch of guys that were never gonna win the games you needed to for various reasons, then reluctantly put a guy in you really wish you didn't have to and he gets it done. Seems in the end the owner was right, we did need an adult in the room and now we have one kind of by accident and luck.  Joe Flacco right now is making the front office look good for finding him, but even that has a large double edge.  The further we go with Flacco, the worse half of 240 million guaranteed dollars out the window looks.

How far can Flacco take the Browns?  He took the Ravens all the way in a different time. But the great gift Joe Flacco has given the Browns is this.  With his age, story,  demeanor, unassuming way, skill level and incredible professionalism, plus his gratitude for this last big opportunity.  He is going to make a lot of Browns fans want to cheer for the Browns again. 

All of that, is how adults act and what adults do.

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