Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Monday, 29 August 2022 01:48

WYNN - #1 Way To Save A Bunch Of Money



SW small Logo Truth be told, money is a bit tight for most these days, and we are always looking for ways to save a buck!   At the risk of sounding like adulting is hard, there is little doubt that learning how to cook is one of the best ways to save a ton of cash.

It's great to eat out and support local biz, but if you're eating out every meal, it's as expensive as eating gets.  So learning how to cook is a big deal, and it can be very fun.

Look, I get it, it's not cool, or many other things in many peoples eyes. But I would disagree.  Windy and I love cooking together and having some wine and talking while we make a good meal.

Give it a HUGE money. 

Learn To Cook, Save A Ton Of Money

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SW small Logo  Amber asked since I featured Lonestar last week as they are going to be at the Wayne County Fair, could I also feature Sara Evans since she will be there too.  Yes!  Sara Evans is a very interesting story that proves that dreams do come true in many different ways.

Early On  - Amazing Song From An Amazing Debut Album


Sara Evans is from Boonville, Missouri, which is 56 miles from Jefferson City, Missouri.  It is the epitome of Mid-Missouri.  A very, very rural area not really near any major city at all. Where she lived is truly middle America, in fact she grew up on a 400 acre ranch, not unusual there.  I worked in Jefferson City from 1988-1992 doing mornings at KLIK The Big 950. Sara Evans was 17 or so then singing with her family band, The Evans Family Band, that traveled that area. Sara is one of those exceptionally lucky humans that was born to sing.  Her natural singing voice is extraordinary.  Much like the amazing Suzy Bogguss, it is just born into them.

Her First Big Hit  #1


Sara moved to Nashville in 1991 with one of her brothers to give it a go.  She then got married, moved to the Pacific Northwest for a time, but ended up back in Nashville a few years later, where she became a demo singer, much like Trisha Yearwood, Sylvia too, Faith Hill and others.  She got a break and the right people heard her powerful voice and she got a seven album deal the same day she sang a live 3 song audition with RCA Records.  That kind of deal was unheard of then for an unknown.  And now.

Another #1


She was and is a fantastic traditional country singer, and her first album, Three Chords And The Truth is simply incredible when it dropped in 1997. To me, that album is a work of art.  It was very critically acclaimed and reviewed exceedingly well, but did not produce a big chart hit, but if you love traditional country, download it - TODAY.  She's terrific on it.  For me, it is my favorite Evans album as it is pure and straight forward. But things would change rapidly, as her next five albums were all very successful and produced a bunch of big hits including six number one songs.

Big Song - #2


It was the late 1990's and she was being slowly and steadily guided in a more mainstream or slightly pop-country direction and it worked out perfectly. But the genius part was, she ever really lost that wonderful traditional part of her voice and style.  That was the fine line that Evans walked very well. The songs in written form were not quite as traditional, or were the arrangements, but she still sounded like Sara Evans and that was a great move.  She competed with many great acts of the late 1990's and early 2000's and did very well.  She never achieved what would be called superstar status, but sold about eight million albums and had a real nice fan base.

"I Just Love That Sudszy Bucket Song" -  Alan Jackson


I did a huge interview with her as I was doing mornings on WPCV in Lakeland, Florida when she first came out. She was a a very interesting person to talk with, and she sounded as good in person singing  - as on her first album.  At WPCV, we were an early supporter of her,  I was a believer in her first album and her.  I felt she was the best pure vocalist since Suzy Bogguss, and we were lucky to have her.  Her music was great and the camera loved her as her videos were very popular as well.

Perfect - Underrated Song From Her  #2


Evans as you may know has had many challenges in her personal life, being honest too many to really mention. She survived a terrible car accident as a child. She has had some very contentious divorces, and legal issues within, and much of it for us to see through the media.  She survived a small plane crash, and has personal battles with panic attacks and anxiety for many years that is not only well known and documented, but self-documented. She has been activist for causes close to her over the years.  But through it all she has been a star in music, on TV, and as a record producer. 

Fans Loved This Song


The one thing that has never changed about Sara Evans is that voice.  That remarkable, God-given beautiful voice that sounds so effortless. Over the past 40 plus consecutive years I have played country music on the radio, she is one of the best pure singers we have ever had. She's in the conversation with Suzy Bogguss, Faith Hill, Ronnie Milsap, Trisha Yearwood and select others with voices that are just incredible, and sound good singing about anything that can be sung.

Her Biggest Hit #1 - Look At The Views - Read Comments - Powerful


Sara Evans - A pure singing talent.

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Tuesday, 23 August 2022 01:45

WYNN - Eat Of The Week!

SW small Logo  I love Cuban Sandwiches!  They are my favorite by far.  Today is National Cuban Sandwich Day, and it should be a holiday!  I mean, I'm surprised the banks are open and schools are in session.  They even made a movie about making Cuban Sandwiches a few year ago called, Chef.  (Great movie)

For me, they are too much work to make as they require the right stuff, and the right equipment, and the latter I don't have.  Also, the right know how to make such a good sandwich.  Truth be told, I can't even tell you exactly what is on a Cuban sandwich, because it's pressed down so tightly I can't really see what's going on in there. But I know it's really good!

If you've never had one, you should try one.  They are amazing.  Around here, I know Ray's serves a nice Cuban, and I'm sure a bunch of other places do too.  I even know where they best one is in Cape Coral, Florida where Windy and I spend a bunch of time, as it is right by our house there.  But here is an at home recipe so you can make one ...or 12..... in your own kitchen!


Best Cuban Sandwich EVER!

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Wednesday, 24 August 2022 01:43

WYNN - Reviewing Replay

SW small Logo I know it's been a few days since the terrible call against the Guardians at the plate that cost them a big game.  But the drama played out over the weekend, as Guards catcher, Austin Hedges was fined by MLB for his comments after the game being very critical of the replay officials in New York that changed the game in the first inning. His comments were spot on, the call was ridiculous and even more egregious, unnecessary.  He absolutely knew he would be fined but it all needed to be said out loud by someone on the field.  I hope the team covered the fine. The entire league should send him a thank you card.

His Comments


On the record, I am not against all replay in sports, I do think there is a place for it to be effective.  But I am not a big fan of instant replay in sports being used to "help" officials with singular calls on the field.  I think in that realm, it overall does just the opposite.  Officiating in the NFL is at an all time low by far, in fact it's beyond bad.  NBA, well who cares about the NBA?  MLB, the umps have a very tough job, and have tons of games, and it could be better there too.  In a perfect "Scott World" I would rid it from all sports in that regard, because it doesn't work as well as they would want. IT DOES get many "right", but many times it fails when they need it the most.  Just ask Saints fans from a few years ago.

BUT if you HAVE to have it - I feel this.

In the NFL - Use it for issues of the clock.  In or out of bounds, and goal line scores only.

In MLB  -  Use it for fair or foul, Home run or not

In the NBA - Use it for clock issues, in or out of bounds, and for flagrant foul checks

In the NHL  - They do it the best for the most part, goals, off-sides, and clock issues.

It is always argued that "we have the technology" so let's get it right. Then why is it still so wrong or as controversial as often as it is? I know it all seems like such a good idea, and there are times it is and does work well. But to me, it still doesn't pass the test of being a really good thing overall.  But, it will be expanded, and yes, more than likely the electronic strike zone will be implemented at some point in MLB, and that may be a very big mess, as that is every pitch in every game.

We are never going back I know, but let's hope going forward that officiating and replay both improve dramatically.

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Wednesday, 17 August 2022 01:01

WYNN - Better Times Ahead

SW small Logo It is no secret that things have been expensive lately and we all are sick of it. But was I was reading the other day, and there seems to be a light coming  -  and it's not a train.

Seems things will be much more affordable soon according to some, and that's welcome news.  I'm still not happy about the price of gas, as are you I'm sure, but there has been an easing there to a degree. But we have a ways to go there too.

Click on this article and see what lies ahead.

SOON- You'll Be Able To Afford Things Again

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Friday, 19 August 2022 01:42

WYNN - Wynn At The Movies And More!

Box Office Results - Bullett Train  -  (13 million)


New This Week -   Beast


Fall – Opened in 10th place  - (2.5 million)


Remarkable - Top Gun was #2  (Tie 7.5) at the box office this weekend   


Kung Fu Panda 4 - Will be in theaters March 2024   (Story) 


A John Wick - Prequel series will debut next year on Peacock   (Story)

The 10th Saw - Movie has been slated for theaters October, 2023   (Story)

Ben Affleck - Has put his Pacific Palisades mansion on the market for $30 million (Story)


The FBI – Says that they have concluded that Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger on the gun on the set of “Rust” the gun could not have done what he was claiming  (Story)


This Weekend – Check out my Country Music Memory Lane Article (link)

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Thursday, 18 August 2022 01:40

WYNN - Country Music Memory Lane - Lonestar

SW small Logo Emily is excited that her favorite, Lonestar is coming to the Wayne County Fair, and could I feature them on a Thursday.  Well E, today is your day!

Lonestar is an interesting story that is kind of tough to follow, but here are the highlights.  They formed in 1992 as a group called "Texassee" - a combination of Texas and Tennessee.  They were originally Richie McDonald, John Rich, Micheal Britt, Dean Sams, and Keetch Rainwater (one of my favorite names ever).  Then thankfully someone changed their name to Lonestar.  Over the years there have been many personnel defections, additions, rejoins, and rejoins to this group, and yes they still tour today.  But here we will focus on their great run starting in the mid 1990's.

Their First Radio Hit


When they hit the charts in 1995, there was no doubt they were of the Neo-traditionalist ilk.  They had a real nice Texas country sound and their first couple of albums were of moderate success.  Bands were really gaining traction in country from the late 1980's well into the 1990's. Shenandoah, Blackhawk, Confederate Railroad, Kentucky Headhunters, Little Texas, Southern Pacific, The Desert Rose Band , Diamond Rio, and others had, or were having great success after Alabama paved the way. Lonestar seemed to fit right in, and even though they were not dominating the charts, they were getting a ton of airplay, and were recording darn good music.

Their First Number One Song!


Then in late 1998, John Rich left the band, as it was said publicly that having two lead singers was confusing, and it may have been. I have always maintained that bands in general, country or not, are well served to have a front and center singer for fans to identify with. In Lonestar's case, it would be Richie McDonald.  Rich of course would form Big And Rich and things would be fine for him as he is a gifted songwriter and entertainer.  But his departure seemed to spawn a change in sound and direction with Lonestar.  With all that said, I have always felt there were future directional differences there leading to the John Rich exit.

Amazed - Changed Everything


In 1999 their third album, Lonely Grill was released and it was a new day.  There was no question it was a move towards a far more pop country sound and outward style, and it was a gigantic success. That album had four number one songs on it, including Amazed, which has become not only their signature song, but one of the most loved wedding and country love songs ever and still.  That album propelled them to a new level of popularity, as it sold about four million copies and put them on the map to stay.  The entirety of their being was completely different than at their start.

Another Monster Song


Amazed was a hit on the pop charts, and that would lead to a few other songs of theirs crossing over as well, namely, I'm Already There which was on the next album of the same name. They had successfully reinvented themselves and this would lead to a great line of big songs for about the next five years or so.

 Fans Loved This Song


McDonald then left the band in 2007 and many eyebrows were raised.  The momentum had slowed for them, and the time may have seemed right for his departure, but in country, it seldom is right. He went on to start a solo career.  Truth be told, it was a charting death blow to Lonestar. And for him, the solo career never really took off.

Fans Loved Thier Version


I have been in country radio for 42 consecutive years, and I don't know if I have ever really seen a lead singer leave a very successful country band and have a truly great solo career. For some reason, it generally doesn't work out. And it's been tried a ton of times. It seems that fans just don't respond well to the defection.  Big And Rich had a nice run, but Rich wasn't what McDonald was to the vocals in Lonestar. Even Ronnie Dunn of Brooks And Dunn had a tough time on the charts in the solo arena, and B & D were the absolute baseline for success for 20 years in country.  And even now, we have Tyler Hubbard from Florida Georgia Line setting out on a solo venture, we will see if it gains traction or not.

A Real Family Favorite


But Lonestar had a great run, and were loved by fans for many years. Fans loved their sound, their style and many of their big songs were very relatable to families and those in love.  Much of their music made you feel, and feel good. They recorded Christmas music as well, and that was very popular.  They did something very brave with their reinvention and it paid huge dividends.  They are proof that you are not guaranteed a 20 year chart run, but you can have great success with some risk taking.  But in the end, a ton of hits and nine number one songs.

Always Loved This Early Hit


Lonestar still has a nice fan base and many of their songs take fans back to great times in country when many were just discovering us. They competed at a time that was very competitive. They found a niche, and capitalized on it.

Lonestar - Still shining!

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Tuesday, 16 August 2022 04:55

WYNN - Let's Save Some Money

SW small Logo No one needs to tell us that everything is expensive right now.  So let's find some ways we all can sav a few bucks. Found this article.

Not all a possible, or pertain to everyone, but it's a start.

Money Saving Tips

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Monday, 15 August 2022 04:59

WYNN - Eat Of The Week !

SW small Logo What's better to start the week of than some eggs!  I love eggs!  And here are a whole bunch of amazing egg recipes to dive into, if not today because it's Monday.

Maybe this weekend!


Wynn small pic

Friday, 12 August 2022 01:03

WYNN - Wynn At The Movies And More!

Box Office Results - Bullett Train -   (30 Million)


DISASTER – Easter Sunday opened in 8th Place  -   (5.4 Million)


Top Gun – Passed Titanic on the all-time money list seventh place  (Story) 


New This Week - Fall - The movie -- is about two young women trapped on top of a radio tower 


Lightyear - Already available on Disney Plus - (6 weeks)  (Story)


The Flash - There is a possibility the studio may pull the plug on this 200 million dollar movie due out in June - Too many legal problem for the star Ezra Miller  (Story) 


OK, Enough – There will be a Directors Cut of the last Jurassic World movie - making it 15 minutes LONGER!  (Story)


It Appears – That Steve Martin may be retiring - He's 76  (Story)


This Weekend – Check out my Countown To Neon Nights   (link)

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