Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Thursday, 12 March 2020 01:10

LOCAL - These Guys Are Great!

This time of the year I generally go through and purge around the house. You may do the same thing at your house.  You have been inside all winter and you're sick of looking at all the stuff that has to go, or you have been meaning to get rid of.  Im talking "junk" here.  This is not the decent stuff that you can donate to good folks at Habitat. This is the junk you don't know what to do with, and we all have it.  The junk that's no good to anyone.

Well, after almost 19 years in The Old House, there was more junk than usual, and I made the decision to finally get rid of stuff that was too much for me to do, or too big.  So I called 1-800 Got Junk to come and get it.  Let's face it, sometimes you really don't know what to do with this stuff that has to go.  But they do. They just haul it away.

I never dealt with them before, but I will again I'm sure.  You point to the stuff you want to get rid of, and they take it away.  It's that easy! I had an entire truckload of stuff that needed to go and the house feels great now!

If you have a bunch of junk you don't know what to do with, these are good guys to call.

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Wednesday, 11 March 2020 01:50

DVD / STREAMING - New This Week!

With all that's going on in the world the past few weeks, many people are fine just to hunker down at home and stream movies, as opposed to going to the movies.  So here is a preview of what's new for you to stream or rent this week!  Movie theater attendance is way down the past weekend or two.


This is darn good.  But this didn't turn out to be the hit they thought it would. This is the story of the Fox News sexual harassment situation a few years back.  Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Margot Robbie and John Lithgow star here.


This is smart, and the makeup and costuming is amazing.  You'll be amazed how much these people look like the real life characters.  Very good.


Charlies Angels

Again we do this.  Flop, and very ill-advised.  We've simply been down this road enough times, at the movies and on TV.


If you must.


Spies In Disguise

Will Smith's animated spoof on spy movies.


If you saw it once, maybe a second time is OK too.

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Friday, 13 March 2020 01:12


The movies are taking a hit because of events in our world right now, but there are a few new flicks opening this weekend for those choosing to go.   These new movies will probably have a tough way to go.

The Hunt

This movie has been through a lot so far, and it hasn't even been released yet.  This movie, by it's own branding is the story of "liberal elites" having an open season and killing "regular" people.  This movie has been labeled as "tasteless" and many other adjectives, and it's finally here.  They've tried to make this a parody of sorts, but this project seems to be in trouble.


This is very graphic, and violent. Maybe Nana and Pappy might enjoy something else a bit more than this.


I Still Believe

True story of a young singer  (Jeremy Camp - Christian Singer) and his falling in love with a special young woman with severe health problems.  This is one of this years movies that have a spiritual tone to it and these are generally big hits as we are looking for some good news in the Spring.  This stars Britt Robertson, Gary Sinese KJ Apa and Shania Twain.


This looks like a strong family movie, with a story we don't know.  That always scores points with me.


My Spy

Comedy where the kids are smarter than our nations spies.


Family fun. More than likely predictable.



Another comic book comes to life and to the big screen.  Vin Diesel is a soldier that is killed and then brought back to life, and now he has superpowers, and fact, he is a Superhero.  With powers we can only imagine.



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Tuesday, 10 March 2020 01:54

LOCAL - Cleveland Restaurant Week!

This is the start of a really cool week, Cleveland Restaurant Week!  Which is sort of mis-named, as it is actually about 12 days, but you get the drift.  A time when you can go and try some new to you places and generally get some very nice deals.

Windy and I are adventurous eaters.  We love to go new places and try new things to eat, in hopes we find a gem somewhere and make it a new favorite.  We both love to eat, and we love good food.  But the term "good food" can be misunderstood at times.  To us, that's not a stuffy term at all.  It's a term we use for food that simply tastes good, and not food that is fancy, or some mind of "tiny food" thing, and not eclectic either.  Could be just a good burger place that we didn't know about before.

I'm always up for a new food experience no matter where we are.  And maybe with Cleveland Restaurant Week, we can all find some fun and new places to go to, or revisit an old favorite we have not been to in a long time.

Cleveland Restaurant Week - March 9 - 21

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We love good food!!


This is Fish Fry Season, and Windy and I are continuing our tour this month, and this week we are headed to the Medina Eagles Fish Fry.

It always feels so good to do good, and supporting your local civic group in thier fundraising effort is a good and fun thing to do.  So, think about it this weekend as you a planning your fun.  Last week we went to the Streetsboro Eagles for fish, and we had a blast.  We saw lots of great people and met a bunch of new friends.

Plus the fish was great!  See you in Medina Tomorrow!

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Wednesday, 04 March 2020 01:58

QUESTION - What Is It About A Waterfall ?

One of the many things the Beautiful Windy and I like to do together when we travel is find a waterfall.  It's a simple thing really. A bunch of water falling over a cliff, mountain, glacier, or whatever happened there.  But it's a fun thing to do.

What is it about these things?  When we visit one I can't help but think, how this happened, how long it's been flowing and the fact that it never stops does amaze me. Where does all the water come from, and how does it not run out - EVER? Not many things on earth are as constant as a waterfall.  Maybe nothing is.  You would be hard pressed to find someone that isn't memorized by a nice waterfall, well maybe the kids.  But people travel from all over the world to see a good one.

When you visit Niagara Falls, you kind of feel guilty when you leave the falls view to go do something else. Then you remember that it'll more than likely be flowing tomorrow when you get up and you feel a bit better.  So you can go to the Daredevil Museum, Wax Museum, IHOP, or take the kids to a video place, with that off your mind.

Niagara And Horseshoe Falls - Close and worth a visit!

niagara falls

My favorite though is the Snake River Falls we saw in Idaho this past summer.  We got up and drove there at about 430AM because of severe jet-lag, and an urge to see elk and moose, and I'm glad we did. We had the entire place to ourselves and the peace was incredible. We took it all in, and started the day off right.  And this place was secluded, so it was really cool.  (There was no wax or daredevil museum there)

Snake River Falls, Not close but really worth it if you're out that way!

snake river falls

And for us around here, there are places in the MetroParks, namely the Rocky River Reservation, where the falls flow, and when they freeze, they are even cooler!

So, waterfalls?  Yay or Nay?  I say YAY!

And, we saw a moose too!


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430 AM Falls - Fantastic!

snake 2

Previews For This Week

The Way Back

Ben Affleck is back and this time it's a different kind of role.  This looks a whole lot like Hoosiers from years ago with Gene Hackman.  But so what?  That was a great flick and hopefully this is too. Affleck plays a down and out drunk, who gets a second chance at a life in basketball by coaching an underdog high school program.


Just because a story has been told once, doesn't mean it can't be told again in a new form.  Hoosiers was 30 years ago, and many people have been born since.  Some of them will never watch Hoosiers, but they may watch this.  Hoping for good things here.



More animation.  I'm sure this will find an audience and be a big hit without much help from anyone.


This is destined to find about a billion dollars laying around somewhere.  Enjoy.



This goes wide release this week. Lots of TV ads for this one, and has been in limited release for a couple weeks.


Acquired taste, looks like fun.


REVIEW - This Week

The Invisible Man

Again, a new and more CGI telling of a movie and premise that has been done many times before, and that's OK.  What's not OK here is the length and the sheer drag-ability of this movie.  This is over two hours, and the only thing that should have been invisible was about 20 minutes of feet dragging.  This is not a bad flick, but it is lacking in pace, and is not the slightest bit versatile.  It's the same scene over and over.


There is a semi-nice payoff near the end, but you may be way ahead of this.  It's not as smart as it thinks it is. AND this is set up for more, as I can see this going in a completely different direction.  This may be the foreshadow of a possible franchise

 Rental, maybe a pay-per-view later, or bad weather matinee.

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Makes me very happy and proud to be the new voice of Nature Stone on WQMX.   Talk about a product that solves big problems.  I love sharing that kind of information with you, by endorsing services that can solve some of your biggest problems. 

After a couple of times of removing a soaked carpet from my friend Don's house a few years ago, it changed the way I looked at some things.  What a mess.  A very nice house, built well, none of it his fauilt, but nature can happen.  After going through that a couple times, you more than likely will look for a different way to go.  Nature Stone.

It looks great and solves that issue.  It is the only thing that stands up to dampness, even flooding, and that's great.  But as a homeowner for many years, I have learned that few things are more valuable than peace of mind.  Knowing you have had a situation, and now you have it  fixed, not just now, but forever.  In the basement that's Nature Stone.  There are not a lot of fixes in your home that are forever, but this is one!

That's how I have attacked all issues over the years at my home.  Problem? Fix it, and fix it for good. Laying down at night and knowing you've done the best thing you can, and that problem is now behind you.  This of course is not possible in all repairs, but this is one.  And Nature Stone can solve your garage flooring too. And of course, it looks GREAT!

I know you may know that spring is on the way, with melting snow, rain, and saturated ground, you may be worried about flooding, even leaking. You may go through this every year.  Let's sleep better, and think about solving the problem, maybe even before the trouble starts.

Call Nature Stone - or go to     They would love it, and so would I!

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Monday, 02 March 2020 01:25

WYNN QUOTES - Practicing Your Passion -

QUOTE "Work Is Not Play......"

There's the old line that goes like this  - find a job you like and you'll never work a day in your life.  OK, sounds good and some of that is true.  We all should be so lucky to have a job that we are passionate about, as that is a great gift to give to yourself.  We should all love our careers, and I find myself fortunate to do something I love everyday.  I sincerely hope you make a living practicing your passion.

But with that said, work is still - work.  I was taught too, work before play.  It still requires effort, and dedication. And the field you have chosen still is due the respect it deserves.  Can we have fun while working? Of course we can and should. But in the end, we want to be the best we can for those around us, who are in it with us, that we work for, and for whom the product is intended.  But you may have noticed as you walk through the world that is not always the case.

I heard once from a wise woman I worked with years ago, knuckle down and work hard young, and put yourself on the best path for later.  Good words.  And after all these years of morning radio, I am proud of virtually every day of it. There are days better than others, but I am proud of the effort and where my heart is every day. I didn't know all those years ago that would be as important to me as it is.

True, work is not play, but the play that follows a job well done, is the best play of all.

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Friday, 28 February 2020 01:45



The Invisible Man

Well this is stalking gone to another level. Elisebeth Moss stars as a woman being tracked and haunted by a man in her past who has found a way to make himself invisible.  She nearly goes insane trying to convince those around her this is true.


This of course is nothing new at the movies, but what is new is the CG ability to make it look better than before. The time may be right for this to fly high and be a hit, as we are looking for a new number one at the movies this week.



Call Of The Wild

Harrison Ford stars in the re-telling of the classic Jack London novel.  Buck the dog doesn't fit in anywhere because of his enormous size, and super canine smarts.  He goes on a series of adventures, that are good, bad, and awful looking for his place in the world.  He meets a kindly old man in the Yukon of Canada, and they set off on a real adventure together, each hoping to find peace and a place.

This is a wonderful story of two mismatched, yet kindred spirits, of man and beast.  They find something in each other no one else can, or did.  Buck needs a place to call home, with his own kind, and he needs the vessel to get there. That is the friendship his human friend supplies.  Our human needs something to ease the incredible pain of a life gone horribly wrong, and Buck is his answer.


Yes, this is not perfect, but I loved this movie. It was powerful, emotional and if you love dogs like me, you'll love yours a bit more afterwards.  Ford is terrific, and the CG Buck is wonderful.  This movie has caught some flack for the fake dog, pay no attention.  It never seems to be a problem in superhero movies for these critics. Buck is great, and his character is a real hero.  This is fine for anyone to see. For the critics hating on this, I have a question. What do you want Hollywood to do?  This is a great story, with a big star, told well, with the best of today's technology mixed in.  And I must say, hearing Ford recite London's words as narrator is first class.

Very good afternoon at the movies.

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