Monday, 06 May 2019 18:36

Magic Wand Time!!

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It's time to wave that magic wand and make some household chores disappear!! least it's fun to think about. But what if you COULD wave a magic wand and, poof, all your dishes are washed, dried and put away? Or how about the laundry? Same deal, a quick wave and all the laundry is done! That was the question for my "Texter's Choice" for Monday, May 6th. Which of those two household chores would you like to magically skip?? (Yes, I know...BOTH!) But if you had to pick JUST ONE??? This was a CLOSE one for sure. 51% said they would choose to have the laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away. 49% choose to not have to worry about those dishes that have been piling up! What would you choose? Check out my daily "Texter's Choice" question every afternoon on WQMX at around 3:50pm...and hear the results when I announce them at 4:20pm! And make sure YOU vote everyday with our Studio Text Line (Powered by Discount Outlet) at 330-370-2000.
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