Joe Headley

Joe Headley

If you were fortunate enough to see Morgan Wallen in concert in Ohio this past weekend, you may have been shocked to discover a big change in the country music superstar's appearance. Morgan Wallen has ditched his signature mullet hairstyle and is now sporting a buzzcut. He was seen onstage in Columbus on Friday in a red ball cap, to the conternation of those in the audience as well as on the internet. Fans have mixed emotions about this new look of his, and personally I can't say I'm for it. I have long hair and disapprove of most any haircut, but from what we have seen this is much more than just a trim.

Some have even gone as far as claiming that he is now bald, and that's a bit of an exageration, but honestly not too far off from the reality. He was quoted onstage midway through the performance addressing murmors about his new 'do announcing, "I didn't like my long hair anymore, so I shaved it off." In the past we've seen drastic hair style changes as such indicate instability and personal tribulations, but this doesn't necessarily seem to be the case for the artist behind chart toppers like Last Night, Whiskey Glasses, and Wasted on You

This comes right after news has broken that Dan Symers from Dan and Shay also hit a barbershop to get a fresh summer cut. The verdict is still up in the air as to whether these have been impulsive decisions or not, but I'd bet many a consideration had come to both of their minds beforehand, especially with the forethought that some of their fans may be disgruntled. At the end of the day whether you're a public figure or not, it's just hair and it will grow back, but i believe we're entitled to express our opinions so long as we are nice about them. With his roots in Tenessee, you would have to imagine that Wallen is no stranger to the summer heat, but as a performer on stage I am sure the shorter hair does makes a difference. 

Friday, 11 August 2023 03:33


All my life, music has held a special place in my heart. When I was in elementary school, we were taught to play the recorder and "Hot Cross Buns" was my jam! We also had a few acoustic guitar lessons, which planted the seed in me to grow into the instrumentalist I am today. In 6th grade I picked up the trumpet and seemed to have a natural ability with it, but after an inability to play the Hawaii 5-0 theme song after only months of practice, I called it quits. That was far from the end of my musical journey, however. 

Sometime around 8th grade, I picked up my first bass guitar and amplifier. I practiced often, and received instructional help from my good friends who were guitarists. After some time, I got to the point where I was capable enough to jam with friends and even perform in front of large audiences, and some of my best memories come from those experiences. I've played open mics, talent shows, and many a garage sess. I've had my fair share of failed attempts at creating a band that never got very far, but it was still fun. 

As my talent grew, my gigging setup improved as well. I went from a cheap 20-watt amp to a 200-watt Acoustic brand one, and I love thumping on that with my nice Peavey Milestone III bass. I also acquired an acoustic guitar, and an electric guitar that my dad has had for nearly 50 years. As a bassist, I'm nothing exceptional, and that's completely okay by me. I pushed to the point where I can learn to play just about any song I want and that's all I really need. I was voted "Most Musical" by my high school as a senior, though I thought "Best Hair" would have been more accurate with my locks. I can't even read traditional music, but I'll take it either way! 

I don't play as much as I used to with my busy life these days, but the therapeutic aspect of laying down some riffs is still invaluable for me. I have been saving my change in a mason jar for years now to get my dream bass, a Gibson Thunderbird, and I'm still far but no less committed to it. Aside from that, I aspire to improve at drumming and the ukelele, and maybe even learn to play that old banjo that lives in my closet. Whether it's an instrument or some other form of artistic expression, I encourage you to find something that makes you as happy as playing the bass does for me.

Thursday, 10 August 2023 00:37

A cup of Joe!

I love caffeine. Energy drinks, soda pop, coffee: it's all great. Working overnights, I've always got something with me to keep my energy up, but there's nothing like that cup of mud in the a.m. Coffee shops are fine, but for me, nothing hits like a gas station Columbian blend with an excessive amount of creamer. By the 9th little cup of French vanilla I'm opening, I have to wonder if anyone's judging me! 

Personally, I need an ice cube or two in there so that I don't burn my mouth. I will never understand why so many places serve it at the same temperature as lava; even the kids' temp is hot for me. I want to drink my hot beverage when it is served to me, not an hour later! Because of this, I wish I liked iced coffee, but it's just not for me. I do enjoy a nice iced tea with some raspberry. 

What's weird about coffee for me is how directly influenced my consumption of it is based on the time of day. As soon as the clock strikes high noon, it's time for something with carbonation. I do the Dew, Monsters, Nos, and all that unhealthy stuff; on occasion I drink water!

Wednesday, 09 August 2023 03:09

Fair Season!

Fairs are so much fun, and I can't wait to go to Stark County's again this year. Growing up living there, I fondly remember going with my Dad and pumping myself with as much sugar as I could, from the irreplicable sweet lemonade to that sticky but oh-so-good cotten candy.  My all-time favorite fair food, hands down, is an elephant ear. A little cinnamon and some powdered sugar makes them heavenly. Funnel cakes are good, but not as good; don't come at me. 

It's the 174th annual one this year, and outside of the food there's some really cool stuff planned. Truck and tractor pulls are so crazy and always impressive to me. They're Friday and Saturday at 7pm. The amount of effort and money put into these rigs for that sole purpose, I can't help but respect. I've seen some serious EATERS with astronomical torque, and sounding like thunder. Alongside this, there's demolition derbies on Sunday and Monday, and those are what I look forward to the most.  

Of course, there will be some amusement rides, carnival games, and all that fun for the kiddos. Personally, I love the one that just spins super fast with everyone looking at each other like a carousel. If that's there, you know I'm on it! There's also farm animals for show, and even horse racing Wednesday and Thursday. 

On Wednesday there's also Home Free, the premier a capella country group made up of five voices and zero instruments. Check out their version of "Man of Constant Sorrow" to get a feel for them. They sound real good! Thursday is the legendary rock group Styx, and I'd bet you're already familiar so I'll skip their description. Both shows start at 8pm with gates at 6:30pm. 

Get all the info at and whether it's this or another one, make sure to get on out and have some wholesome fun this fair season! 

Tuesday, 08 August 2023 01:04

What's the deal with street signs? 

Let me preface this by asserting I am someone who inevitably overthinks just about everything in life, and ambiguity and confusion tend to frustrate me. With that said, I tend to have issues with some signs. The single worst one in my life is the "No Motorcycles, ATV's or Motorized Vehicles" sign my neighbor put up to deter me from riding on his land, and to keep the peace, I have been respectful of this. "No Skateboarding" is another rough one to encounter as well. A piece of sheet metal on a post with some words on it isn't the boss of me by any means, but there's another one that I cannot overlook, and I see it on the daily. The sign says, "Please slow down."

Someone normal probably sees this and it checks out to them. In my mind, I think, 'you don't know how fast I am going!' The speed limit is 35mph where these signs are, and you're trying to tell me if I'm going 20mph you still want me to slow down? Ridiculous. I'd so much prefer "Please drive slowly" or even "Watch your speed." I really dig the little turtle dudes holding the flags, which say "SLOW." Those make sense to me!

I can't forget to mention the signs that say "Road Work Ahead" when there isn't a trace of work being done. When I was traveling to the east coast recently, I saw numerous examples of this along the highway, and it's not right in my opinion. I think of it as the boy who cried wolf; if you continuously see signs which say that phrase without any work being done, it makes them all seem less serious. This could potentially be dangerous for the crew who is actually on the job working on the roadway, and ought to be addressed in some way.

I need to know, are there any little thing like these in life that drive you mad for no reason at all, or do I just need to chill out a little bit? When I drive, I'm not necessarily angry... just disappointed sometimes!

Monday, 07 August 2023 03:34


2023 is a big year for me. I graduated college, I'm in the process of getting my very own puppy (a bloodhound by the name of Hank), I'm working to buy a house, got my first full time job, etc.

Not long ago, I took motorcycle classes through the state of Ohio and am so happy to be out on the bike whenever I get a chance to do so. Whether it's a leisurely ride on a Sunday morning or I'm headed here to the station, there's a smile on my face whenever I'm behind those handlebars. My new license just recently came in the mail and I'm grinning ear to ear!

I also got my boating license to take my old 1958 Magnolia 2-Stroke motorboat around the portage lakes, and it's been an incredible experience for me to learn about the intricacies of operating a vessel. That's kind of my thing when it comes to mechanical stuff; I'm always wanting to know more and learn!

Up next, I'd really like to go through a firearm safety course and get a hunting license and some tags to bring home a deer and munch on my favorite snack-venison jerky! It's great mixed with beef and in tacos, also. I'm just really stoked to be making goals and striving to meet them. There're endless opportunities to try something new and expand your knowledge, so whether big or small, set goals for yourself and don't let anything stand in your way of self-improvement and growth. You got it!

Friday, 04 August 2023 00:43

Keep your head up, literally!

Clouds are nice....

Sometimes life moves fast, and we miss opportunities to stop and smell the roses. Something I often fail to appreciate is how pretty our Northeast Ohio skies are in the summertime. Whether it's those long warm nights beneath the moon and stars shining through the fog, or some crazy cumulonimbus formations before a storm hits, taking a moment to look up and appreciate the world we live in is refreshing. It brings me back to my youth, pointing to some fluffy white puffs against a baby blue backdrop and playfully arguing with my brother about what they "are" when either opinion was equally valid.

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all, and the best relief I have found is in the forests and fields of Northeast Ohio. Some of the my favorite places to take it all in include the scenic Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the Towpath, Firestone Metro Park, the Portage Lakes State Park, or simply just my back yard. Whether it's the grass beneath your feet or a cloud in the sky, try to take a moment today to ground yourself and appreciate all the beautiful nature we are so fortunate to have in our great state!

Wednesday, 02 August 2023 23:59


If you don't know me already, let me introduce myself. My name is Joe and I'm the new overnight host for Your Country 94.9 WQMX! I began as a weekend part-timer, and we may have encountered at an event with me behind the table working the street team. I am a huge fan of country music and could not be happier with this new position. Some of my favorite artists include Lainey Wilson, Morgan Wallen, Megan Moroney, Hardy, Jake Owen, and Toby Keith. 

I ride a motorcycle and love getting muddy on my beat up old quad. On my days off, I enjoy wrenching and riding most of all, and I am also a big fan of fishing off of my vintage two-stroke motorboat. Bass and perch are what I go for primarily, or really whatever's biting. Needless to say, country speaks to me on a personal level. 

I'd like to end this with a huge thanks to everyone who has supported me and encouraged me to chase my dreams in radio. I really enjoy writing, and hope you'll enjoy what I have to say in blogs to follow this!

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