Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Tuesday, 22 October 2019 04:30

Garth - It's A Thing Now!

This Garth Brooks thing is far more than a contest.  It's a thing now.  I think most understand, although may be living in denial, that the Dusty holds about 700 people.  And clearly, there are more than that who want to go. Buy a  LOT! 

But that is all the more reason to try to win your way in.  We have a ton of ways to possibly win, and you can take advantage of all of them. This has a buzz running through the radio station, and the area in general.  People are excited.  YOU are excited, and that's great.  I love this kind of stuff!!  And much like the fact that the Morning Show has been nominated for many ACM and CMA awards, there are only a few stations ON EARTH that can say that Garth has chosen their area to put on a huge show, at their favorite local bar.

So enjoy this. Have fun with this. Come on in!  Feel good for those who win, and keep on trying.  Call, text, register.  Do whatever you can to try to make this dream come true, we will be here having fun with you and hoping for you all the way!  It's just a few more days!

Like I always say, "Someone's gonna win, it might as well be you...."

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Monday, 21 October 2019 01:54

Murray Made Me Misty

One of the coolest things that has just randomly happened to me in a long time took place this weekend. I was out in the yard taking a typical Fall mow, when an elderly man stopped in the driveway of the old house and started walking towards me.  He asked me my name and I told him, I asked him his, we shook hands and he said, "Murray."  (Not his real name)

He told me he lived down the street for 56 years in the same house.  His wife of 54 years died two years ago and HE would be "moving soon."  I didn't ask where, it was time to listen.  He only stopped to thank me for for being a good neighbor.  He thanked me for always shoveling the sidewalks so kids could get to school (clearly not his own)  He thanked me for taking such good care of my house and yard. 

But what he most liked was seeing me and Juneau on front porch and yard together.  He called her, "The Husky."  He said you "guys" are out there all the time, and it makes him happy.  He said it was a pleasure to live on the same street as me.  All unsolicited.  I thanked him, shook his hand again and wished him well with a back pat.

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I went back to finishing the lawn misty eyed, and grateful for people like Murray. 

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Friday, 18 October 2019 01:25


Maleficent:Mistress Of Evil

This franchise is huge, and this is going to be a big hit this weekend and well beyond.  Seems fans just can't get enough of Good VS. Evil, sorcery, and this kind of looking film.  This will knock off Joker which has been a huge hit in the past couple weeks.



Perfect release time for this, and everything is lining up for a multi week #1 run.


Zombieland: Double Tap

This looks really funny, and strange all at the same time.  I personally can't wait to see this and have a good laugh.



Looks like a great fun, weekend movie. Maybe a matinee.

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Thursday, 17 October 2019 01:26

Man, Do We Need This!

Yes, it is true! Garth Brooks is bringing his Dive Bar Tour to the Dusty Armadillo in Rootstown in Portage County October 28, it's a Monday.  Heck, it would make no difference if it was Doomsday, you would still go, and so would I!  It just feels good to say that, "Garth is coming to my favorite bar!"

What a great day for Country Music, The Dusty, the area and of course us here at WQMX!  The biggest star on the planet at your favorite hangout!  It's pinch me stuff.  Is this really true.  Yes.

For an area that has a tendency to feel like the world is against us at times, it's good to see something happen here that makes the world envious of us.  Fact is, the world has reason to be envious of us most of the time. They just don't know it, but we do.  Great music things happen here virtually every week. 

And not many places can say that!  Go GARTH!

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Wednesday, 16 October 2019 01:42

What's The Word, Thunderbird?

On our recent trip to Zion National Park, we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the park at the Junction, in a place called Mt. Carmel, Utah.  Windy and I found this little eatery we will not soon forget. We found The Thunderbird.  Right up front, the food was GREAT and the service was amazing.  And this place has a wonderful story to tell.

It's been there since 1931. Back then it was all alone out there, and today it still kind of is. It was started by Fern Morrison and her husand Jack.  The star of this place though is the amazing neon retro-sign.  You'll notice it says home to the "Ho-Made Pies."  Now for about 80 years, no one thought much of it, but today, well....OK.  But The Thunderbird has a story to tell and they are proud of it.  When the sign was made 70 some years ago, the makers of it told Fern there were too many letters to fit on the custom sign.  So SHE said abbreviate "home" to "ho."  So they did, and the rest is history.  And by the way, the pie is incredible!!!

Fern and Jack died many years ago but The Thunderbird lives on, and I'm glad. Today is it run by her family and is thriving. Fern kept it running all those years, and I hope it runs forever.

Great people, great fun, great food.  The Thunderbird.  A real slice of Americana.  There's propbably a "Thunderbird" you know of, always fun places to eat.


th story

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Tuesday, 15 October 2019 01:21


Last weekend was one I will not forget for long while.  My birthday was Sunday and the Beautiful Windy and I flew to Las Vegas for the beginning of a fun, and multifacted weekend.   There are places that everyone should see.  This place was one of them.

z 4

She had a business function to attend, but first we drove over to Zion National Park first for a couple days.  We were both stunned at what we were going to see.  In fact, afterwards, we both thought everyone should see this place.  Worth the journey!

This Is One Of The Slot Canyons We Explored - Amazing

z 2

We got an ATV as well, and ventured to the "Slot Canyons" and that was breathtaking too! Thse pics are authentic, and if you ever get the chance, take it!   Beauty that only nature can provide.  This place became our favorite National Park.


Put this on some list somewhere. Worth it!


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Friday, 11 October 2019 01:37

MOVIE PREVIEW - New This Week!

Gemini Man


New technology is here helping Will Smith look very different, and help him do two roles in this new thriller.



Looking foreward to seeing it.


The Addams Family



More Addams Family.  Animated

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Thursday, 10 October 2019 01:17

They DO Exist!

The other day I needed gasoline, and was I running pretty low. I was at the intersection of I-71 and Bagley Road and saw the first and easiest station was just up ahead. And It was a Gulf Station!  Gulf?  I can't remember the last time I saw one.  This place I think used to be a Sunoco, but now it's a Gulf!

Being honest, I hadn't thought of them in decades, and I thought maybe they had gone the way of Arthur Treachers, or Lawsons.  Places that once were very common, but not so much anymore -  or just flat out gone!

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Filled up, and good to go! Then I went and had lunch at Ponderosa  (Kidding)

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Wednesday, 09 October 2019 01:58

Just Go There!

It had been way too long since I have been to Niagara Falls.   Many years in fact.  And after Windy and I went there last weekend, I wondered why.  It's one of the most amazing places on earth,  (no exaggeration) and should be seen. And it's just a couple hours away.

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 If you have not been in a while, load up and go. You'll be at the Falls in about 3.5 hours.  And you'll wonder why it took you so long to go -  or go  back.

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Friday, 04 October 2019 01:29

MOVIE PREVIEW - New This Week!


Rarely has a movie been given such a tough rap before it hits theaters.  No one is saying this is "bad" but many are concerned about its brutal violence and its realism that may not sit well with many people.  Some theater chains are issuing warnings, and so are many other groups.  BTW there is NO Batman in this movie.



Certainly the performances will be great, and this movie is going to be a big hit.  Another take on the origins of The Joker from the Batman series. But many are calling this, brutal, offensive, too real, and disturbing.

We will see.

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