Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Monday, 28 November 2022 22:48

I loved it!

Over the holiday weekend, I went to see Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I thought it was a great movie! First of all, it's a mystery AND a comedy in one! My two favorite movie genres :). Daniel Craig is back as Benoit Blanc to investigate the crimes. He and the rest of the cast including Kate Hudson, Janelle Monae, Edward Norton and others are great! Even Angela Lansbury and Kareem Abdul-Jabaar among others make cameos! At times you are guessing what has happened and at others, I (and other people in the theater) were laughing so hard we almost fell out of our seats!!!

I really enjoyed the original, however in some ways I like this one even better :). One thing I thought was sweet was the dedication of the movie to Angela Lansbury in the end credits. If you're looking for a good movie to check out, I'd definitely recommend it! It's final day in theaters is Tuesday November 29th, and then it begins streaming on Netflix December 23rd. 

Sunday, 27 November 2022 23:12

A HUGE thank you for a helping hand!

So after the two outrageous snow storms we had last year and getting stuck on my street almost right in front of my house, I was tired of doing the thing depicted in the picture above. I went out Friday afternoon and bought a snow blower! My mom went with me to see if we could fit it in her SUV to get it home...but nope! 

So, we're at Home Depot at Chapel Hill and not sure how we're getting this purchase back to my house. They didn't have any rental trucks available at the moment. Luckily, this really nice guy stopped by. At first to see if we could get the snow blower in my mom's car, but then he offered to take it for us in his pickup to my house himself!!! We are so thankful for his help!

Big shoutout to Tim from Akron for taking time out of your day to help us out...that was so nice and much appreciated!!!! Not sure what we would've done without you :). Have a happy holiday season!

It was two weeks ago that I talked about picking up the leaves in my yard. Well after passing over a few BEAUTIFUL 70 degree days to do it, I FINALLY picked up my leaves Tuesday afternoon!

It was sunny and around 50 degrees. I wore my coat and was plenty warm. As I said, I just used my lawn mower to mulch them and then spread them around the flower beds in the backyard. So simple! Just glad I got it done on a day where it was still somewhat decent to be outside!

Monday, 21 November 2022 23:21

Yeah, I dreamt that...

This will probably make you think I weirder than you already do. I have STRANGE dreams sometimes, and they can be funny!!! 

Once, I dreamed that I had a werewolf tied to a chair in my basement. Another time, I dreamed that I was at baseball fantasy camp with a teacher of mine from middle school, run by Don Mattingly in Australia. One day after camp was over, we were driving all over the place looking for the best Mexican food in all of Australia!! lol

My latest happened just yesterday! I was at the zoo just hanging out on a bench. Out of nowhere, the tigers got into a huge fight and then a gorilla got involved! These tigers and gorilla broke loose and many animals escaped! Then there was a HUGE explosion! In the chaos, an orangutan sat down next to me. I leaned over and said to him/her "A lot going over there, huh?"...and I woke up.

I have no idea where they come from, but I do remember many of my dreams. They provide me with many laughs! Sweet dreams :)

Sunday, 20 November 2022 23:16

Gotta love the short work weeks!

Now don't get me wrong. I love what I do - it's my dream job! I work with and for awesome people. Even still, short holiday work weeks here and there are very nice. This week being Thanksgiving, it's a three day week and I'm looking forward to this weekend already!

On Wednesday afternoon, I'll be with my Dad, my three siblings and their families. One lives in California, so he and his family don't come East all that often. Then on Thursday, I'll be with my Mom, Aunt, Uncle, and one of my cousins. I guess one thing I'm thankful for this year is that I'm having Chinese on Wednesday and turkey only on Thursday!!! hahaha

Happy (early) Thanksgiving and have a great week!

Thursday, 17 November 2022 23:32

On a quest!

I went with my mom on Thursday afternoon out to Medina for a specific reason. She wanted to get some wool socks made from Alpaca wool. So, we stopped by Majestic Meadows Alpaca Farm just North of Rte 18. She got a couple pairs and DANG!!!! Those socks are warm!

If you are someone (like me on occasion) who's feet get cold no matter what, I suggest giving these a try. A good stocking stuffer idea perhaps??? 

Wednesday, 16 November 2022 23:14

Fiction to (kinda) become reality?

It was announced a few days ago that the "A Christmas Story" house in Tremont was put up for sale. Now, it appears that several cast members from the movie are thinking of going in together and buying the property as a group! Yano Anaya who played Grover Dill, was in town for the premiere of the new sequel, and confirmed the cast is considering this move.

Over 150,000 people visit every year. About 40,000 in the month of December alone! That would be really cool to see the property owned by the people who were actually in the movie!

We will see what happens! 

Tuesday, 15 November 2022 23:10

Let's talk sports!

First, let's start with the Guardians! For the third time in his career (all with Cleveland believe it or not) Terry Francona has won AL Manager of the Year! The other years being 2013 and 2016 (is that one any surprise? lol). Only Tony La Russa, Bobby Cox, and the 2022 NL Manager of the Year Buck Showalter of the Mets have won the honor four times.

Unfortunately, Steven Kwan did not win Rookie of the Year. However, that by no means deminishes what a tremendous year he had for the Guards. The whole season and team was a thing to witness, especially with all of those rain delays and rain outs! haha.

Then there are the Cavs. What a nice surprise! They lose their season opener, then go on an eight game win streak! Granted they're now on a four game losing streak, BUT it is early in the season. We're still in 4th place in the Eastern Conference and 2nd in the Central Division only to Milwaukee. What is getting me excited is that different guys seem to step up on various nights. Should be an exciting season. GO CAVS!!!

Monday, 14 November 2022 23:25

Dealing with things

Sorry for the seriousness of this one. I was watching an episode of Hoarders before I went to bed Monday morning, and it really got me thinking. The episode was about a man who filled his house after the death of his longtime partner. The death happened six years earlier, but it was as fresh for him as if it had happened just last week! He had clearly not taken the time or gotten the help to deal with his grief.

My point is this is something we must do for ourselves. As a personal note, in the coming months, I will lose my dad to cancer. I am dealing fine right now. Will I need counseling after the fact? Who knows? If I do, I will not hesitate to seek that out because I know I will feel much better. As I have mentioned before I suffered severe depression in college. Yes, at times I was suicidal. Luckily I got counseling and began feeling better between that and medication. 

Any time I feel I need help, I have always been one to seek it out. If you are someone who tends to hide emotions or pain, I urge you to talk to someone on a professional basis. Just give it a try. You will be able to then deal with the issues, loss, pain, etc in a much healthier way. I know it worked for me.

Sunday, 13 November 2022 23:08

I had a relaxing weekend

My weekend was simple and relaxing. On Friday, I had dinner with my brother and my mom - that's really about it. On Saturday, I went shopping for food at the pet store and went to the grocery store to get food for myself. Early on Sunday, I played with Buttercup for a bit and caught up on some TV. I watched a few episodes of Family Guy, a couple Hoarders episodes, and a little The Price is Right too. In the evening, I had dinner again with my mom and then came into work. 

Pretty simple and quiet. Every now and then it's nice to have a weekend like that. I'd also say the weather cooperated as well ;) lol.

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