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Wednesday, 26 April 2023 01:10

WYNN - Forgotten Jukebox C - 19

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I Just Wanna Be Mad  -  Terri Clark - 2003 - (Album - Pain To Kill)

SW small Logo I love Terri Clark. I always thought she had the absolute right idea of a female hat act that had a strong voice and was country confident.  She picked songs that were perfect for her and her electric guitar playing image.  Over the course of her career she had a ton of great songs, but this one always stood out to me as a very wise choice.  This is a conversation that pretty much every couple has had about 1,000 times whether married or not.  This is spoken perfectly and is more than honest.  This song is so incredibly relatable it's hard not to like. It's also delivered with a touch of tongue-in-cheek that makes it disarming and not dude bashing.  This song also came a few years after a really strong chart run in the 1990's and it was GREAT to have Terri back on top of the charts again.  Terri Clark to me was always honest with us musically.  I never felt that there were dreams of being a pop star with her and crossing over to other charts didn't seem to interest her. She was country from the start and I always respected that.  There was no doubt she was an original, and I loved her blueprint.  Great song, great performance.

My Full Profile On Terri Clark


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Read 557 times Last modified on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 04:30