Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 15:15

MOVIE REVIEW - The Good Liar

You may think this is just another movie for the over 70's crowd to go see, but you would be wrong, and still technically right I guess. Yes, this stars Helen Mirren, and Ian McKellen, neither one can wear the Spring Chicken costume anymore, or ride the MIllenium Force probably.  But this is really good.  Indeed, they are the stars here, but the real star of this movie, is - the script.  And today, that's not real common.



This is the story of a shady con-man (McKellen) and his strong desire to get close to, and rip off an old rich widow (Mirren) and get away with her millions. He's a real snake and she is seemingly a very naive, but lovely lonely woman.  But what is really going on here?  That's the real beauty of this movie.  This is well thought out, well written, directed, and acted. Our characters are very believeable and that is the movies real strength.  Anyone, any age, can enjoy this movie.  Although my bet is that teenagers will not be lining up for this one.

It has a problem or two. It may make a statement that is a bit too long near the end, after the fact.  And it may be a tiny bit too long, but overall this is strong, good, inventive movie making.  And it's always good to see a movie that is smart, and fun at the same time!

The Good Liar - Just good!

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Thursday, 21 November 2019 01:45

Let Me Take You To Wild Lights!

Last year we went to the Akron Zoo for Wild Lights, and I am really glad we did.  The zoo does a ton of really cool things throughout the year, but I think Wild Lights may be my favorite.  That's taking nothing away from Boo At The Zoo, Brew At The Zoo, or the rest of the fun special occasions, but Wild Lights -  yes!

zoo akron

In all the years I have been doing the morning show on WQMX, I have been a big supporter and friend of the zoo. I've done many events there professionally, and hosted a lot of cool things there as well.  It's fun to go back and see all the new attractions they continue to add.  The zoo is perfect for young families especially.  It's intimate, and not too expansive, or expensive, so even little kids can navigate it with ease.  I love the incredible welcome center, and the new exibits are amazing.  And there are more on the way.

zoo up high

If you get a chance, head out to Wild Lights this season.  It's on only posted nights that you can find out by going to thier website.  But it's worth the trip.  Make it a part of your holiday traditions starting this year. 

And see you at the Snow Bowl this winter as well.  Long live the Akron Zoo!


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Wednesday, 20 November 2019 01:32

Way Better Than Before

For the record the remarkable picture that's the cover for this post was not taken by me.  Yes, it's my old house with my old Christmas tree.  But this was not staged by me, I need to give credit where it is due. Windy took this pic, and I get to use it.  She's good at that type of thing, very detail oriented.  And I like that. A couple of years ago, and for many years before that, my house would look nothing like that at the holidays.  - Nothing!  But things are better now.

As we all get ready for Thanksgiving and the Holidays, I am here to say I am far more ready for them this year than I have been in many years.  I learned over many, many years that when things are not really right in your overall personal life, the holidays are something you "get through" as opposed to really enjoying.  My professional life has always been good and fullfilling, but you gotta go home sometime and that was the tough part. I have always loved being with my friends and thier families over the years during the holidays, and I am eternally thankful to them for that.  Many friends in many different cities and states.

But last year, and now this year, I am really looking forward to this time of year. Things are different now.  I see this time of the year seemingly out of brand new eyes.  And even though I'm not a fan of the weather right now, that's nothing a golf trip to Florida in February for Superbowl weekend won't take care of. Plus a couple other jaunts Windy and I have planned.  I am ready for the lights, the food, the nights by the fire and a happiness that I have simply heard about, saw at a friends house, or in a smatlzy holiday movie on AMC.

Hope To See You At The Akron Zoo Wild Lights - Next Week!

pic two

Understanding that many can find this time of the year difficult, I will be thinking of you.  Better days and times are ahead, and I am living proof. 

I waded through the same waters, and there is a shore on the other side.

pic three

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Tuesday, 19 November 2019 01:47

What Are We Doing?

The other day I was going through my phone, namely looking at the pictures in my camera roll, and came to a very interesting conclusion.  Although I am certainly not the first to discover this, it hit me gazing at my own pics.  The stuff we take pics of today, is well, at times, ridiculous.  A few years ago, in the "film developed at the CVS days,"  we would never have done this.  But with the ease of our phones, we bring it all into play.

We take pics of everything now. More than likely to put on social media, and get a good laugh, and likes-a-million. But many times that goes away after the adrenaline calms down, and the pics never get there. Then we are left with pics in our phone that for some reason, we just can't erase.  I am not a huge offender, but these are in my phone.  And I'm sure there are some with hundreds, if not more.  But these tickled me..... Like the cover pic of this blog.  A pic of a dismembered and shredded stuffed llama from Target, still smiling I see.


For some reason, I had to take a pic of this unfortunate tub of ice cream that fell on the garage floor.   I think we all yelled "Man Down!"  or maybe that was just me. 

a ice cream


This sign was at a Bob Evans. Love the sentiment, not sure it was picture-worthy, but Windy's son Brayden (B-Dog)  and I were laughing at, and I had to do it.  Maybe for this very moment!  (he got a shirt out of it) 

a go pig


This crazy thing was at the Lorain County Fair. Someone worked hard on this, I think.....

a lcf


The Beautiful Windy and I, actually asked someone to take this momentous pic of two professionals standing in front ot a motorized peanut on wheels, with a monacle-wearing walking peanut dressed in spats!  Priceless....

a peanut


Hey, If you go all the way to Utah on vacation to visit Yellowstone and Zion National Parks, make sure you get a pic of a guy playing a stand up bass!

a bass


Now here's a gem. The incredibly gentle Juneau, apparently getting ready devour the unsuspecting Middy The Pug!

a juneau


Check your phone, there are some dandy's!!


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Oh, and you gotta have a pic of the greatest umbrella ever!  Windy is the best! 

a windy


Friday, 15 November 2019 01:17

MOVIE PREVIEW - New This Week!

Charlies Angels

Here we go again, Charlies Angels. A new cast, a new spin and new look.  The TV show of the 1970's was groundbreaking to a degree.  We had never seen a show like it before, and it essentially made stars out of those not stars before. 

Although the early returns are that the critics seem to like it.  That all seems so long ago, as this has been watered down, and made a parody of over the years, and now seemingly this will never end.


Do we need this?


Ford VS. Ferrari

The critics love it, and the cast is very impressive.   I always give kudos to a story you don't know and that seems to be this picture.



Let's hope this is good.


The Good Liar

Big cast, and this is one of those movies that you feel is going to be good before you see one frame.



Let's see if it is.

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Thursday, 14 November 2019 01:11

What's Up With The Llama?

Between Windy and I we have three dogs.  She has two pugs (Luna and Midnight) and I of course have Juneau The Husky.  They get along great and play together all the time.  Tell me if this sounds like your house.  We have about 500 toys for these dogs to play with, but for some reason they only want to play with this stupid stuffed llama. He's from Target, and he is not the first one we've had.  The first one...well.......(below)

Llama #1 - tough life! RIP - Thank you for you service!

dead llama

These three clowns fight over this thing, play alone with it, or together.  And if one of them can run off and hide it, they will.  It's really the only one they want to play with.  The first one had it so rough, Windy (a Doctor in real life)  had to perform surgery on it a few times, before pronouncing it -  dead.  So we ran out and got a new llama.

Juneau and Midnight sparring with the llama!

jm pay


Luna steals and hides....

luna llama

And the three just picked up where they left off with the first one.  It bewilders us, as the other stuffed toys that are earily similar just sit there and gather dust as these three toss the llama all over the house.  Juneau, who has never been a big toy player, loves this thing, and hides it whenever she gets the chance.  Who knows why this thing is so popular with them.   Buy stuffed llama stock!

Midnights working him over pretty good!

mid llama


Dogs are the best!

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3 dogs

Sunday, 10 November 2019 10:31


The national critics are overall not being kind to the latest WWII epic, Midway. This has been told once before in the 1976 film of the same name.  Was that a perfect picture? No. And niether is this.  But that doesn't mean it's not important, or bad.  This is pretty darn good.

There has been a ton made of the amount of CGI in this movie, and I can't understand that.  The same critics make no fuss about that when it comes to the endless array of redundant superhero movies, or repetitive animation.  My guess is, they have no real interest in the subject matter, and or, don't understand the significance of the story they are seeing.  The Battle of Midway, is the most important thing that happened in the Pacific in WWII, and is the only reason the West Coast was not invaded by the Japanese. They may not know that fact, or think it's true - but it's true!  And I'm sorry they didn't weave in some fictional love story to hold your interest. The true story is far more important.

Oh and by the way, CGI is the only way to get a new generation to watch ANY movie. It's what young movie watchers know, like and expect. The CGI quality is in the eye of the patron, and that's debatable. But overall their argument is silly and out of touch.  And I think shameful, as the subject matter is the star of this movie.  CGI is just a fact of life in action movies now.


Midway has flaws and is not perfect, but this is told in many ways like the original was.  There are long battle scenes that do work, and other behind the battle scenes that don't at times.  Better dialogue could have been written, and some better character development could have been written in.  But they do make it a point to honor those who deserve to be honored.  The effects are good, the story writes itself, and it's good to see that there are film makers that understand that there are stories that are worth re-telling because of thier importance.  I would far prefer to see this retold as opposed to the 12th Terminator, or some other fictional series that has run its course.

This is very entertaining, and worth seeing.

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I have reviewed author Tony Agnesi's first two books in this series, and I am glad to review the third.  I think I'm like many.  I like to read, what I like to read. For me, I have to take something away from the words that I have chosen to invest in.  I love a good lesson, having my mind expanded, or be given something to mull over for a while afterwards.  That is this book.

Tony, again takes his spirituality, his life, his wit, and his love of life and melds it together with a strong weld, that gives you honesty and perspective only a good friend can.  That's what I ask of a book. A mind expanding experience.  Tony is a devout Catholic, and he makes no bones about that. But to enjoy and learn from this book, or to simply enjoy the true stories within, you don't have to be.  What you have to be to absorb the beauty of this book is fallable.  And be willing to listen to someone share his short stories with you.  He's not perfect, and niether am I.  You feel like Tony is talking with you and not at you. And as a communicator myself, that is the goal of anyone behind a mic, or a keyboard.  And that is a real seperator of this series of books.

You see, if you admit you don't know everything and don't have all of the answers to all life's questions, you allow another prespective to come in and give you a planted seed that can grow within you.  That is what these books do.  I love to be challenged by someone who dares to share their thoughts on the world around them. Isn't that what we want from our friends?  And that's Tony - A friend.

Full disclosure, Tony is my friend. We discuss life occasionally when we play golf with other great friends, like Don and my friend Ray.  They always seem to get me thinking about an angle I previously did not.  They all take different paths, and Tony's many times is a non-judgmental, non-preachy spiritual path that always seems to resonate with me.  His books do the same. 

This book, along with the others are a gem to read. Easy, fun and poignant. I always think the hallmark of any good book, is how you feel when you put it down, when finished, or finished for the moment.  Are you still thinking about what you just read?  Did you learn something?  Is your mind a little larger from reading it? And are you more curious than before?  The answer to all these questions is yes.

This book, perfect for a long flight, or a fireside night.  Well done.

Tony, Me, Lynn Kelly, and my friend Don, great company, and always something learned.

beef golf

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Monday, 11 November 2019 01:14

Veterans Day - Four Brothers!

Today we celebrate Veterans Day, and it's one of my favorite days we observe each year.  A day that means more now to most than ever before, as events in the world have dictated over the past 20 years especially.  But veterans are amazing people, all with a story to tell. 

I will share this story only because it's the one I have.  But I want to be very clear, it is only out of pride on a special day like this. I am not saying it's "special", or "better than anyone else's," or comparing it to anyone who has been through the tough stories of war, especially with loss.  It's the story I have, and you are in my thoughts today.

My dad, Robert was a WWII Veteran as were his brothers Hank, Joe, and John. All gone now, but all saw significant action in WWII and all came home. Imagine thier parents, wondering if those boys were all going to come home - at all.  Not knowing where they were, and no real communication.  This kind of thing doesn't really happen anymore in that same way.

My dad gave up a full football scholarship to Duke University after being a three sport All-State athlete at Mansfield High School. He joined the U.S Army Air Corp as a tailgunner in a B-25 and was deployed to the South Pacific and later to occupied Japan after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  He flew over Hiroshima, and into Japan 3 days after the bomb, and was stationed there for about a year after the war was over.  He died of lung cancer at 53.  We think radiation. He was healthy and didn't smoke his whole life.

The Plane was very similar to this pic I took at the MAPS Air Museum (This is a B-26 I think)

vd b26


This silk patch is from his flight jacket (on left 48 stars) -  It tells allies what to do with him in 7 different languages if he was shot down to get him home  (Yes, he is in those other pics from the Phillipines)


Hank was in Belgium during the war near ememy lines as a supply Seargent for bombers and fighters in the European Theater. He was there till the war was over.  He lived to be 87, after being married to Katherine for about 65 years.

Joe was in the Battle of the Bulge and D-Day.  His stories were amazing as he saw all there was to see in war.  He explained to me once, that there was a job to do, and they were there to do it.  He lived till the age of 95 and was married to Viola for 68 years.

John, was in Europe, but since he died when I was young, I know little of his story, but he too came home alive and well.

The dedication from these 4 was typical of the day, and or course today veterans show the same level of dedication we as non-veterans can't really relate to. But what we can do, is thank them daily in every way possible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much to those who gave thiers, so the rest of us can have ours.  YOU are amazing as are your families.

Happy Veterans Day!

Thanks Dad, for everything....

bob 2

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Tuesday, 12 November 2019 01:56

Local - Taste Of Vintage

I was so honored to be the emcee again for the annual Taste Of Vintage event for the benefit of Goodwill of Akron and area.  This incredible fundraising event was held at the teriffic Quaker Square in Akron, as this was my tenth time hosting in the fourteen years that it has existed.

I have been at WQMX for over 18 years now, and I love being a part of this community.  True, this community has seen its share of changes and quite frankly difficulty over the decades.  That's why it's always so great to see that people that are worth supporting, still get a ton of support from this area.  And Goodwill, these are people worth supporting.

tov me pod

I have done grand openings at some of thier stores before, and have toured the main store in Akron, and I am always impressed by the employees dedication to thier craft and the wonderful sense of team work that exists from within.  I am proud to be a link in their chain, and am always thrilled when they ask me to host their event.  If you have supported them in the past, thank you!

tov table

If you would like me to host your event, let me know, I am always glad suppport those locally that have a great cause, and are worth supporting.  Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Windy - My Plus One For This Great Event!

tov sw




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