Monday, 13 May 2024 02:29

The Northern Lights

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If you missed the Northern Lights spectacle over this past weekend, don't fret. I know a lot of people felt some FOMO and disappointment Saturday when the internet became flooded with pictures, but hear this: it wasn't like they're portraying it. 

Some of these pictures are making it seem like the Aurora Borealis in the movie Brother Bear. If you don't get that reference, essentially, these photos show a vividly tie-dyed multicolored mystical canvas in the night sky. But it wasn't like that at all. Instead, those crazy snapshots were simply the result of camera effects from advanced smartphones. 

In actuality, the Northen Lights were dim and relatively dull. They're amazing, but if you had the expectation that they'd appear just like they do in these photos, you'd be totally underwhelmed. 

So, don't beat yourself up so bad if you missed them! If you have to use your phone to get a good look at them either way, I don't care who's taking the shot. 

And for some reason, I feel like this phone camera method detaches oneself from the experience. It's somehow different from using a telescope to see a planet, for example. I don't know; maybe that's just me, but it's like being at a concert and watching the big screen because you're so far away from the stage. It just feels like there's less of an impact. 

The Northen Lights are undoubtably cool, however you see them. As your Overnight host here on WQMX, I'll be sure to keep you informed on all such things after dark. Thanks for listening day and night! 

By the way, did you hear about the new Lainey Wilson Album? It's called Whirlwind, and she just dropped a second track off it, after Country's Cool Again. This one's Hang Tight Honey, and you can give it a listen below! Don't forget, Lainey's hitting the stage at The Country Fest 2024 here in less than one month. I can't wait, and hopefully we'll see you there! 

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